
Test Coverage
# [DEV version](

$ npm install @ngxs/store@dev

### For next major version

- ...

### To become next patch version

- Feat: Schematics support a project option and standalone detection [#2089](
- Fix: Ensure features are initialized after root state [#2083](
- Fix: Log feature states added before store is initialized [#2067](
- Fix: Show error when state initialization order is invalid [#2066](, [#2067](
- Fix: Change `instanceof Promise` to `isPromise` to allow any promisable object [#2093](
- Fix: Router Plugin - Expose `NGXS_ROUTER_PLUGIN_OPTIONS` privately [#2037](
- Build: Upgrade to NX 17 [#2087](

# 3.8.2 2023-11-30

- Fix: `patch` state operator must handle existing nulls [#2064](
- Fix: Storage Plugin - Access local and session storages globals only in browser [#2034](
- Fix: Storage Plugin - Require only `getItem` and `setItem` on engines [#2036](
- Fix: Devtools Plugin - Do not re-enter Angular zone when resetting state [#2038](
- Performance: Tree-shake selectors validation errors [#2020](
- Build: Add Angular 17 support [#2079](
- Refactor: Replace `get type()` with `type =` in actions [#2035](
- Refactor: WebSocket Plugin - Get rid off `rxjs/webSocket` and use `WebSocket` directly [#2033](

# 3.8.1 2023-05-16

- Fix: Check if state is injectable in JIT [#1988](
- Fix: State stream should always return latest value even if update is queued up [#1995](
- Fix: Ensure `StateFactory` does not connect actions multiple times [#2010](
- Build: Add Angular 16 support [#2008](
- Refactor: Set singletons as "providedIn: root" [#2015](

# 3.8.0 2023-03-29

- Feature: Build packages in Ivy format [#1945](
- Feature: Add advanced selector utilities [#1824](
- Feature: Expose `ActionContext` and `ActionStatus` [#1766](
- Feature: `ofAction*` methods should have strong types [#1808](
- Feature: Improve contextual type inference for state operators [#1806]( [#1947](
- Feature: Enable warning on unhandled actions [#1870]( [#1951](
- Feature: Router Plugin - Provide more actions and navigation timing option [#1932](
- Feature: Storage Plugin - Allow providing namespace for keys [#1841](
- Feature: Storage Plugin - Enable providing storage engine individually [#1935](
- Feature: Devtools Plugin - Add new options to the `NgxsDevtoolsOptions` interface [#1879](
- Feature: Devtools Plugin - Add trace options to `NgxsDevtoolsOptions` [#1968](
- Feature: Form Plugin - Allow `ngxsFormDebounce` to be string [#1972](
- Performance: Tree-shake patch errors [#1955](
- Fix: Get descriptor explicitly when it's considered as a class property [#1961](
- Fix: Avoid delayed updates from state stream [#1981](

# 3.7.6 2022-11-23

- Performance: Run change detection once for all `Actions` subscribers once the stream emits [#1939](
- Fix: Use `isObservable` to test whether actions return an observable [#1925](
- Fix: Call `ngxsOnChanges` whenever state changes (even through plugins) [#1926](
- Fix: Do not delegate errors to `ErrorHandler` if users catch them manually [#1927](
- Fix: Complete `Actions` stream once root view is removed [#1933](
- Fix: Storage Plugin - Do not skip deserialization for keys with dot notation [#1924](

# 3.7.5 2022-08-08

- Performance: Tree-shake no type on the action error [#1858](
- Fix: Give back control to `developmentMode` config property [#1878](
- Fix: Do not use `refCount()` since it makes selectable stream cold [#1883](
- Fix: Remove `?` from `ctx` parameter of lifecycle hooks since they are never undefined [#1889](
- Fix: Avoid incorrectly ordered state observable events [#1908](
- Fix: Router Plugin - Prevent router overriding valid navigation [#1907](
- Fix: Storage Plugin - Provide more meaningful error message when the storage quota exceeds [#1863](
- Fix: Storage Plugin - Ensure the deserialization is not skipped for master key [#1887](
- Fix: Storage Plugin - Do not re-hydrate the whole state when the feature state is added [#1887](
- Fix: Devtools Plugin - Enable time-traveling for navigation actions [#1868](
- Fix: Form Plugin - Prevent actions infinite loop with multiple `ngxsForm` directives [#1890](
- Fix: Do not check if the state class is injectable within the decorator since the `ɵprov` will not exist in JIT mode [#1867](
- Revert: revert select decorator changes and add deprecation note [#1871](

# 3.7.4 2022-06-09

- Build: include support for Angular 14 [#1850](
- Fix: Do not re-use the global `Store` instance between different apps [#1740]( and [#1804]( **(Note: reverted in v3.7.5)**
- Fix: Handle mixed async scenarios for action handlers [#1762](
- Fix: An action with cancelUncompleted enabled should unsubscribe before the next action handler is called [#1763](
- Fix: Do not run `Promise.then` within synchronous tests when decorating factory [#1753]( **(Note: reverted in v3.7.5)**
- Fix: Provide `NoopNgxsExecutionStrategy` explicitly when the zone is nooped [#1819](
- Fix: Complete the state stream once the root view is removed [#1830](
- Fix: Be more explicit when checking if Angular is in test mode [#1831](, [#1832](
- Fix: Devtools Plugin - Do not connect to devtools when the plugin is disabled [#1761](
- Fix: Router Plugin - Cleanup subscriptions when the root view is destroyed [#1754](
- Fix: WebSocket Plugin - Cleanup subscriptions and close the connection when the root view is destroyed [#1755](
- Fix: Storage Plugin - Only restore state if key matches `addedStates` [#1746](
- Fix: Forms Plugin - Do not destructure primitive types [#1845](
- Performance: Tree-shake errors and warnings [#1732](
- Performance: Tree-shake `ConfigValidator`, `HostEnvironment` and `isAngularInTestMode` [#1741](
- Performance: Tree-shake `SelectFactory` [#1744](
- Performance: Tree-shake `deepFreeze` [#1819](
- Performance: Run change detection once for all selectors when asynchronous action has been completed [#1828](
- Performance: Router Plugin - Tree-shake `isAngularInTestMode()` [#1738](
- Performance: Tree-shake `isAngularInTestMode()` [#1739](
- Performance: Storage Plugin - Tree-shake `console.*` calls and expand error messages [#1727](
- CI: Bundlesize checks should run reliably [#1812](

# 3.7.3 2021-12-02

- Chore: Add official support for Angular 13 [#1798](
- CI: Add angular 13 ivy integration test [#1798](

# 3.7.2 2021-05-18

- Chore: Add official support for Angular 12 [#1752](
- Fix: Allow to inject the `Store` into the custom error handler [#1708](
- CI: Add angular 12 ivy integration test [#1750](
- CI: Add bundlesize check for the latest integration app [#1710](

# 3.7.1 2020-11-24

- Chore: Add official support for Angular 11 [#1697](
- Fix: Release NGXS resources when the root module gets destroyed [#1669](
- Fix: Resilient select if requested before state added [#1701](
- Fix: Deep merge options with default options [#1686](
- Fix: Storage Plugin - Resolve state name correctly if the state class has been provided [#1670](
- CI: Add angular 11 ivy integration test with Ivy on [#1694]( and off [#1696](

# 3.7.0 2020-09-09

- Feature: Throw an error when actions do not have a static type property [#1625](
- Feature: Storage Plugin - Add before and after serialize hooks [#1513](
- Feature: Logger Plugin - Add filter for Logger Plugin [#1571](
- Feature: Form Plugin - Add reset form action [#1604](
- Feature: Form Plugin - `ngxsFormClearOnDestroy` should allow the attribute with no value [#1662](
- Performance: Logger Plugin - Plugin should lazy inject the store once [#1550](
- Fix: `ofAction*` methods should prevent passing anything except of `ActionType` [#1616](
- Fix: Remove the recent `@Select` type safety check due to issues with private/protected properties [#1623](
- Fix: Actions are not canceled when any `Observable` returned by any handler is completed without emitting [#1615](
- Fix: Router Plugin - Update state after route successfully activates [#1606](
- Fix: HMR Plugin - Show error when use Angular Ivy with JIT mode [#1607](
- Fix: Logger Plugin - Filter out only `undefined` payloads [#1617](
- Fix: Devtools Plugin - Actions with "action" property should not be logged as <UNDEFINED> [#1628](
- Test: Add integration tests for Angular 10 with Ivy [#1641]( and without Ivy [#1647](
- Test: Add integration tests for Angular 9 without Ivy [#1649](
- Build: Upgrade TS to 3.9.5 to ensure that no breaking changes get added [#1626](
- Build: Compile using Angular 9 [#1596](

## NGXS-Labs

### Data-plugin v3.0.0 2020-05-05

- Feature: Announced [`@ngxs-labs/data`](

# 3.6.2 2020-02-07

- Fix: Handle empty array dispatch edge case [#1521](
- Fix: Fix regression after upgrade to angular.rc-11 [#1526](

# 3.6.1 2020-01-15

- Fix: Selectors should not be declaration order sensitive [#1514](
- Fix: Selectors should be deterministic based on store being used [#1508](
- Fix: Add support for using State Tokens in sub states [#1509](
- Fix: Optimize selector runtime binding [#1510](
- Build: Add router-plugin back to `Ivy` integration test [#1506](
- Build: Run ngcc synchronously to get `Ivy` build working again [#1497](

## NGXS-Labs

### Data-plugin v2.0.0 2019-12-16

- Feature: Support NGXS 3.6


- Compatible only with NGXS 3.6+
- Now `patchState, setState` return `void`
- No longer support options in `NgxsDataPluginModule.forRoot()`
- No longer support `@query` decorator

# 3.6.0 2019-12-11

- Feature: Add `ngxsOnChanges` lifecycle hook [#1389](
- Feature: Expose `StateContextFactory`, `StateFactory` [#1325](
- Feature: Improved type safety for children states [#1388](
- Feature: Improved type safety for `@Select` decorator [#1453](
- Feature: Add `StateToken<T>` construct [#1436](
- Feature: Warn about undecorated state class if Ivy is enabled in dev (both JIT/AOT) [#1472](, [#1474](
- Feature: Storage Plugin - Use state classes as keys [#1380](
- Feature: Form Plugin - Implement `propertyPath` parameter in the `UpdateFormValue` [#1215](
- Feature: WebSocket Plugin - Implement `WebSocketConnected` action [#1371](
- Feature: HMR Plugin - Add `hmrIsReloaded` utility [#1435](
- Fix: Use generic `ModuleWithProviders` type for Ivy compatiblility [#1469](
- Fix: Explicit typings for state operators [#1395](, [#1405](
- Fix: Warn if the zone is not actual "NgZone" [#1270](
- Fix: Do not re-throw error to the global handler if custom is provided [#1379](
- Fix: Group `Actions` subscriptions to remove memory leak [#1381](
- Fix: Upgrade ng-packagr to fix Ivy issues [#1397](
- Fix: Router Plugin - resolve infinite redirects and browser hanging [#1430](
- Fix: Router Plugin - build compatibility with Angular 9 (Ivy) [#1459](
- Fix: Devtools Plugin - remove `NgxsModule` from imports to ensure Ivy compatibility [#1491](
- Build: Add build integration test with Angular 9 (Ivy) [#1278](
- Build: Run SSR tests with cypress [#1281](
- Build: Add E2E tests for the Ivy integration [#1492](


- If you are using `TypeScript 2.7` and `Angular 5` you will need to update to `TypeScript 2.8.1` and `Angular 6.1.0` at a minimum. We were forced to drop support for these in order to provide support for Ivy. These versions are also no longer supported the Angular team either. This has not resulted in a major version change for NGXS due to the fact that it is not our API that has changed, rather a dependency.

## NGXS-Labs

- Feature: announced [@ngxs-labs/data](
- Feature: announced [@ngxs-labs/actions-executing](
- Feature: announced [@ngxs-labs/attach-action](

# 3.5.1 2019-08-29

- Fix: Ensure that `@Action()` is not usable with static methods [#1203](
- Fix: Router Plugin - normalize URL by stripping base href [#1178](
- Fix: Router Plugin - revert state back after "RouterCancel" is dispatched [#1236](
- Fix: Router Plugin - "includeHash" must be truthy requesting path [#1265](
- Fix: HMR Plugin - trigger ngOnDestroy for all components in app tree [#1192](
- Fix: HMR Plugin - remove `@angularclass/hmr` peer dependency [#1205](
- Fix: Forms Plugin - reduce `UpdateFormStatus` action dispatching [#1217](
- Fix: Logger Plugin - print next state even if error was thrown [#1247](
- Fix: Devtoos Plugin - send action to the dev tools even if error was thrown [#1249](
- Build: dtslint must use current version of TypeScript [#1182](
- Build: add bundle size checker for improved infrastructure [#1199](
- Build: configure typescript-eslint package [#1201](
- Build: add cypress for E2E testing [#1258](

## NGXS-Labs

### Dispatch Decorator v2.1.0

- Fix: remove `DispatchAction` and unnecessary closures [#252](

### Dispatch Decorator v2.0.0

- Build: prepare package for the Angular 8+ compatibility and support NGXS 3.5 [#247](
- Build: configure `cypress` for SSR and E2E testing [#248](
- Feat: implement `cancelUncompleted` option [#250](

### Emitter-plugin v2.0.0

- Feature: Support NGXS 3.5, TypeScript 3.5 [#317](
- Fix: change action type to instance property [#316](

# 3.5.0 2019-07-22

- Feature: upgrade to support Angular 8 [#1156](
- Feature: selector option to disable supressing errors [#1015](, [#1087](
- Feature: expose NgxsModuleOptions as a named type [#1031](
- Feature: expose SelectorOptions decorator [#1029](, [#1047](
- Feature: expose StateClass as a named type [#1042](, [#1070](
- Feature: Router Plugin - add `RouterDataResolved` action [#1059](
- Feature: WebSocket Plugin - add `WebSocketConnectionUpdated` action [#1094](
- Performance: replace array `spread` with `slice` [#1066](, [#1071](
- Fix: Life-cycle events not triggering in root state [#1048](
- Fix: Logger Plugin - replace `Object.entries` as it breaks IE11 [#931](
- Fix: Router Plugin - trigger navigation on the `QueryParams` change [#924](
- Fix: Router Plugin - redirect to the manually entered route [#920](, [#1159](
- Fix: Router Plugin - add `RouterDataResolved` to the union `RouterAction` type [#1093](
- Fix: Router Plugin - manual path check should not fail for SSR [#1158](
- Fix: HMR Plugin - remove old styles after reload [#1001](
- Fix: HMR Plugin - correct persistence state in runtime [#1048](
- Fix: HMR Plugin - does not properly restore state [#1139](
- Fix: Form Plugin - introduce conditional debounce [#1061](
- Fix: WebSocket Plugin - don't stop `WebSocketSubject` stream after dispatching `WebSocketDisconnected` [#1091](
- Fix: Storage Plugin - undefined localStorage error during SSR [#1119](
- Build: CI - decouple build infrastructure from root package.json [#1163](
- Build: use `jest` internally for testing [#1068](

## NGXS-Labs

### Select-snapshot v1.0.0

- Feature: announced [select-snapshot](

### Immer-adapter v3.0.0

- Feature: immutable state context decorator
- Feature: immutable selector decorator
- Feature: support immer v3.x
- Deprecated: produce operator

# 3.4.3 2019-03-14

- Feature: Add state defaults to UpdateState [#956](
- Fix: Router Plugin - serialize after Resolvers have run [#895](
- Fix: HMR Plugin - incorrect destruction of modules in hmr [#908](
- Fix: Logger Plugin - print action properties [#879](

# 3.4.2 2019-03-07

- Fix: Expose `ActionType, ActionOptions` interfaces [#873](
- Fix: Router Plugin - add state selector with generic [#894](
- Fix: Initial state should not be overwritten by defaults [#904](

# 3.4.1 2019-03-04

- Fix: createSelector does not allow for function returning a type unioned with `null` or `undefined` [#891](
- Fix: Action is called multiple times when a module is called by multiple routes [#888](
- Fix: Expose `removeItem` operator [#880](

# 3.4.0 2019-02-28

- Feature: Support server-side rendering [#698](
- Feature: Enable state operator extensibility [#635](
- Feature: Add `ofActionCompleted` action handler [#712](
- Feature: Add `Hot Module Replacement` plugin for manage states [#707](
- Feature: Add possible inheritance of state options [#750](
- Feature: Add new lifecycle hook `ngxsAfterBootstrap` [#753](
- Feature: Add ability to change the Execution strategy (decouple from zone.js) [#811](
- Feature: Add state operators: `patch, updateItem, removeItem, insertItem, append, compose, iif` [#799](
- Feature: WebSocket Plugin - Add `WebSocketDisconnected` action to notify of disconnection [#825](
- Feature: Defining the default state before module initialization [#791](
- Fix: Expose `ActionCompletion` [#752](
- Fix: Throw error when found duplicate state names [#791](
- Fix: Bind static context to the selector function [#818](
- Fix: WebSocket Plugin - `WebsocketMessageError` notifies of errors [#825](
- Performance: improved reading the name of the state from the parameter [#826](
- Fix: Log group not closed on error [#831](
- Fix: Websocket Plugin - server/network error triggered close should dispatch WebSocketDisconnected [#832](
- Fix: Form Plugin - correct state synchronization with dirty flag [#862](
- Fix: Remove typings introduced since 3.3.4 that are incompatible with TS 2.7 [#853](
- Fix: Remove type usages introduced since 3.3.4 that are incompatible with NG 5 & TS 2.7 [#854](

## NGXS-Labs

### Emitter-plugin

- Feature: Add `EmitterService` [#121](
- Feature: Add `StoreTestBedModule` for easy unit testing [#109](

# 3.3.4 2018-12-20

- Fix: Remove ref to TestBed to reduce bundle size [#725](

# 3.3.3 2018-12-16

- Fix: Silence console hints in tests [#706](

# 3.3.2 2018-12-04

- Fix: Remove compromised dependencies [#684](
- Fix: Add helper for enable development mode [#674](
- Fix: Support underscore in state name [#663](

# 3.3.1 2018-11-24

- Fix: Storage Plugin should handle 'undefined' string [#671](
- Feature: NGXS [Schematics](

## NGXS-Labs

- Feature: Announced [immer-adapter](
- Feature: Announced [dispatch-decorator](

# 3.3.0 2018-11-19

- Feature: Support Angular 7, TypeScript 3.1 [#615](
- Feature: Add [CLI]( for generate store [#520](
- Feature: Add strictContentSecurityPolicy compatibility rule [#569](
- Feature: Devtools plugin support for 'IMPORT_STATE' [#507](
- Feature: Form plugin - path to state can contain array [#587](
- Fix: Form plugin to accept form arrays [#659](
- Fix: Show warning when we usage development mode in production [#627](
- Fix: Storage Plugin should handle undefined [#538](
- Fix: Expose ofActionCanceled function [#531](
- Fix: Expose Websocket Plugin WebsocketMessageError action [#504](

## NGXS-Labs

- Feature: [Emitter]( plugin (allows you to get rid of actions) [#543]
- Feature: Announced [NGXS Labs](

# 3.2.0 2018-07-15

- Feature: createSelector functions [#484](
- Fix: Expose RouterStateModel interface [#445](
- Fix: State not set correctly when duplicate key in path [#459](
- Fix: Action stream should return in Angular zone [#456](

# 3.1.4 2018-06-13

- Fix: Remove component reference from router plugin state [#441](
- Fix: Fix subscription firing twice [#436](

# 3.1.3 2018-04-06

- Fix: Subscribe running outside of zone [#422](
- Fix: Logger not using custom options [#420](

# 3.1.2 2018-04-06

- Fix: Freeze conflicting issues with router

# 3.1.1 2018-04-06

- Fix: Freeze depedencies

# 3.1.0 2018-03-06

- Feature: Add development mode with freeze on state and actions [#409](
- Feature: Storage engine migrations [#401](
- Feature: Select combinations [#51](
- Feature: Snapshot select can use state class now [#398](
- Feature: Meta selectors [#386](
- Feature: Add ability to reset state
- Performance: Run actions outside of zones [#383](
- Fix: Dispatcher error propogation [#376](
- Fix: Add patchState restriction errors [#371](
- Fix: Remove error when loading same state multiple times [#390](
- Fix: Force route navigation to run in zones [#393](
- Fix: Selector function should still be usable as a function [#398](
- Fix: Memoize inner selector function [#410](

# 3.0.0/3.0.1 2018-05-04

- Chore: Upgrade to official Angular

# 3.0.0-rc.4 2018-05-02

- BREAKING: Rename completed to successful [#349](
- Feature: Add ability to disable logger [#350](
- Fix: Fix options not passed correctly to logger plugin [#350](
- Fix: Patch state mutating the original state [#348](
- Fix: Router plugin not working in prod [#351](

# 3.0.0-rc.3 2018-05-01

- BREAKING: Update websocket connect to recieve options object [#341](
- Feature: Consolidate action stream to single-source-of-truth [#324](
- Fix: Remove reconnection from websocket because of issues [#341](
- Fix: Enums causing prod build errors [#345](
- Fix: Router race case when using prod [#345](

# 3.0.0-rc.2 2018-04-27

- Fix: Form update fix [#335](
- Chore: Upgrade RxJS to official [#332](

# 3.0.0-rc.1 2018-04-12

- Fix: Rename `ofActionComplete` to `ofActionCompleted`
- Fix: Expose `ofActionErrored`
- Fix: Form Plugin Recursive Error

# 3.0.0-rc.0 2018-04-10

- Fix: Observable dispatch issues [#235](
- Fix: Websocket error when socket undefined
- Fix: Devtools not disabling
- Fix: Action Stream has too much exposed
- Chore: Loosen ng deps
- Chore: Upgrade to ng6/rx6


- feat(store): create action stream that shows the action lifecycle [#255](

To keep the same behavior switch from the ofAction operator to the `ofActionDispatched` operator

# 3.0.0-beta.0 2018-04-05

- BREAKING: Types are now required on actions
- Feature: Devtools can emit actions manually now
- Feature: Better integration w/ RX6
- Fix: Various websocket fixes
- Fix: Fixes for `ofAction`
- Chore: Rename Beta Feature `takeLast` to `cancelUncompleted`

# 2.1.0-beta.9 2018-04-04

- Fix: Websocket and form errors caused by [#212](

# 2.1.0-beta.8 2018-04-04

- Fix: Minification issues [#212](

# 2.1.0-beta.7 2018-04-03

- Fix: Websocket plugin sending dupe objects

# 2.1.0-beta.6 2018-04-03

- Fix: Action types on objects not matching correctly

# 2.1.0-beta.5 2018-04-03

- Fix: Revert #206
- Fix: Websocket send message correctly

# 2.1.0-beta.4 2018-04-03

- Feature: Added `snapshot` method to store to get raw value
- Fix: Return `T` from `selectSnapshot`
- Fix: Minification issues [#206](
- Fix: Websockets not emitting correctly

# 2.1.0-beta.3 2018-04-03

- Fix: Revert devtools trigger, due to circular

# 2.1.0-beta.2 2018-04-02

- Feature: Devtools can now trigger actions adhoc
- Fix: Websocket optional typekey

# 2.1.0-beta.1 2018-04-02

- Fix: Websocket pass options as partial

# 2.1.0-beta.0 2018-04-02

- Feature: Lifecycle events
- Feature: Forms plugin
- Fature: takeLast on actions
- Feature: Websocket plugin
- Feature: Snapshot selects

# 2.0.0 2018-03-27

First off, 2.0 is a huge change. I want to appologize to everyone about that but
given all the community feedback and ideas, I really wanted to get these ideas in
before it was too late and we were stuck on a API. I can promise that there will
not be this big of a breaking change after this release in the future without
first deprecation periods.

- Fix: Prevent null exceptions when accessing state before loaded
- Fix: Move action stream to subject
- Fix: Ensure metadata exists for a Selector [#181](

# 2.0.0-rc.24 2018-03-26

- Feature: Expose Init and Update Actions
- Fix: Devtools showing duplicate entries
- Fix: Storage plugin not populating for lazy loaded states

# 2.0.0-rc.23 2018-03-26

- Fix: Subscriptions firing twice

# 2.0.0-rc.22 2018-03-26

- BREAKING: Storage plugin fixes [#154](
- Fix: AoT Regression in Storage Plugin

# 2.0.0-rc.21 2018-03-25

- BREAKING: Plugins are now their own packages
- Fix: Subscribe firing multiple times
- Fix: Devtools only passing type and payload

# 2.0.0-rc.20 2018-03-23

- BREAKING: We moved the npm package from `ngxs` to `@ngxs/store`!
- Fix: devtools not sending payload [#132](
- Fix: better if condition for localstorage

# 2.0.0-rc.19 2018-03-23

- Feature: add overloading to select method in Store [#130](
- Fix: add empty options object, to prevent errors [#131](
- Fix: feature-module bugs [#135](

# 2.0.0-rc.18 2018-03-20

- Fix: Types on devtools

# 2.0.0-rc.17 2018-03-20

- Feature: Extend devtool options
- Feature: Jump to Action and Jump to State in Dev Tools

# 2.0.0-rc.16 2018-03-20

- Fix: Action stream not getting passed correct args, causing error in FF

# 2.0.0-rc.15 2018-03-20

- Fix: Lazy load issue introduced by [#126](

# 2.0.0-rc.14 2018-03-20

- Feature: NgxsLoggerPlugin log action payload if present
- Fix: Issues with feature states [#126](

# 2.0.0-rc.13 2018-03-20

- Feature: State can listen to action multiple times

# 2.0.0-rc.12 2018-03-20

- Fix: Dev tools showing wrong state

# 2.0.0-rc.11 2018-03-20

- BREAKING: Remove string selects, they re not type safe and bad idea
- Feature: Extend `` to support class selectors
- Feature: Expose state stream for users to subscribe to
- Fix: Fix Subscribe dispatching twice #104

# 2.0.0-rc.10 2018-03-19

- BREAKING: Rename `EventStream` to `Actions`
- BREAKING: Rename plugins to have NGXS Prefix

# 2.0.0-rc.9 2018-03-18

- Feature: Memoized Selectors
- Fix: Default to empty object if no default passed

# 2.0.0-rc.8 2018-03-18

- Fix: Patch value not updating state

# 2.0.0-rc.7 2018-03-18

- Fix: Patch value patching wrong path

# 2.0.0-rc.6 2018-03-18

- Fix: topological sort
- Fix: defaults not working correctly if plain boolean/string/number

# 2.0.0-rc.5 2018-03-18

- Fix: patchState typings

# 2.0.0-rc.4 2018-03-18

- Fix: patchState typings

# 2.0.0-rc.3 2018-03-18

- Fix: Add typings for patchState

# 2.0.0-rc.2 2018-03-18

- Feature: Add `patchValue` to make updating state easier

# 2.0.0-rc.1 2018-03-18

## Bug Fixes

- Fix: Action `state` arguments cached when destructured, switch to `getState()`
- Fix: Class selectors not working with sub stores
- Fix: missing dispatch on state context interface

# 2.0.0-rc.0 2018-03-17

- Breaking: `@Store()` decorator is now `@State()`
- Breaking: `Ngxs` service is now `Store`
- Breaking: Stores should be now renamed to State. Before: `ZooStore` should be `ZooState`
- Breaking: `@Mutation` is gone in favor of just `@Action`
- Breaking: Action's first argument is state context object, `{ state, setState }`
- Breaking: You use `setState` to set the state now rather than returning it in actions
- Breaking: Events are now just called Actions
- Breaking: `ofEvent` is now called `ofAction`
- Breaking: Plugins `next` fn now returns an observable
- Breaking: Local Storage plugins removed Strategy in favor of passing your own engine
- Feature: Simplified APIs by removing Mutations, decreased boilerplate
- Feature: Added sub state capability
- Feature: Add `store.selectOnce()` shortcut function
- Feature: Better tpyings
- Feature: Add `dispatch` function in state context for easier dispatching
- Fix: `dispatch().subscribe()` now works correctly
- Fix: Promises now resolve correctly

# 1.5.3 2018-02-12

- Fix: Promises not emitting results

# 1.5.2 2018-02-12

- Fix: Devtools plugin not returning correct value

# 1.5.1 2018-02-11

- Feature: Add `sessionStorage` strategy to local storage plugin

# 1.5.0 2018-02-11

- Feature: Updated Plugin System
- Feature: Add generics to store
- Feature: Implement global error handling
- Fix: Improve DI for lazy loadedd stores
- Fix: Fix dev tools showing previous state
- Chore: Remove redux dev tools by default

# 1.4.8 2018-02-05

- Fix: Typo in return

# 1.4.7 2018-02-05

- Fix: Catch multiple stores being init'd
- Fix: Clone defaults to prevent mutations

# 1.4.6 2018-02-04

- Fix: Plugin injector errors

# 1.4.5 2018-02-04

- Fix: Store injector errors
- Fix: Empty local storage throwing null error

# 1.4.4 2018-02-04

- Fix: Stores injector errors

# 1.4.3 2018-02-04

- Fix: Stores init'd twice

# 1.4.2 2018-02-04

- Fix: Feature stores throwing errors

# 1.4.1 2018-02-04

- Fix: Misc type improvement
- Fix: `forRoot` plugins not working properly
- Fix: LocalStorage plugin name spelling

# 1.4.0 2018-02-03

- Feature: Composition

# 1.3.0 2018-02-03

- Feature: Localstore plugin
- Fix: Better dev tools init

# 1.2.1 2018-02-03

- Fix: Dev tools init
- Fix: Plugins not recieving proper context
- Fix: Allow multiple forFeature

# 1.2.0 2018-02-03

- Feature: Dev Tools Integration
- Chore: Tests!
- Fix: Better builds

# 1.1.0 2018-02-03

- Fix: Export plugin interface

# 1.1.0 2018-02-03

- Feature: Plugins improvements
- Feature: Init event
- Feature: Logger plugin

# 1.0.4 2018-02-02

- Inital release!