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# midievents
> Decode/encode MIDI events.

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[//]: # (::contents:start)

## What it does
* Decode MIDI events
* Check MIDI events (using `strictMode`)
*    Calculate needed buffer to encode MIDI events
*    Encode MIDI events

## What it doesn't do
*    Reading MIDI files. It's the role of the
 [MIDIFile project](
* Playing MIDI files. It's the role of the
 [MIDIPlayer project](

## Usage
// Your variable with an ArrayBuffer instance containing your MIDI events
var anyBuffer;

// Parse MIDI events
var events = [];
var parser = new MIDIEvents.createParser(new DataView(anyBuffer), 0, false);
var event =;

do {
  event =;
} while(event);

// Check bufffer size before encoding
if(anyBuffer.length >= MIDIEvents.getRequiredBufferLength(events)) {

// Encode MIDI events
var destination = new Uint8Array(anyBuffer);
MIDIEvents.writeToTrack(events, destination);


## Contributing / Testing
Install them and run the following command :

npm install --dev
su npm install grunt-cli -g
grunt test

## Contributing
* Feel free to PR
* If you find MIDI events the library can't read, create a test an do a pull
 request. I'll work on it asap.
* Run `npm run` to get a list of useful development commands.

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# License