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6 hrs
Test Coverage
 * ribs
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Nicolas Gryman <>
 * LGPL Licensed

'use strict';

var ribs = require('./ribs'),
    utils = ribs.utils,
    _ = require('lodash'),
    path = require('path'),
    express = require('express'),
    FileStore = require('stores').FileStore;

 * Fast check of param value.
 * This is only useful to quickly filter values that we are sure to be invalid
 * and thus avoid to allocate and invoke a ribs pipeline that will fail for sure.
 * This could be a good friend to fight against DDOS and others...
 * @type {RegExp}
var RE_PARAM = new RegExp('^(?:' +
    // formulas and numbers
    '[xar-]?\\d+|' +

    // anchors and gravities
    '[trbl]{1,2}|' +

    // image format
    'jpg|png|bmp'  +

 * Exports.

 * Cache operation names.
 * `from` and `to` are removed because they processed by the middleware.
 * `to` is aliased to `format` and does not accept filename as parameter.
 * @type {Array}
var operationNames = _(ribs.operations).keys().without('from', 'to').value();

module.exports = function(root) {

    // root required
    if (!root) throw new Error('ribs.middleware() root path required');

    // TODO: handle cache at the store level
    // TODO: refactor to know if there operations or if we should pass to next, this would avoid useless store access
    // TODO: mute errors logs

    var store = new FileStore({ root: root });

    return function(req, res, next) {
        // early return if root url
        if ('/' == req.url) return next();

        // only accepts GET method
        if ('GET' != req.method) return;

        // let's see if url describes some operations
        // to know if we are in charge here
        parseOperations(req, next, function(operations) {
            // headers
            res.on('header', function() {
                // content type
                // if already set, let it
                // if no transcoding it's deduced from source file name
                // if not from the destination format
                var type = res.getHeader('Content-Type') ||

                res.header('Content-Type', type);

            // let's see if the store already contains
            // the pre-processed image
            store.get(req, res, next, function(req, slot, next) {
                // set `slot` as destination stream
                var format = _.find(operations, { operation: 'to' });

                ribs(operations, function(err) {
                    if (err) {
                        err.status = 400;

     * @param req
     * @param next
     * @param callback
     * @return {*}
    function parseOperations(req, next, callback) {
        var url = req.url,
            operations = [],

        // split arguments with the slash separator
        var args = url.split('/');

        // source file is always the last argument, store it and remove it
        var pathname = path.join(root, args[args.length - 1]);
        var from = { operation: 'from', params: [pathname] };

        try {
            // iterate through each argument
            _.each(args, function(arg) {
                // ignore empty arguments
                if (!arg) return;

                // operation is found
                var operation = parseOperation(arg);
                if (operation) {
                    current = {
                        operation: operation,
                        params: []

                // param is found
                var param = parseParam(arg);
                if (param) {
                    if (current) {
                    // a know param has been parsed before any operation
                    // that means nothing...
                        throw null;

                if (current)
                    throw new Error('invalid parameter ' + arg + ' for operation ' + current.operation);
                throw null;
        catch (err) {
            // silent error, call next middleware
            if (!err) return next();

            // arguments error
            err.status = 400;
            return next(err);

        // no operations, call next
        if (0 === operations.length)
            return next();

        // prepend `from` operation

        // ensure there is a `format` (`to`) operation
        var format = _.find(operations, { operation: 'format' });
        if (!format) {
            format = { operation: 'to', params: [] };
            format.operation = 'to';

        // set image format for content type
        operations.format = format.params[0] || path.extname(operations[0].params[0]);


function parseOperation(arg) {
    return _.find(operationNames, function(name) {
        if (1 === arg.length) return name[0] == arg;
        return name == arg;

function parseParam(arg) {
    if (RE_PARAM.test(arg))
        return arg;