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YUI.add('wireit-app', function (Y, NAME) {

// -- LocalStorageSync ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Saves WiringModel
function LocalStorageSync(key) {
    var localStorage;

    if (!key) {
        Y.error('No storage key specified.');

    if ( {
        localStorage =;

    // Try to retrieve existing data from localStorage, if there is any.
    // Otherwise, initialize `data` to an empty object.
    var data = Y.JSON.parse((localStorage && localStorage.getItem(key)) || '{}');

    // Delete a model with the specified id.
    function destroy(id) {
        var modelHash;

        if ((modelHash = data[id])) {
            delete data[id];

        return modelHash;

    // Generate a unique id to assign to a newly-created model.
    function generateId() {
        var id = '',
            i  = 4;

        while (i--) {
            id += (((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) | 0)

        return id;

    // Loads a model with the specified id. This method is a little tricky,
    // since it handles loading for both individual models and for an entire
    // model list.
    // If an id is specified, then it loads a single model. If no id is
    // specified then it loads an array of all models. This allows the same sync
    // layer to be used for both the TodoModel and TodoList classes.
    function get(id) {
        return id ? data[id] : Y.Object.values(data);

    // Saves the entire `data` object to localStorage.
    function save() {
        localStorage && localStorage.setItem(key, Y.JSON.stringify(data));

    // Sets the id attribute of the specified model (generating a new id if
    // necessary), then saves it to localStorage.
    function set(model) {
        var hash        = model.toJSON(),
            idAttribute = model.idAttribute;

        if (!Y.Lang.isValue(hash[idAttribute])) {
            hash[idAttribute] = generateId();

        data[hash[idAttribute]] = hash;

        return hash;

    // Returns a `sync()` function that can be used with either a Model or a
    // ModelList instance.
    return function (action, options, callback) {
        // `this` refers to the Model or ModelList instance to which this sync
        // method is attached.
        var isModel = Y.Model && this instanceof Y.Model;

        switch (action) {
        case 'create': // intentional fallthru
        case 'update':
            callback(null, set(this));

        case 'read':
            callback(null, get(isModel && this.get('id')));

        case 'delete':
            callback(null, destroy(isModel && this.get('id')));

// -- WiringModel ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Y.WiringModel = Y.Base.create('wiringModel', Y.Model, [], {
   sync: LocalStorageSync('wireit-app')
}, {
   ATTRS: {
      id: {value: null},
      name       : {value: ''},
      containers   : {value: []},
      description: {value: ''},
      wires   : {value: []}

// -- WiringModelList ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Y.WiringModelList = Y.Base.create('wiringModelList', Y.ModelList, [], {
   sync: LocalStorageSync('wireit-app'),
    model    : Y.WiringModel

Y.WiringListView = Y.Base.create('wiringListView', Y.View, [], {
   template: Y.Handlebars.compile('#t-wiring-list').getContent()),
   /*initializer: function () {
   render: function () {
      var content = this.template({wirings: this.get('modelList').toJSON() });
      return this;

// -- ContainerType ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Y.ContainerType = Y.Base.create('containerModel', Y.Model, [], {
   // The `id` attribute for this Model will be an alias for `name`.
   idAttribute: 'name'
}, {
   ATTRS: {
      name       : {value: null},
      description: {value: null},
      config   : {value: null}

// -- ContainerTypeList -----------------------------------------------------------------
Y.ContainerTypeList = Y.Base.create('containerTypeList', Y.ModelList, [], {
   model: Y.ContainerType

// -- Editor View ------------------------------------------------------------
Y.EditorView = Y.Base.create('editorView', Y.View, [], {
   template: Y.Handlebars.compile('#t-editor').getContent()),
   events: {
      '#wiring-save-btn': {click: 'saveWiring'}
   render: function () {
      var content = this.template({
         containerTypes: this.get('containerTypes').toJSON()
      // Make items draggable to the layer
      var that = this;
      this.get('container').all('.containerType-name').each(function (node) {
         var drag = new Y.DD.Drag({ 
            node: node,
            groups: ['containerType']
         }).plug(Y.Plugin.DDProxy, {
            cloneNode: true,
            moveOnEnd: false
         drag._containerTypeName = node._node.attributes["app-container-name"].value; //node._node.innerHTML;
         // On drom, add it to the layer
         drag.on('drag:drophit',  function (ev) {
            var p = that.layer.get('boundingBox').getXY();
            that._addContainerFromName(ev.drag._containerTypeName, {
               x: ev.drag.lastXY[0] - p[0],
               y: ev.drag.lastXY[1] - p[1]
         }, this);
      return this;
   _renderLayer: function () {
      this.layer = new Y.Layer({
         height: 500
      // Create the Drop object
      var drop = new Y.DD.Drop({
         node: this.layer.get('contentBox'),
         groups: ['containerType']
      this.layer.render( this.get('container').one('#layer-container') );

      var wiring = this.get('model');
      if(wiring) {
         this.setWiring( wiring );
   saveWiring: function (e) {
      var o = {
         name:'#wiring-name').get('value') || 'Unnamed'
      // Children are containers
      o.containers = [];
      Y.Array.each(this.layer._items, function (item) {
            containerType: item.containerTypeName,
            config: item.toJSON()

      // Wires:
      o.wires = [];
      var layer = this.layer;
      Y.Array.each(this.layer._wires, function (wire) {
         var src = wire.get('src');
         var tgt = wire.get('tgt');
         o.wires.push( {
            src: { container: layer._items.indexOf( src.get('parent') ), terminal: src.get('name') },
            tgt: { container: layer._items.indexOf( tgt.get('parent') ), terminal: tgt.get('name') },
            config: wire.toJSON()
      if( this.get('model') ) {
      else {
         this.set('model', new Y.WiringModel(o) );
      // TODO: add only one message
      var s = Y.Node.create('<div class="alert-message bg-warning" style="width: 300px; z-index: 10001;"><p>Saved !</p></div>').appendTo(document.body);
      var anim = new Y.Anim({
          node: s,
          duration: 0.5,
          easing: Y.Easing.easeOut,
         from: { xy: [400, -50] },
         to: { xy: [400, 2] }
      anim.on('end', function () {
         Y.later(1000, this, function () {
            (new Y.Anim({
                node: s,
                duration: 0.5,
                easing: Y.Easing.easeOut,
               to: { xy: [400, -50] }
   setWiring: function (wiring) {
      var that = this,
          layer = this.layer;

      Y.Array.each( wiring.get('containers'), function (container) {
         that._addContainerFromName(container.containerType,  container.config);
         Y.on('available', function (el) {
  '#wiring-name').set('value', wiring.get('name') );
         }, '#wiring-name');

      Y.Array.each( wiring.get('wires'), function (wire) {

         // prevent bad configs...
         if(!wire.src || !wire.tgt) return;
         var srcContainer = layer.item(wire.src.container),
             srcTerminal = srcContainer.getTerminal(wire.src.terminal),
             tgtContainer = layer.item(wire.tgt.container),
             tgtTerminal = tgtContainer.getTerminal(wire.tgt.terminal);
         // TODO: wire.config;
         var w = layer.graphic.addShape({
            type: Y.BezierWire,
            stroke: {
                weight: 4,
                color: "rgb(173,216,230)" 

            src: srcTerminal,
            tgt: tgtTerminal

      // TODO: this is awful ! But we need to wait for everything to render & position
      Y.later(200, this, function () {
   _addContainerFromName: function (containerTypeName, containerConfig) {
      var containerType = this.get('containerTypes').getById(containerTypeName);
      var containerConf = Y.mix({}, containerType.get('config'));
      containerConf = Y.mix(containerConf, containerConfig);
      var container =  this.layer.item(this.layer.size()-1);
      container.containerTypeName = containerTypeName;
}, {
   ATTRS: {
      containerTypes: {
         value: null
 * @module wireit-app

// -- WireIt App ---------------------------------------------------------
Y.WireItApp = new Y.Base.create('contributorsApp', Y.App, [], {
   views: {
      editorPage: {
         type: Y.EditorView
      wiringListPage: {
         type: Y.WiringListView
   initializer: function () {
      // show indication that the app is busy loading data.
      this.on('navigate', this.indicateLoading);
      this.once('ready', function (e) {
         if (this.hasRoute(this.getPath())) {
         } else {
   // -- Event Handlers -------------------------------------------------------
   indicateLoading: function (e) {
   // -- Route Handlers -------------------------------------------------------
   handleWiring: function (req, res, next) {
      var wiringId = req.params.wiring,
         wirings = this.get('modelList'),
         wiring = wirings.getById(wiringId);
      this.set('wiring', wiring);

   showEditorPage: function () {
      this.showView('editorPage', {
         containerTypes: this.get('containerTypes'),
         wirings: this.get('modelList'),
         model: this.get('wiring')
   blankEditorPage: function () {
      this.showView('editorPage', {
         containerTypes: this.get('containerTypes'),
         wirings: this.get('modelList'),
         model: null
   showWiringListPage: function () {
      var wirings = new Y.WiringModelList();
      this.set('modelList', wirings);
      this.showView('wiringListPage', {
         modelList: this.get('modelList')

}, {
   ATTRS: {
      containerTypes: {
         value: new Y.ContainerTypeList()
      modelList: {
         value: new Y.WiringModelList()
      wiring: {
         value: null
      routes: {
         value: [
            {path: '/', callback: 'showWiringListPage'},
            {path: '/wirings/:wiring/*', callback: 'handleWiring'},
            {path: '/wirings/:wiring/edit', callback: 'showEditorPage'},
            {path: '/wirings/new', callback: 'blankEditorPage'}

}, '@VERSION@', {"requires": ["app", "handlebars", "model", "model-list", "json", "view", "layer", "bezier-wire", "anim"]});