'use strict';
* A directive which turns an image HTML snippet in article body into the actual
* content image.
* @class droppedImage
angular.module('authoringEnvironmentApp').directive('droppedImage', [
function ($log, $timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
templateUrl: 'views/dropped-image.html',
controller: 'DroppedImageCtrl',
scope: {
articleImageId: '@imageArticleimageid',
alignment: '@imageAlign',
size: '@imageSize'
require: ['dropped-image', '^^dropped-images-container'],
link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs, controllers) {
var ctrl = controllers[0],
imgConfig = {},
parentCtrl = controllers[1],
$element = $(element),
$imageBox = $element.find('.dropped-image'),
$parent = $element.parent(), // Aloha block container
// which size and alignment are currently applied to the image
scope.activeSize = null;
scope.activeAlignment = null;
* Finds parent, in case element was dragged
* and parent was re-created
function findParent() {
return $('.aloha-image-block[data-articleimageid="' +
scope.articleImageId + '"]');
* Retrieves a jQuery reference to the image toolbar node. It
* also makes sure that the toolbar is a direct child of the
* Aloha block node.
* The function contains additional check if $toolbar reference
* has not been obtained yet (useful for cases when DOM node
* might not yet exist).
* @function toolbarNode
* @return {Object}
function toolbarNode() {
var element;
$parent = findParent();
$toolbar = $('#img-toolbar-' +;
if (!$toolbar || $toolbar.length < 1) {
$toolbar = $('#img-toolbar-' +;
element = $toolbar.detach();
return $toolbar;
* Places the toolbar above the image and horizontally
* aligns it based on the image alignment.
* @function positionToolbar
function positionToolbar() {
var cssFloat,
$bar = toolbarNode();
$parent = findParent();
cssFloat = $parent.css('float');
if (cssFloat === 'left') {
left = 0;
} else if (cssFloat === 'right') {
left = $parent.outerWidth() - $bar.outerWidth();
left = Math.round(left);
} else {
left = $imageBox.outerWidth() - $bar.outerWidth();
left = Math.round(left / 2);
// leave some space for Aloha block drag tab
top = -($bar.outerHeight() + 15);
toolbarNode().css({left: left, top: top});
* Emits an aloha event which triggers the editor save button
* @function triggerChangeEvent
function triggerChangeEvent(alohaEditable) {
if (!alohaEditable) {
alohaEditable = Aloha.getEditableById(
if (alohaEditable) {
Aloha.trigger('aloha-smart-content-changed', {
'editable': alohaEditable,
'triggerType': 'paste',
'snapshotContent': alohaEditable.getContents()
// close button's onClick handler
$element.find('button.close').click(function (e) {
var alohaEditable = Aloha.getEditableById(
// notify controller about the removal
$element.find('.caption').click(function (e) {
// clicking the image displays the toolbar
$ (e) {
element.on('$destroy', function() {
* Sets the image alignment and adjusts its margings depending
* on the image position.
* @method setAlignment
* @param position {String} new image alignment (should be one
* of the 'left', 'right' or 'middle')
scope.setAlignment = function (position) {
var cssFloat,
switch (position) {
case 'left':
cssFloat = 'left';
cssMargin = '2% 2% 2% 0';
scope.activeAlignment = 'left';
case 'right':
cssFloat = 'right';
cssMargin = '2% 0 2% 2%';
scope.activeAlignment = 'right';
case 'middle':
cssFloat = 'none';
cssMargin = '2% auto';
scope.activeAlignment = 'middle';
$log.warn('unknown image alignment:', position);
scope.activeAlignment = null;
'float': cssFloat
$parent = findParent();
'float': cssFloat,
'margin': cssMargin
if (position === 'middle') {
$parent.css({margin: 'auto'});
$parent.attr('data-align', position);
* Searches through included stylesheets for a selector and
* returns the value of the propertyName. This is needed to
* get the correct size in pixels of the largest viewport
* (desktop) regardless of what view is currently active
* and calculate correct image size in pixels for attached
* images with size set to "small", "medium", or "big"
* percentages
* @function getStylesheetPropertyValue
* @param selectorText {String} (e.g. '.content .dekstop')
* @param propertyName {String} CSS property (e.g. 'wdith')
function getStylesheetPropertyValue (selectorText,
propertyName) {
// search backwards because the last match is more
// likely the right one
for (var s= document.styleSheets.length - 1; s >= 0; s--) {
var cssRules = document.styleSheets[s].cssRules ||
// IE support
document.styleSheets[s].rules || [];
for (var c=0; c < cssRules.length; c++) {
if (cssRules[c].selectorText === selectorText) {
return cssRules[c].style[propertyName];
return null;
* Sets the size of the image to one of the predifined sizes
* (e.g. 'big') or to the exact width in pixels. If the given
* size is unknown, it sets the width to the original size of
* the image.
* @method setSize
* @param size {String} image size (e.g. 'small', 'medium',
* 'big', '82px')
* @param initPhase {Boolean} a flag indicating whether the
* method is invoked during the init phase (when the image
* has just been retrieved but not rendered yet)
scope.setSize = function (size, initPhase) {
var width;
$parent = findParent();
if (size.match(/^\d+px$/)) {
width = size.substring(0, size.length - 2);
scope.activeSize = 'custom';
} else if (size in AES_SETTINGS.image.width) {
width = AES_SETTINGS.image.width[size];
scope.activeSize = size;
* Here we need to calculate the width
* of the image in pixels using the max-width
* defined in the aes-custom-styles.css
* stylesheet, and the configured image
* width settings in AES_SETTINGS
var desktopWidth = getStylesheetPropertyValue(
'.authoring-environment ' +
var maxSizeInPixels =
parseInt(desktopWidth) * (parseInt(width) / 100);
maxSizeInPixels + 'px'
} else {
// set to original image size (NOTE: add 2px because
// border width is subtracted from image width due to
// the "border-box" box-sizing property that we use)
width = scope.image.width + 2 + 'px';
scope.activeSize = 'original';
$element.innerWidth() + 'px'
// NOTE: use .css() instead of .width() as the latter
// does not set the desired pixel width due to "border-box"
// box-sizing CSS property that we use
$parent.css('width', width);
$element.css('width', '100%');
$parent.attr('data-size', size);
scope.widthPx = $element.innerWidth();
if (initPhase) {
// in the init phase, innerWidth returns width with
// border included, thus we need to adjust for that
scope.widthPx -= 2;
* Sets the width of the image to the specified number of
* pixels. Image height is left intact (to let the browser
* automatically adjust it).
* @method changePixelSize
* @param width {Number} image width in pixels
// XXX: unify this method and the setSize method as they serve
// the same purpose
scope.changePixelSize = function (width) {
if (angular.isNumber(width) && width > 0) {
width = Math.round(width);
$element.css('width', width + 'px');
// we must reselect parent here, in case image has been
// drag-dropped, which creates a new parent
$parent = findParent();
// add 2px to parent to account for child's border
// NOTE: must use .css() instead of .width() to set
// the exact size in pixels (b/c we use "border-box"
// box-sizing property)
$parent.css('width', width + 2 + 'px');
$parent.attr('data-size', width + 'px');
width + 'px'
100 + '%'
scope.widthPx = width;
scope.activeSize = 'custom';
// set default values if needed and set image properties
// XXX: for some reason the directive is sometimes fired twice
// and values in scope (except for articleImageId) get lost.
// We thus copy image properties to imgConfig object to
// preserve them.
imgConfig.alignment = scope.alignment || 'middle';
imgConfig.size = scope.size || AES_SETTINGS.image_size;
ctrl.init(parseInt(scope.articleImageId, 10))
.then(function () {
scope.setSize(imgConfig.size, true);
// asynchronously re-position the toolbar b/c initially,
// $bar.outerWidth() returns null instead of the bar's
// actual width, causing an incorrect initial positioning
$timeout(positionToolbar, 0);
} // end postLink function