import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';import { getActionTypeFromInstance, getValue, NgxsNextPluginFn, NgxsPlugin, setValue} from '@ngxs/store/plugins';import { ResetForm, SetFormDirty, SetFormDisabled, SetFormEnabled, SetFormPristine, UpdateForm, UpdateFormDirty, UpdateFormErrors, UpdateFormStatus, UpdateFormValue} from './actions'; @Injectable()export class NgxsFormPlugin implements NgxsPlugin { handle(state: any, event: any, next: NgxsNextPluginFn) { const type = getActionTypeFromInstance(event); let nextState = state; if (type === UpdateFormValue.type || type === UpdateForm.type || type === ResetForm.type) { const { value } = event.payload; const payloadValue = Array.isArray(value) ? value.slice() : isObjectLike(value) ? { ...value } : value; const path = this.joinPathWithPropertyPath(event); nextState = setValue(nextState, path, payloadValue); } if (type === ResetForm.type) { const model = getValue(nextState, `${event.payload.path}.model`); nextState = setValue(nextState, `${event.payload.path}`, { model: model }); } Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring. if (type === UpdateFormStatus.type || type === UpdateForm.type) { nextState = setValue(nextState, `${event.payload.path}.status`, event.payload.status); } if (type === UpdateFormErrors.type || type === UpdateForm.type) { nextState = setValue(nextState, `${event.payload.path}.errors`, { ...event.payload.errors }); } Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring. if (type === UpdateFormDirty.type || type === UpdateForm.type) { nextState = setValue(nextState, `${event.payload.path}.dirty`, event.payload.dirty); } if (type === SetFormDirty.type) { nextState = setValue(nextState, `${event.payload}.dirty`, true); } if (type === SetFormPristine.type) { nextState = setValue(nextState, `${event.payload}.dirty`, false); } if (type === SetFormDisabled.type) { nextState = setValue(nextState, `${event.payload}.disabled`, true); } if (type === SetFormEnabled.type) { nextState = setValue(nextState, `${event.payload}.disabled`, false); } return next(nextState, event); } private joinPathWithPropertyPath({ payload }: UpdateFormValue): string { let path = `${payload.path}.model`; if (payload.propertyPath) { path += `.${payload.propertyPath}`; } return path; }} function isObjectLike(target: unknown): target is object { return target !== null && typeof target === 'object';}