class PeopleGrid
constructor: (opts) ->
@gridEl = opts.gridEl
@scrollerEl = opts.scrollerEl
@gridScrollEls = @gridEl.querySelectorAll('.scroll-detect')
@gridActiveEl = null
@windowPos = -1 # Make run on pageload
@currentEl = null
@enabled = true
update: (timestamp) =>
# Only run if scroll has occurred
if @windowPos == window.scrollY
window.requestAnimationFrame(@update) if @enabled
@windowPos = window.scrollY
return 0
@windowPos = window.scrollY
lastEl = @gridScrollEls[0]
for el in @gridScrollEls
ePosCurrent = el.getBoundingClientRect().top
if ePosCurrent > 60
# The previous element is the current element
@setCurrent(lastEl) if @currentEl isnt lastEl
found = true
lastEl = el
# Selection of last element
unless found
if ePosCurrent < 60
@setCurrent(lastEl) if @currentEl isnt lastEl
window.requestAnimationFrame(@update) if @enabled
setCurrent: (el) ->
# Get sort data (A, B, C, &c)
sort = el.dataset.sortLabel
# Remove old active class
old_active = @scrollerEl.querySelector('.active')
old_active.classList.remove('active') if old_active
# Add new active class
new_active = @scrollerEl.querySelector("[data-sort='#{sort}']")
# Save current el
@currentEl = el
destructor: ->
@enabled = false
document.addEventListener 'turbolinks:load', ->
# Tear down existing
if window.peopleGridEl
delete window.peopleGridEl
# Create
peopleGridEl = document.querySelector('#pg')
peopleScrollerEl = document.querySelector('#pgScroller')
if peopleGridEl
window.prodShotsGallery = new PeopleGrid
gridEl: peopleGridEl
scrollerEl: peopleScrollerEl