layout: page
title: Page Not Found
permalink: /404.html
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search: false
<img src="/images/greek-tragedy.png" alt="Greek Tragedy Mask" class="mask-404" />
<h1>Page Not Found</h1>
<p>The page you're trying to find doesn't exist on this website. Here are a couple of this you could try:</p>
<li>Try our search, up in the top right</li>
<li>Browse through the <a href="/years/">by-year archive</a> of shows and committees</li>
<li>Look up <a href="/people/">alumni profiles</a></li>
<li>Read about the <a href="/history/">history of the Nottingham New Theatre</a></li>
<li>Start again at the <a href="/">home page.</a></li>
<p>Should there be something here? Let us know by <a href="https://github.com/newtheatre/history-project/issues/new?body={{page.url}}" data-proofer-ignore data-report-this-page>sending the editors a message</a>.</p>