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'use strict';

* AngularJS Service for managing article comments.
* @class comments
angular.module('authoringEnvironmentApp').service('comments', [
    function comments(
        articleService, $http, $q, $resource, transform, pageTracker,
        $log, nestedSort
    ) {
        /* max number of comments per page, decrease it in order to
         * test pagination, and sorting change with paginated
         * comments */
        var article = articleService.articleInstance,
            itemsPerPage = 50,
            self = this,  // alias for the comments service itself
            sorting = 'nested';

        * A flag indicating whether there are more comments to be loaded.
        * @property canLoadMore
        * @type Boolean
        * @default true
        self.canLoadMore = true;

        * A list of all comments loaded so far.
        * @property loaded
        * @type Array
        * @default []
        self.loaded = [];

        * A list of currently displayed comments.
        * @property displayed
        * @type Array
        * @default []
        self.displayed = [];

        * Helper service for tracking which comments pages have been loaded.
        * @property tracker
        * @type Object (instance of pageTracker)
        self.tracker = pageTracker.getTracker();

        * Helper object for communication with the backend API.
        * @property tracker
        * @type Object (as created by Angular's $resource factory)
        self.resource = $resource(
                'newscoop_gimme_comments_getcommentsforarticle_1', {}, true
            ) + '/:articleNumber/:languageCode',
                create: {
                    method: 'POST',
                    transformRequest: transform.formEncode
                patch: {
                    method: 'PATCH',
                    url: Routing.generate(
                            'newscoop_gimme_comments_updatecomment_1', {}, true
                        ) + '/:articleNumber/:languageCode/:commentId',
                    transformRequest: transform.formEncode
                save: {
                    method: 'POST',
                    url: Routing.generate(
                        'newscoop_gimme_comments_createcomment', {}, true
                        ) + '/:articleNumber/:languageCode/:commentId',
                    transformRequest: transform.formEncode
                delete: {
                    method: 'DELETE',
                    url: Routing.generate(
                        'newscoop_gimme_comments_deletecomment_1', {}, true
                        ) + '/:articleNumber/:languageCode/:commentId'
                toggleRecommended: {
                    method: 'PATCH',
                    url: Routing.generate(
                        'newscoop_gimme_comments_updatecomment', {}, true
                        ) + '/:commentId.json'

        * Asynchronously adds a new comment and displays it after it has been
        * successfully stored on the server.
        * @method add
        * @param par {Object} A wrapper around the object containing
        *   comment data. As such it can be directly passed to the relevant
        *   method of self.resource object.
        *   @param par.comment {Object} The actual object with comment data.
        *     @param par.comment.subject {String} Comment's subject
        *     @param par.comment.message {String} Comment's body
        *     @param [par.comment.parent] {Number} ID of the parent comment
        * @return {Object} A promise object
        self.add = function (par) {
            var deferred = $q.defer();

                articleNumber: article.articleId,
                languageCode: article.language
            }, par, function (data, headers) {
                var url = headers('X-Location');
                if (url) {
                    $http.get(url).success(function (data) {
                        // just add the new comment to the end and filters
                        // will take care of the correct ordering
                } else {
                    // the header may not be available if the server
                    // is on a different domain (we are in this
                    // situation at the beginning of dev) and it is
                    // not esplicitely enabled

            return deferred.promise;

        * Initializes all internal variables to their default values, then
        * loads and displays the first batch of article comments.
        * @method init
        self.init = function (opt) {
            // XXX: from user experience perspective current behavior might
            // not be ideal (to reload everything, e.g. after adding a new
            // comment), but for now we stick with it as a reasonable
            // compromise between UX and complexity of the logic in code
            self.tracker = pageTracker.getTracker();
            self.canLoadMore = true;
            self.loaded = [];
            self.displayed = [];
            if (opt && opt.sorting) {
                sorting = opt.sorting;
            } else {
                sorting = 'nested';
            self.load( (data) {
                self.displayed =;
                if (self.canLoadMore) {
                    // prepare the next batch
                    self.load( (data) {
                        self.loaded = self.loaded.concat(data.items);

        * If there are more comments to be loaded from the server, the method
        * first takes one page of comments from the pre-loaded comments list
        * and appends them to the end of the displayed comments list. After
        * that it also asynchronously loads the next page of comments from
        * the server.
        * @method more
        self.more = function () {
            if (self.canLoadMore) {
                var additional = self.loaded.splice(0, itemsPerPage);
                additional =;
                self.displayed = self.displayed.concat(additional);
                var next =;
                self.load(next).then(function (data) {
                    self.loaded = self.loaded.concat(data.items);
            } else {
                    'More comments required, but the service cannot ' +
                    'load more of them. In this case the user should not ' +
                    'be able to trigger this request'

        * Asynchronously loads a single page of article comments.
        * @method load
        * @param page {Number} Index of the page to load
        *     (NOTE: page indices start with 1)
        * @return {Object} A promise object
        self.load = function (page) {
            var deferred = $q.defer(),

            if (sorting === 'nested') {
                sortingPart = 'nested';
            } else {
                sortingPart = '';

            url = Routing.generate(
                    number: article.articleId,
                    language: article.language,
                    order: sortingPart,
                    items_per_page: itemsPerPage,
                    page: page

            $http.get(url).success(function (data) {
                if (pageTracker.isLastPage(data.pagination)) {
                    self.canLoadMore = false;
            }).error(function () {
                // in case of failure remove the page from the tracker

            return deferred.promise;
        * Creates and returns a comparison function. This functions accepts an
        * object with the "id" attribute as a parameter and returns true if
        * is equal to the value of the "id" parameter passed to
        * the method. If not, the created comparison function returns false.
        * The returned comparison function can be used, for instance, as a
        * parameter to various utility functions - one example would be
        * a function, which filters given array based on some criteria.
        * @method matchMaker
        * @param id {Number} Value to which the will be compared in
        *   the comparison function (can also be a numeric string).
        *   NOTE: before comparison the parameter is converted to integer
        *   using the built-in parseInt() function.
        * @return {Function} Generated comparison function.
        self.matchMaker = function (id) {
            return function (needle) {
                return parseInt( === parseInt(id);

        * Changes the 'selected' status of the selected comments (if commentId
        * is not given) or of a specific comment (if commentId is given).
        * If `deep` is set to true, affected comments' subcomments' statuses
        * are changed, too.
        * @method changeSelectedStatus
        * @param status {String} the new status to be set
        * @param deep {Boolean} whether or not to change the statuses of
        *     affected comments' subcomments as well
        * @param [commentId] {Number} ID of a specific comment to change
        *     status for
        self.changeSelectedStatus = function (status, deep, commentId) {
            var comment = null,
                displayed = self.displayed, // just an alias
                i = 0,
                len = displayed.length,
                toChange = [];  // list of comments for which to change status

            if (!deep && typeof commentId !== 'undefined') {
                // a specific comment
                displayed.forEach(function (item) {
                    if ( === commentId) {

            if (!deep && typeof commentId === 'undefined') {
                // all selected comments
                displayed.forEach(function (item) {
                    if (item.selected) {

            if (deep && typeof commentId !== 'undefined') {
                // a specific comment and all of its subcomments
                while (i < len) {
                    if (comment) {
                        // comment with a commentId has already been found
                        if (displayed[i].thread_level > comment.thread_level) {
                        } else {
                            break;  // no more subcomments
                    } else if (displayed[i].id === commentId) {
                        comment = displayed[i];
            } else {  // deep && typeof commentId === 'undefined'
                // selected comments and all of their subcomments
                while (i < len) {
                    if (comment) {
                        // a selected comment has been found
                        if (displayed[i].thread_level > comment.thread_level) {
                        } else {
                            // end of comment's sublevels
                            comment = null;
                            continue;  // NOTE: i is not incremented here!
                    } else if (displayed[i].selected) {
                        comment = displayed[i];

            toChange.forEach(function (comment) {

        * Decorates an object containing raw comment data (as returned by
        * the API) with properties and methods, turning it into a
        * self-contained "comment entity", which knows how to manage itself
        * (e.g. editing, saving, removing...)
        * @class decorate
        * @param comment {Object} Object containing comment's (meta)data
        * @return {Object} Decorated comment object
        function decorate(comment) {
            * @class comment

            * Reflects the checkbox on the left of every comment
            * @property selected
            * @type Boolean
            * @default false
            comment.selected = false;

            * How the comment is currently displayed (collapsed or expanded).
            * @property showStatus
            * @type String
            * @default "collapsed"
            comment.showStatus = 'collapsed';

            * A flag indicating whether the comment is currently being edited.
            * @property isEdited
            * @type Boolean
            * @default false
            comment.isEdited = false;

            * A flag indicating whether the comment is marked as
            * recommended or not.
            * @property recommended
            * @type Boolean
            comment.recommended = !!comment.recommended;  // to Boolean

            * An object holding comment properties yet to be saved on
            *   the server
            * @property editing
            comment.editing = {status: comment.status};

            * Object holding a subject and a message of the new reply to
            * the comment.
            * @property reply
            * @type Object
            * @default {subject: 'Re: <comment-subject>', message: ''}
            comment.reply = {
                subject: 'Re: ' + comment.subject,
                message: ''

            * A flag indicating whether or not a reply-to-comment mode is
            * currently active.
            * @property isReplyMode
            * @type Boolean
            * @default false
            comment.isReplyMode = false;

            * A flag indicating whether or not a reply is currently being
            * sent to the server.
            * @property sendingReply
            * @type Boolean
            * @default false
            comment.sendingReply = false;

            * Sets comment's display status to collapsed.
            * @method collapse
            comment.collapse = function () {
                this.showStatus = 'collapsed';
                this.isReplyMode = false;

            * Sets comment's display status to expanded.
            * @method expand
            comment.expand = function () {
                this.showStatus = 'expanded';

            * Changes comment's display status from expanded to collapsed or
            * vice versa.
            * @method toggle
            comment.toggle = function () {
                if ('expanded' === this.showStatus) {
                } else {

            * Puts comment into edit mode.
            * @method edit
            comment.edit = function () {
                this.editing.subject = this.subject;
                this.editing.message = this.message;
                this.isEdited = true;
                this.isReplyMode = false;

            * End comment's edit mode.
            * @method cancel
            comment.cancel = function () {
                this.isEdited = false;

            * Asynchronously saves/updates the comment and ends the edit mode.
            * @method save
   = function () {
                var comment = this,
                    deferred = $q.defer();

                    articleNumber: article.articleId,
                    languageCode: article.language,
                }, { comment: comment.editing }, function () {
                    comment.subject = comment.editing.subject;
                    comment.message = comment.editing.message;
                    comment.isEdited = false;
                }, function () {

                return deferred.promise;

            * Asynchronously deletes the comment.
            * @method remove
            comment.remove = function () {
                var comment = this;

                    articleNumber: article.articleId,
                    languageCode: article.language,
                }).$promise.then(function () {

            * Enters into reply-to-comment mode.
            * @method replyTo
            comment.replyTo = function () {
                comment.isReplyMode = true;

            * Exits from reply-to-comment mode.
            * @method cancelReply
            comment.cancelReply = function () {
                comment.isReplyMode = false;

            * Asynchronously adds a new reply to the comment and displays it
            * after successfully storing it on the server.
            * @method sendReply
            comment.sendReply = function () {
                var comment = this,
                    deferred = $q.defer(),
                    // alias for the comment object itself
                    replyData = angular.copy(comment.reply);
                replyData.parent =;
                comment.sendingReply = true;
                self.add({ 'comment': replyData }).then(function () {
                    comment.sendingReply = false;
                    comment.isReplyMode = false;
                    comment.reply = {
                        subject: 'Re: ' + comment.subject,
                        message: ''
                }, function () {

                return deferred.promise;

            * Asynchronously toggle the comment between being and not-being
            * marked as recommended.
            * @method toggleRecommended
            comment.toggleRecommended = function () {
                var comment = this, newStatus = !comment.recommended;
                    {comment: {recommended: newStatus ? 1 : 0 }},
                    function () {
                        comment.recommended = newStatus;

            * Ask to the server to change the status, rollback if it fails
            * @method changeStatus
            comment.changeStatus = function (newStatus) {
                var comment = this;

                    articleNumber: article.articleId,
                    languageCode: article.language,
                }, { comment: { status: newStatus } }, function () {
                    // success
                    comment.status = newStatus;
                }, function () {
                    // failure
                        'error changing the status for the comment');

            return comment;