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YUI.add("terminal-proxy", function (Y){

 * This class is used for wire edition. It uses a DragDrop proxy which acts as a "temporary" Terminal.
 * @class TerminalProxy
 * @constructor
 * @param {Terminal} terminal Parent terminal
 * @param {Object} options Configuration object (see "termConfig" property for details)
Y.TerminalProxy = function (terminal, options) {

     * Reference to the terminal parent
    this.terminal = terminal;

     * Object containing the configuration object
     * <ul>
     *   <li>type: 'type' of this terminal. If no "allowedTypes" is specified in the options, the terminal will only connect to the same type of terminal</li>
     *   <li>allowedTypes: list of all the allowed types that we can connect to.</li>
     *   <li>{Integer} terminalProxySize: size of the drag drop proxy element. default is 10 for "10px"</li>
     * </ul>
     * @attribute termConfig
    this.termConfig = options || {};

    this.terminalProxySize = options.terminalProxySize || 10;

     * Object that emulate a terminal which is following the mouse
    this.fakeTerminal = null;

    // Init the DDProxy
    /*,this.terminal.el, undefined, {
       dragElId: "WireIt-TerminalProxy",
       resizeFrame: false,
       centerFrame: true
    this.ddProxy = new Y.DD.Drag({
           node: this.terminal.el
       }).plug(Y.Plugin.DDProxy); //This config option makes the node a Proxy Drag
    this.ddProxy.on('drag:start', this.startDrag, this, true);
    this.ddProxy.on('drag:end', this.endDrag, this, true);
    this.ddProxy.on('drag:drag', this.onDrag, this, true);

    this.ddProxy.on('drag:enter', this.onDragEnter, this, true);
    this.ddProxy.on('drag:exit', this.onDragExit, this, true);

    this.ddProxy.on('drag:drophit', this.onDragDrop, this, true);

Y.TerminalProxy.prototype = {

     * Took this method from the YAHOO.util.DDProxy class
     * to overwrite the creation of the proxy Element with our custom size
     * @method createFrame
    /*createFrame: function () {
         var self=this, body=document.body;
         if (!body || !body.firstChild) {
           window.setTimeout( function () { self.createFrame(); }, 50 );
         var div=this.getDragEl();
         if (!div) {
            div ='div', {id: this.dragElId}, {
                position: "absolute",
                visibility: "hidden",
                cursor: "move", 
                border: "2px solid #aaa",
                zIndex: 999,
                height: this.terminalProxySize+"px",
                width: this.terminalProxySize+"px"
            var _data ='div',{},{
                height: '100%',
                width: '100%',
                backgroundColor: '#ccc',
                opacity: '0'
         body.insertBefore(div, body.firstChild);

     * When we start dragging the proxy of a terminal, a "fake terminal" is created (params fakeDirection)
     * Then a Wire is added between those two terminals with the config from Terminal.editingWireConfig
     * @method startDrag
    startDrag: function () {
       // If only one wire admitted, we remove the previous wire
       if(this.terminal.nMaxWires == 1 && this.terminal.wires.length == 1) {
       // If the number of wires is at its maximum, prevent editing...
       else if(this.terminal.wires.length >= this.terminal.nMaxWires) {
       var halfProxySize = this.terminalProxySize/2;
        // Create a mock-object "fakeTerminal" which mimicks the Terminal API
       this.fakeTerminal = {
          direction: this.terminal.fakeDirection,
          pos: [200,200], 
          addWire: function () {},
          removeWire: function () {},
          getXY: function () { 
             var layers = Y.all('.WireIt-Layer');
             if(layers.length > 0) {
                var orig = layers[0].getXY();
                return [this.pos[0]-orig[0]+halfProxySize, this.pos[1]-orig[1]+halfProxySize]; 
             return this.pos;
       var parentEl = this.terminal.parentEl._node.parentNode;
       if(this.terminal.container) {
          parentEl = this.terminal.container.layer.el;
        // Add the Wire between the orignial Trminal, and its fake terminal proxy
        var klass = Y.WirewireClassFromXtype(this.terminal.editingWireConfig.xtype);
       this.editingWire = new klass(this.terminal, this.fakeTerminal, parentEl, this.terminal.editingWireConfig);

     * @method onDrag
    onDrag: function (e) {
      // Prevention when the editing wire could not be created (due to nMaxWires)
      if(!this.editingWire) { return; }
      if(this.terminal.container) {
         var obj = this.terminal.container.layer.el;
         var curleft = 0;
         // Applied patch from
         // Fixes issue with Wire arrow being drawn offset to the mouse pointer
         var curtop = 0;
         if (obj.offsetParent) {
           do {
             curleft += obj.scrollLeft;
             curtop += obj.scrollTop;
             obj = obj.offsetParent ;
           } while ( obj );
         this.fakeTerminal.pos = [e.clientX+curleft, e.clientY+curtop];
       else {
          this.fakeTerminal.pos = ( ? [e.clientX, e.clientY] : [e.pageX/*+window.pageXOffset*/, e.pageY/*+window.pageYOffset*/];

     * @method endDrag
    endDrag: function (e) {
       if(this.editingWire) {
          this.editingWire = null;

     * @method onDragEnter
    onDragEnter: function (e,ddTargets) {
       // Prevention when the editing wire could not be created (due to nMaxWires)
       if(!this.editingWire) { return; }
       for(var i = 0 ; i < ddTargets.length ; i++) {
          if( this.isValidTerminal(ddTargets[i]) ) {

     * @method onDragExit
    onDragExit: function (e,ddTargets) { 
       // Prevention when the editing wire could not be created (due to nMaxWires)
       if(!this.editingWire) { return; }
       for(var i = 0 ; i < ddTargets.length ; i++) {
          if( this.isValidTerminal(ddTargets[i]) ) {

     * @method onDragDrop
    onDragDrop: function (e,ddTargets) {

        var i;

       // Prevention when the editing wire could not be created (due to nMaxWires)
       if(!this.editingWire) { return; }
       // Connect to the FIRST target terminal
       var targetTerminalProxy = null;
       for(i = 0 ; i < ddTargets.length ; i++) {
          if( this.isValidTerminal(ddTargets[i]) ) {
             targetTerminalProxy =  ddTargets[i];

       // Quit if no valid terminal found
       if( !targetTerminalProxy ) { 
       // Remove the editing wire
       this.editingWire = null;
       // Don't create the wire if it already exists between the 2 terminals !!
       var termAlreadyConnected = false;
       for(i = 0 ; i < this.terminal.wires.length ; i++) {
          if(this.terminal.wires[i].terminal1 == this.terminal) {
             if( this.terminal.wires[i].terminal2 == targetTerminalProxy.terminal) {
                termAlreadyConnected = true;
          else if(this.terminal.wires[i].terminal2 == this.terminal) {
             if( this.terminal.wires[i].terminal1 == targetTerminalProxy.terminal) {
                termAlreadyConnected = true;
       // Create the wire only if the terminals aren't connected yet
       if(termAlreadyConnected) {
          //console.log("terminals already connected ");
       var parentEl = this.terminal.parentEl.parentNode;
       if(this.terminal.container) {
          parentEl = this.terminal.container.layer.el;
       // Switch the order of the terminals if tgt as the "alwaysSrc" property
       var term1 = this.terminal;
       var term2 = targetTerminalProxy.terminal;
       if(term2.alwaysSrc) {
          term1 = targetTerminalProxy.terminal;
          term2 = this.terminal;
        var klass = Y.WirewireClassFromXtype(term1.wireConfig.xtype);
       // Check the number of wires for this terminal
       var tgtTerm = targetTerminalProxy.terminal, w;
       if( tgtTerm.nMaxWires == 1) {
          if(tgtTerm.wires.length > 0) {
          w = new klass(term1, term2, parentEl, term1.wireConfig);
       else if(tgtTerm.wires.length < tgtTerm.nMaxWires) {
          w = new klass(term1, term2, parentEl, term1.wireConfig);
       /*else {
          console.log("Cannot connect to this terminal: nMaxWires = ", ddTargets[0].terminal.nMaxWires);

    // to distinct from other YAHOO.util.DragDrop objects
    isWireItTerminal: true,

     * @method isValidTerminal
    isValidTerminal: function (DDterminal) {
       if( !DDterminal.isWireItTerminal ) {
          return false;
       // If this terminal has the type property:
       if(this.termConfig.type) {
          if(this.termConfig.allowedTypes) {
             if( Y.Array.indexOf(this.termConfig.allowedTypes, DDterminal.termConfig.type) == -1 ) {
                return false;
          else {
             if(this.termConfig.type != DDterminal.termConfig.type) {
                return false;
       // The other terminal may have type property too:
       else if(DDterminal.termConfig.type) {
          if(DDterminal.termConfig.allowedTypes) {
             if( Y.Array.indexOf(DDterminal.termConfig.allowedTypes, this.termConfig.type) == -1 ) {
                return false;
          else {
             if(this.termConfig.type != DDterminal.termConfig.type) {
                return false;
       // Check the allowSelfWiring
       if(this.terminal.container) {
          if(this.terminal.container.preventSelfWiring) {
             if(DDterminal.terminal.container == this.terminal.container) {
                return false;
       return true;


}, '0.7.0',{
  requires: ['dd-drag','dd-proxy']