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<h2>Getting Started</h2>

<p>WireIt is a library, so it is meant to be used by developers. Here are some of the prerequisites before starting to use the library :</p>

   <li>You should be able to serve the files locally (setup a local HTTP server or embed into your application)</li>
   <li>Have a good knowledge of Javascript</li>
   <li>Have a good knowledge of the <a href="">YUI library</a></li>
   <li>It is strongly recommanded to have Node.js installed</li>

<h3>Building components</h3>

<p>We use <a href="">shifter</a> to build WireIt's modules.</p>

<p>To install shifter :</p>

$ [sudo] npm install -g shifter

<p>To build the 'container' module :</p>

$ cd src/container
$ shifter

<p>To build all modules at once :</p>

$ cd src
$ shifter --walk

<p>WARNING: to build the wireit-loader module, you will need to use the --no-jsstamp option :</p>

$ cd src/wireit-loader
$ shifter --no-jsstamp

<h3>Building user guides and examples pages</h3>

<p>We are using <a href="">selleck</a> to build the examples and user guide pages.</p>

<p>To install shifter :</p>

$ [sudo] npm install -g selleck

<p>To build all docs :</p>

$ selleck --out docs

<h3>Building the API documentation</h3>

<p>The API documentation is build using <a href="">YUIDocJS</a>.</p>

<p>To install YUIDocJS :</p>

$ [sudo] npm install -g yuidocjs

<p>From the main directory, type :</p>

$ yuidoc src

<p>It should generate the doc in the api/ folder.</p>