const PageStrongPasswordInput = require('../../../src/components/StrongPasswordInput/pageObject');
const INPUT = '#strong-password-input-1';
describe('StrongPasswordInput base example', () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
await browser.url('/#!/StrongPasswordInput/1');
beforeEach(async () => {
await browser.refresh();
const component = await $(INPUT);
await component.waitForExist();
it('should put the input element focused when is clicked', async () => {
const input = new PageStrongPasswordInput(INPUT);
await expect(await input.hasFocusInput()).toBe(true);
it('should put the input element focused when the label element is clicked', async () => {
const input = new PageStrongPasswordInput(INPUT);
await input.clickLabel();
await expect(await input.hasFocusInput()).toBe(true);