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'use strict';

* Constructor function for modal confirmations controllers.
* @class ModalCtrlConstructor
* @param $scope {Object} AngularJS $scope object
* @param $modalInstance {Object} AngularJS UI instance of the modal
*     window the coontroller controls.
* @param title {String} title of the modal window
* @param text {String} text in the modal window's body
// XXX: this is defined as a variable, because there were *big* problems with
// injecting controller as a dependency (and we need it to pass it as a
// parameter to $
var ModalCtrlConstructor = function ($scope, $modalInstance, title, text) {

    $scope.title = title;
    $scope.text = text;

    * Closes the modal with a resolution of OK.
    * @method ok
    $scope.ok = function () {

    * Closes the modal with a resolution of CANCEL.
    * @method ok
    $scope.cancel = function () {

// needed so that it works even when the code gets minified
ModalCtrlConstructor.$inject = ['$scope', '$modalInstance', 'title', 'text'];

* AngularJS Service for creating modal dialog instances.
* @class modalFactory
angular.module('authoringEnvironmentApp').factory('modalFactory', [
    function ($modal) {

        return {
            * @class modalFactory

            * Creates a new confirmation dialog instance.
            * @class createConfirmInstance
            * @param title {String} title of the modal window
            * @param text {String} text in the modal window's body
            * @param isHeavy {Boolean} whether to create a "heavy" version
            *   of the confirmation dialog
            * @return {Object} AngularJS UI modal dialog instance
            _createConfirmInstance: function (title, text, isHeavy) {
                // this method, although "private", is publicly exposed in the
                // factory object for easier testability
                var templateUrl = isHeavy ?
                    'views/modal-confirm-heavy.html' :

                return ${
                    templateUrl: templateUrl,
                    controller: ModalCtrlConstructor,
                    backdrop: 'static',
                    keyboard: false,
                    resolve: {
                        title: function () {
                            return title;
                        text: function () {
                            return text;

            * Opens a "light" confirmation dialog (generally used for
            * confirming non-critical actions).
            * @method confirmLight
            * @param title {String} title of the modal window
            * @param text {String} text in the modal window's body
            * @return {Object} modal dialog instance
            confirmLight: function (title, text) {
                return this._createConfirmInstance(title, text, false);

            * Opens a "heavy" confirmation dialog (generally used for
            * confirming critical actions with major and/or irreversible
            * effects).
            * @method confirmHeavy
            * @param title {String} title of the modal window
            * @param text {String} text in the modal window's body
            * @return {Object} modal dialog instance
            confirmHeavy:  function (title, text) {
                return this._createConfirmInstance(title, text, true);
