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Test Coverage
- attr: title
  type: string
  short: Show title
  description: "Displayed at the top of the show page and on various other pages. Should be the title of this performance, may not quite match the title of the play – see `canonical`."
  required: true

- attr: playwright
  type: string
  short: Full name of the playwright
  description: "Omit if using devised, set to `various` if compilation."

- attr: playwright_false 
  type: boolean 
  short: Exclude student playwright from crew list 
  description: "Only used when `student_written: true`. Excludes the student adaptor, translator, or playwright from the crew list."

- attr: playwright_alias 
  type: string 
  short: Student name of the playwright 
  description: "Student playwrights occasionally use aliases to write under. Use their student name here to ensure attribution is given in the crew list."

- attr: devised
  short: Used if play was devised
  description: "Either `true` for generic output or a descriptor. Example descriptor: `Cast and Crew` will output “Devised by Cast and Crew”. Omit if using playwright."

- attr: improvised
  short: Used if a play was (fully) improvised. 
  description: "Omit if false. Primarily used for fully improvised shows, rather than scripted shows with improvised elements."

- attr: adaptor
  type: string
  short: Full name of adaptor
  description: "Outputs as “Adapted by adaptor”."

- attr: translator
  type: string
  short: Full name of the translator
  description: "Outputs as “Translated by translator”."

- attr: playwright_type
  type: string
  short: Playwright type
  description: Either `playwright`, `devised`, `improvised`, `various`, or `unknown`.
  generated: true

- attr: playwright_formatted
  type: string
  short: Short form formatted playwright string
  description: Excludes adaptor and other additional details.
  generated: true

- attr: playwright_formatted_long
  type: string
  short: Long form formatted playwright string
  description: Includes adaptor and othe additional details.
  generated: true

- attr: canonical
  # type: not defined yet
  short: List of canonical titles and playwrights for reverse lookup.
  description: "Specify titles and/or playwrights in a list. See [#486]("

- attr: student_written
  type: boolean
  short: Show written by a NNT member
  description: "Set to `true`; `false` or line missing are equivalent. In order of precedence, the adaptor, translator, or playwright are then given a role in the crew list. Suppress this behaviour with `playwright_false`"

- attr: company
  type: string
  short: Non-NNT only, the name of the company

- attr: company_sort 
  type: string 
  short: Primary name for the company.
  description: "Group together companies where the company name has changed over time. Use the name at the time of the show. See [#1614]("

- attr: period
  type: string
  short: "Choices: `Autumn`, `Spring` or `Edinburgh`. Omit if unknown."

- attr: season
  type: string
  short: Season show belongs to
  description: "Choices: `In House`, `Fringe`, `External`, `StuFF`, `Edinburgh`, `Lakeside`, `Fundraiser`, `IUDF`, `Unscripted`, `Online`."
  required: true

- attr: season_path
  type: string
  short: Absolute path to season page
  description: "Path instead of document as show pages data is generated before season documents exist."
  generated: true

- attr: season_sort
  type: number
  short: Order which this show comes in the entire year
  description: "Use multiples of 10 for ease of additions.\nRoughly: Autumn should start at 30, Spring 200 and Edinburgh 400. Shows then fall at 30, 40, 50 *&c*"
  required: true

- attr: ignore_missing
  type: boolean
  short: Suppresses missing detail warnings
  description: "Is `true` when season matches External, Postgrads or STUFF (as per list in `_config.yml`)."
  generated: true

- attr: year
  type: string
  short: Year identifier
  description: YY_YY
  generated: true

- attr: year_page
  type: document
  short: Year page
  generated: true

- attr: seq_index
  type: number
  short: Index of set of all shows
  description: "Zero is youngest show."
  generated: true

- attr: seq_next
  type: document
  short: Show page next in sequence
  description: "`seq_index` + 1"
  generated: true

- attr: seq_previous
  type: document
  short: Show page previous in sequence
  description: "`seq_index` - 1"
  generated: true

- attr: redirect_from
  type: array
  short: Array of URLs to redirect to this record
  description: "Used to migrate from old URL scheme to new; jekyll-redirect-from generates the redirects (pages with meta redirect tags)."
  generated: true

- attr: venue
  type: string
  short: Venue show was performed in.
  description: "Used to match all shows performed in venue, ensure text matches."

- attr: venue_sort
  type: string
  short: Group of venues venue belongs to.
  description: "Will group show together with other shows with the same sort. For example C cubed, C nova, C soco, C too can all be grouped as C venues."

- attr: venue_path
  type: string
  short: Absolute path to venue page
  description: "Path instead of document as show pages data is generated before venue documents exist."
  generated: true

- attr: date_start
  type: date
  short: Date of first performance
  description: "In the format YYYY-MM-DD."

- attr: date_end
  type: date
  short: Date of last performance
  description: "In the format YYYY-MM-DD, omit if show only ran one day."

- attr: tour
  type: array
  short: List of tours the show has been on (NSDF &c).
  description: "Specify venue, date_start, date_end and notes. See [#12]( Shows taken to Edinburgh should have a separate show created under the Edinburgh period."

- attr: excerpt
  type: string
  description: "Generated excerpt of synopsis for use in search results and other summaries."
  generated: true

- attr: trivia
  type: array
  short: List of trivia hashes.
  description: "List of trivia / anecdotes / short stories about the show. See [trivia list](/docs/trivia-list/)."

- attr: cast
  type: array
  short: Cast members
  description: "Uses the [person list](/docs/person_list/) format."

- attr: cast_incomplete 
  type: boolean 
  short: Incomplete Cast 
  description: Enforces the 'Missing Details' box to appear regardless of cast size.

- attr: cast_note 
  type: string 
  description: Replaces the text in the default 'Missing Details' box with a custom string (does not replace the call to action). Only appears when `cast_incomplete` is set to `true`, as there is no minimum cast size.

- attr: crew
  type: array
  short: Crew members
  description: "Uses the [person list](/docs/person_list/) format. _Note: You do not need to include the playwright as a member of the crew as this is handled automatically._"

- attr: crew_incomplete 
  type: boolean 
  short: Incomplete Crew 
  description: Enforces the 'Missing Details' box to appear regardless of crew size (automatically appears when there are fewer than 5 crew). Suppress automatic behaviour by setting `false`.

- attr: crew_note 
  type: string 
  description: Replaces the text in the default 'Missing Details' box with a custom string (does not replace the call to action). 

- attr: prod_shots
  type: string
  short: SmugMug album ID for production shots
  description: "Use [util/smug-albums](/util/smug-albums/) to find the AlbumID. Fetch is limited to the first 350 items."

- attr: smugmug_album
  type: hash
  short: SmugAlbum object for prod_shots
  generated: true

- attr: assets
  type: array
  short: Publicity and other materials
  description: "Uses the [photos and assets](/docs/photos_and_assets/) format."

- attr: poster
  type: hash
  short: Selected asset to use as show poster
  description: Currently identical to `display_image`.
  generated: true

- attr: display_image
  type: hash
  short: Selected asset to use as show display image
  description: "Used to represent show in search results, people records *&c*. Order of precedence: override assets, posters, flyers, programmes."
  generated: true

- attr: comment
  type: string
  short: Reserved for editor comments
  description: "Displayed in editors’ mode."
  generated: false