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Scoopwriter Plugin

The JS-Scoopwriter can be integrated into the Admin interface via a Newscoop Plugin. Newscoop plugins are Symfony Bundles that
extend the functionality of the Newscoop CMS via modular packages that are easy to install. The Scoopwriter plugin is a spearate code base ( that needs to be updated whenever there are changes to the JS-Scoopwriter.  
The JS-Scoopwriter Gruntfile also separates out a specific build that creates the necessary files and directory structure to be included in
a Symfony bundle.


More information about The Scoopwriter Plugin can be found here:  


More information about Newscoop Plugins can be found here:  


More information about Smyfony Bunbles can be found here:  


##### Building for the Newscoop Plugin
grunt build-newscoop

The example above would produce the following project structure:  
    |-- plugin  
    |  |-- Resources  
    |       |-- public  
    |           |-- bower_components  
    |           |-- css  
    |           |-- fonts  
    |           |-- images  
    |           |-- scripts  
    |           |-- styles  
    |           |-- views  
    |       |-- views   
    |           |-- Default  

This entire directory structure will contain the necessary files that will be required to build the Newscoop Plugin.  All of the files here are generated by the grunt build process
and should NOT be modified manually.  To make changes to these files make the necessary changes in the main app/ directory and then run the grunt build again to re-generate the entire directory

* `/plugin` - Root directory for all Newscoop Plugin files.
* `/plugin/public` - Contains fiels and folders that will be publically available in the Newscoop Plugin.
* `/plugin/views` - Contains the twig templates required for the Newscoop Plugin.  Think of this like the plugins main index.html