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# Thincloud::Authentication

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## Description

A Rails Engine to provide authentication for Thincloud applications.

## Requirements

This gem requires Rails 3.2+ and has been tested on the following versions:

* 3.2

This gem has been tested against the following Ruby versions:

* MRI 1.9.2
* MRI 1.9.3
* MRI 2.0.0
* JRuby 1.6+ (with `JRUBY_OPTS=--1.9`)
* Rubinius 2.0.0dev (with `RBXOPT=-X19`)

This gem has been tested against the following database versions:

* MySQL 5.0, 5.5
* PostgreSQL 9.1, 9.2
* SQLite 3

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

``` ruby
gem "thincloud-authentication"

* Run `bundle`
* Copy the migrations and prepare your databases:

$ rake thincloud_authentication:install:migrations db:migrate db:test:prepare

* Mount the engine in your `config/routes.rb` file:

mount Thincloud::Authentication::Engine => "/auth", as: "auth_engine"

Using the example above, you may now login or signup at [](

### Prerequisites

The following must be true for `thincloud-authentication` to operate properly:

* A `root_url` must be defined in `config/routes.rb`
* A `User` model must exist

## Configuration

The `Thincloud::Authentication` module accepts a `configure` block with options to customize the engine behavior.

### Layouts

Set the `layout` option to customize the layout used by all thincloud-authentication views:

Thincloud::Authentication.configure do |config|
  config.layout = "other"

### Mailers

Set the `mailer_sender` option to customize the "From" address of the emails sent from the system:

Thincloud::Authentication.configure do |config|
  config.mailer_sender = ""

### Cookies

Set the `cookie_options` option to customize the options that get passed to the authentication cookies:

Thincloud::Authentication.configure do |config|
  config.cookie_options = { secure: true, domain: :all }

### Additional provider strategies

* Require the `omniauth-#{provider}` gem before the `thincloud-authentication` gem in the `Gemfile`:

gem "omniauth-linkedin"
gem "omniauth-stripe-connect"
gem "thincloud-authentication"

* Add a key to the `providers` hash with the name of the strategy, followed by additional options for `require`, `scopes` and `fields` as needed. Additionally, you will need to provide environment variables (prefixed with the provider name), with the `consumer_key` and `consumer_secret` values from your OAuth provider.

To enable the [LinkedIn]( and [Stripe Connect]( providers:

* Provide values for following environment variables:
* Add the file `config/initializers/thincloud_authentication.rb` with the following contents:

Thincloud::Authentication.configure do |config|
  config.providers = {
    linkedin: {
      scopes: "r_emailaddress r_basicprofile",
      fields: ["id", "email-address", "first-name", "last-name", "headline",
               "industry", "picture-url", "location", "public-profile-url"]
    stripe_connect: {
      require: "omniauth-stripe-connect",
      scopes: "read_write"

### Vanity Routes

If you want to customize the routes (remove the `/auth` prefix), you may add the following to your `config/routes.rb` file:

get "signup", to: "thincloud/authentication/registrations#new", as: "signup"
get "login", to: "thincloud/authentication/sessions#new", as: "login"
delete "logout", to: "thincloud/authentication/sessions#destroy", as: "logout"

Using the example above, you will have the following routes locally:

* `signup_url` points to "/signup"
* `login_url` points to "/login"
* `logout_url` points to "/logout" - Make sure to use the `delete` method to logout.

### Redirection

You can customize the paths used to redirect users after login, logout, registration and email verification by overriding the corresponding methods in your ApplicationController, or specific controllers, as needed.

* `after_login_path` is used after the user logs in.
* `after_logout_path` is used after the user logs out.
* `after_registration_path` is used after the user registers.
* `after_verification_path` is used after the user verifies their email.
* `after_password_update_path` is used after the user updates their password.

### Working with Identities

Thincloud Authentication provides a few service objects to assist with creating and updating Identities:

* `, name: "Test Name", email: "")` is used to create a new Identity for a user and send an email with an invitation URL which allows the user to choose a password.
* `, password: "s3kr1tz!", password_confirmation: "s3kr1tz!")` is used to update the password for an existing Identity.

Both of the methods above will return `true` or `false`.


* Add multiple, configurable strategy options
* Add a configuration option to customize the mailers

## Contributing

1. [Fork it](
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. [Create a Pull Request](

## License

* Freely distributable and licensed under the [MIT license](
* Copyright (c) 2012 New Leaders ([](
* [](