import { getMongoQuery, getPageQuery, queryPromise } from '../../api/utils/Utils';
// transform every record (only respond allowed fields and "&fields=" in query)
export function transformData(context: any, query: any, allowedFields: string[]) {
const queryParams = getPageQuery(query);
const transformed: any = {};
allowedFields.forEach((field: string) => {
if (queryParams && queryParams.fields && queryParams.fields.indexOf(field) < 0) {
return; // if "fields" is set => only include those fields, return if not.
transformed[field] = context[field];
return transformed;
// example: URL queryString = '&populate=author:_id,firstName&populate=withUrlData:_id,url'
// => queryArray = ['author:_id,firstName', 'withUrlData:_id,url']
// return array of fields we want to populate (MongoDB spec)
const getPopulateArray = (queryArray: [], allowedFields: string[]) => {
if (!queryArray) {
return [];
const ret: any[] = []; string = '') => {
const arr = str.split(':');
// only populate fields belong to "allowedFields"
if (arr && arr.length === 2 && allowedFields.indexOf(arr[0]) >= 0) {
path: arr[0],
select: arr[1].split(',')
// example of returned array (MongoDB spec):
// ret = [
// {
// path: 'author',
// select: ['_id', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'category', 'avatarUrl']
// }
// ];
return ret;
const queryPagination = (mongoQuery: any, query: any) => {
const { page = 1, perPage = 30, limit, offset, sort } = getPageQuery(query);
// 2 ways to have pagination using: offset & limit OR page & perPage
if (query.perPage) {
mongoQuery.skip(perPage * (page - 1)).limit(perPage);
if (typeof offset !== 'undefined') {
if (typeof limit !== 'undefined') {
// list data with pagination support
// return a promise for chaining. (e.g. list then transform)
export function listData(context: any, query: any, allowedFields: string[]) {
const mongoQueryObj = getMongoQuery(query, allowedFields); // allowed filter fields
// console.log('--- query: ', query);
// console.log('--- allowedFields: ', allowedFields);
// console.log('--- populateArr: ', query.populate);
let result = context.find(mongoQueryObj);
queryPagination(result, query);
const queryPopulate = Array.isArray(query.populate) ? query.populate : [query.populate]; // to array.
const populateArr = getPopulateArray(queryPopulate, allowedFields); // get Mongo-spec's populate array.
populateArr.forEach((item: any) => {
result = result.populate(item); // Mongo's populate() to populate nested object.
const execRes = result.exec();
return queryPromise(execRes);