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Test Coverage
  "en": {
    "yes": "yes",
    "no": "no",
    "total": "Total tests:",
    "total_time": "Total time",
    "wip": "WIP",
    "skip": "SKIP",
    "ok": "OK",
    "fail": "FAIL",
    "error": "ERROR",
    "summary_of": "Summary of",
    "passed": "passed",
    "failed": "failed",
    "pending": "pending",
    "skipped": "skipped",
    "errors": "error(s)",
    "failures_summary": "Failures summary:",
    "expectation_be_true": "Expected %s to be true",
    "expectation_be_false": "Expected %s to be false",
    "expectation_be_undefined": "Expected %s to be undefined",
    "expectation_be_defined": "Expected %s to be defined",
    "expectation_be_null": "Expected %s to be null",
    "expectation_be_not_null": "Expected %s to be not null",
    "expectation_be_near_to": "Expected %s to be near to %s (using %s precision digits)",
    "expectation_be_greater_than": "Expected %s to be strictly greater than %s",
    "expectation_be_greater_than_or_equal": "Expected %s to be greater or equal than %s",
    "expectation_be_less_than_or_equal": "Expected %s to be less or equal than %s",
    "expectation_be_less_than": "Expected %s to be strictly smaller than %s",
    "expectation_match_regex": "Expected %s to match %s",
    "expectation_include": "Expected %s to include %s",
    "expectation_not_include": "Expected %s to not include %s",
    "expectation_be_included_in": "Expected %s to be included in %s",
    "expectation_be_not_included_in": "Expected %s to be not included in %s",
    "expectation_include_exactly": "Expected %s to include exactly %s",
    "expectation_be_empty": "Expected %s to be empty",
    "expectation_be_not_empty": "Expected %s to be not empty",
    "expectation_error": "Expected error %s to happen",
    "expectation_no_error": "Expected error %s not to happen",
    "expectation_no_errors": "Expected no errors to happen, but %s was raised",
    "expectation_different_error": "Expected error %s to happen, but got %s instead",
    "equality_assertion_be_equal_to": "Expected %s to be equal to %s",
    "equality_assertion_be_not_equal_to": "Expected %s to be not equal to %s",
    "equality_assertion_failed_due_to_undetermination": "Equality cannot be determined. Both parts are undefined",
    "equality_assertion_failed_due_to_missing_property": "Equality check failed. Objects do not have %s property",
    "equality_assertion_failed_due_to_circular_references": "(circular references found, equality check cannot be done. Please compare objects' properties individually)",
    "identity_assertion_be_identical_to": "Expected %s to be identical to %s",
    "identity_assertion_be_not_identical_to": "Expected %s to be not equal to %s",
    "identity_assertion_failed_due_to_undetermination": "Identity cannot be determined. Both parts are undefined",
    "explicitly_failed": "Explicitly failed",
    "running_tests_in": "Running tests in",
    "fail_fast": "Fail fast",
    "random_order": "Random order",
    "starting_testy": "Starting Testy!",
    "invalid_pending_reason": "In order to mark a test as pending, you need to specify a reason.",
    "error_path_not_found": "Error: path %s does not exist.",
    "error_loading_suite": "Error loading suite %s!",
    "feedback_for_error_loading_suite": "Please check your file contains a valid suite declaration and try again.",
    "error_running_suites": "Error executing the test suites",
    "reached_timeout_error": "Timeout of 50ms reached. Your test could not finish its execution.",
    "invalid_actual_object_in_exception_assertion": "Actual value for this assertion must be a function, got %s",
    "invalid_actual_object_in_numerical_comparison": "Actual value for this assertion must be a number, got %s",
    "invalid_object_in_numerical_comparison": "Value for this assertion must be a number, got %s"
  "es": {
    "yes": "sí",
    "no": "no",
    "total": "Total de tests:",
    "total_time": "Tiempo total",
    "wip": "PENDIENTE",
    "skip": "NO EJECUTADO",
    "ok": "EXITOSO",
    "fail": "FALLIDO",
    "error": "ERROR",
    "summary_of": "Resumen de",
    "passed": "exitoso(s)",
    "failed": "fallido(s)",
    "pending": "pendiente(s)",
    "skipped": "no ejecutado(s)",
    "errors": "con error(es)",
    "failures_summary": "Resumen de errores/fallidos:",
    "expectation_be_true": "Se esperaba que %s sea true",
    "expectation_be_false": "Se esperaba que %s sea false",
    "expectation_be_undefined": "Se esperaba que %s sea undefined",
    "expectation_be_defined": "Se esperaba que %s esté definido",
    "expectation_be_null": "Se esperaba que %s sea null",
    "expectation_be_not_null": "Se esperaba que %s no sea null",
    "expectation_be_near_to": "Se esperaba que %s esté cercano a %s (usando %s dígitos de precisión)",
    "expectation_be_greater_than": "Se esperaba que %s sea estrictamente mayor que %s",
    "expectation_be_greater_than_or_equal": "Se esperaba que %s sea mayor o igual que %s",
    "expectation_be_less_than_or_equal": "Se esperaba que %s sea menor o igual que %s",
    "expectation_be_less_than": "Se esperaba que %s se estrictamente menor que %s",
    "expectation_match_regex": "Se esperaba que %s sea cubierto por la expresión regular %s",
    "expectation_include": "Se esperaba que %s incluya a %s",
    "expectation_not_include": "Se esperaba que %s incluya a %s",
    "expectation_be_included_in": "Se esperaba que %s esté incluido en %s",
    "expectation_be_not_included_in": "Se esperaba que %s no esté incluido en %s",
    "expectation_include_exactly": "Se esperaba que %s incluya exactamente a %s",
    "expectation_be_empty": "Se esperaba que %s sea vacío",
    "expectation_be_not_empty": "Se esperaba que %s no sea vacío",
    "expectation_error": "Se esperaba que ocurra el error %s",
    "expectation_no_error": "No se esperaba que ocurra el error %s",
    "expectation_no_errors": "No se esperaban errores, pero %s fue lanzado",
    "expectation_different_error": "Se esperaba que ocurra el error %s, pero en su lugar ocurrió el error %s",
    "equality_assertion_be_equal_to": "Se esperaba que %s sea igual a %s",
    "equality_assertion_be_not_equal_to": "Se esperaba que %s no sea igual a %s",
    "equality_assertion_failed_due_to_undetermination": "La igualdad no puede ser determinada. Ambas partes son undefined",
    "equality_assertion_failed_due_to_missing_property": "Igualdad entre objetos fallida. Los objetos no tienen la propiedad %s",
    "equality_assertion_failed_due_to_circular_references": "(se encontraron referencias circulares, no es posible verificar la igualdad. Por favor, comparar propiedades de los objetos de manera individual)",
    "identity_assertion_be_identical_to": "Se esperaba que %s sea idéntico a %s",
    "identity_assertion_be_not_identical_to": "Se esperaba que %s no sea idéntico a %s",
    "identity_assertion_failed_due_to_undetermination": "Comparación de identidad no se puede determinar. Ambos son undefined",
    "explicitly_failed": "Explícitamente marcado como fallido",
    "running_tests_in": "Ejecutando tests en",
    "fail_fast": "Fallo rápido",
    "random_order": "Orden aleatorio",
    "starting_testy": "Comenzando a ejecutar Testy!",
    "invalid_pending_reason": "Para marcar un test como pendiente, es necesario especificar un motivo.",
    "error_path_not_found": "Error: la ruta %s no existe.",
    "error_loading_suite": "Error cargando el archivo %s!",
    "feedback_for_error_loading_suite": "Por favor, revisa que tu archivo contenga una declaración de suite válida, e intenta nuevamente.",
    "error_running_suites": "Error ejecutando las suites de test",
    "reached_timeout_error": "Se alcanzó el tiempo límite de %sms. El test no se terminó de ejecutar.",
    "invalid_actual_object_in_exception_assertion": "Es necesario proveer una función para este tipo de aserción, se obtuvo %s",
    "invalid_actual_object_in_numerical_comparison": "Es necesario proveer un número para este tipo de aserción, se obtuvo %s",
    "invalid_object_in_numerical_comparison": "Es necesario proveer un número como argumento para este tipo de aserción, se obtuvo %s"
  "it": {
    "yes": "sì",
    "no": "no",
    "total": "Test totali:",
    "total_time": "Tempo totale",
    "wip": "IN CORSO",
    "skip": "SALTA",
    "ok": "OK",
    "fail": "FALLITO",
    "error": "ERRORE",
    "summary_of": "Riassunto di",
    "passed": "passato",
    "failed": "fallito",
    "pending": "in corso",
    "skipped": "saltato",
    "errors": "errori",
    "failures_summary": "Riepilogo fallimenti:",
    "expectation_be_true": "Atteso che %s fosse true",
    "expectation_be_false": "Atteso che %s fosse false",
    "expectation_be_undefined": "Atteso che %s fosse undefined",
    "expectation_be_defined": "Atteso che %s fosse definito",
    "expectation_be_null": "Atteso che %s fosse null",
    "expectation_be_not_null": "Atteso che %s non fosse null",
    "expectation_be_near_to": "Atteso che %s fosse circa %s (usando %s decimali di precisione)",
    "expectation_be_greater_than": "Ci si aspettava che %s fosse strettamente maggiore di %s",
    "expectation_be_greater_than_or_equal": "Ci si aspettava che %s fosse maggiore o uguale a %s",
    "expectation_be_less_than_or_equal": "Ci si aspettava che %s fosse inferiore o uguale a %s",
    "expectation_be_less_than": "Ci si aspettava che %s fosse inferiore a %s",
    "expectation_match_regex": "Atteso che %s coincidesse con %s",
    "expectation_include": "Atteso che %s includesse %s",
    "expectation_not_include": "Atteso che %s non includesse %s",
    "expectation_be_included_in": "Atteso che %s fosse incluso in %s",
    "expectation_be_not_included_in": "Atteso che %s non fosse incluso in %s",
    "expectation_include_exactly": "Atteso che %s includesse esattamente %s",
    "expectation_be_empty": "Atteso che %s fosse vuoto",
    "expectation_be_not_empty": "Atteso che %s non fosse vuoto",
    "expectation_error": "Atteso che l'errore %s venisse sollevato",
    "expectation_no_error": "Atteso che l'errore %s non venisse sollevato",
    "expectation_no_errors": "Atteso che non venissero sollevati errori, ma %s è stato sollevato",
    "expectation_different_error": "Atteso che l'errore %s venisse sollevato, ma invece è stato sollevato %s",
    "equality_assertion_be_equal_to": "Atteso che %s fosse uguale a %s",
    "equality_assertion_be_not_equal_to": "Atteso che %s non fosse uguale a %s",
    "equality_assertion_failed_due_to_undetermination": "L'uguaglianza non può essere determinata. Entrambe le parti sono undefined",
    "equality_assertion_failed_due_to_missing_property": "Controllo di uguaglianza fallito. Gli oggetti non hanno la proprietà %s",
    "equality_assertion_failed_due_to_circular_references": "(trovato un riferimento circolare, il controllo di uguaglianza non può essere fatto. Confrontare le singole proprietà dei due oggetti)",
    "explicitly_failed": "Fallito esplicitamente",
    "running_tests_in": "Test in esecuzione in",
    "fail_fast": "Fallisci rapidamente",
    "random_order": "Ordine casuale",
    "starting_testy": "Caricamento Testy!",
    "invalid_pending_reason": "Per impostare un test come in corso, devi indicare una motivazione.",
    "identity_assertion_be_identical_to": "Atteso che %s sia identico a %s",
    "identity_assertion_be_not_identical_to": "Atteso che %s non sia identico a %s",
    "identity_assertion_failed_due_to_undetermination": "L'identità non può essere determinata. Entrambe le parti sono undefined",
    "error_path_not_found": "Errore: il percorso %s non esiste.",
    "error_loading_suite": "Errore durante il caricamento del file %s!",
    "feedback_for_error_loading_suite": "Verifica che il tuo file contenga una dichiarazione di suite valida e riprova.",
    "error_running_suites": "Errore durante l'esecuzione delle suite di test",
    "reached_timeout_error": "Timeout %sms raggiunto. Il test non è terminato.",
    "invalid_actual_object_in_exception_assertion": "È necessario fornire una funzione per questo tipo di asserzione. É stato ottenuto %s",
    "invalid_actual_object_in_numerical_comparison": "È necessario fornire un numero per questo tipo di asserzione. É stato ottenuto %s",
    "invalid_object_in_numerical_comparison": "È necessario fornire un numero come argomento per questo tipo di affermazione. É stato ottenuto %s"