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# WireIt grouping plugin

Hopefully a quick readme!

## UI usage

1. Making a group

First drag n drop some containers into the editor. Then select the ones you want in your group by clicking the G in the top right corner. The ones you have selected should be highlighted in green.

Then use the Make button in the group section (bottom right). Once you have made the group  you can click collapse to shrink the containers down to 1 with only the needed fields/terminals displayed

2. Remapping

You might have noticed when you make a group various options appear in the bottom of the group pane.

With these you can select which fields/terminal are visible from outside the group, their names and which side of the terminals will appear on.

To help knowing which fields/terminals are which you can hover over the remapping row and it will highlight the container/group of containers that it is related to

(Note: If you leave the name blank an autogenerated one will be used)
(Note: Terminals are evenly distributed from the center of the side they are on, at the moment no other position options are available)

3. Advanced groups

If you create 2 or more groups of containers you can click to focus on a particular container, if it has a group the other containers in that group will be highlighted and the group options will appear in the group pane.

You can additionally nest groups within groups and mix groups and containers in a single group.

When you have more than one level of grouping you cannot immediately edit the inner group when you select a container from it. To do so you must use the group select drop down after selecting the container.

You can also collapse an inner group and leave the outer group uncollapsed.

## Authors

Ciaran Jessup
James ?
Eric Abouaf