import { NavigationCancel, NavigationError, NavigationExtras, Params, RouterStateSnapshot, RoutesRecognized, ResolveEnd, NavigationStart, NavigationEnd} from '@angular/router'; import { RouterTrigger } from './router.state'; /** * Public event api of the router */export class Navigate { static readonly type = '[Router] Navigate'; constructor( public path: any[], public queryParams?: Params, public extras?: NavigationExtras ) {}} /** * * Angular Routers internal state events * */ /** * An action dispatched when the router starts the navigation. */export class RouterRequest<T = RouterStateSnapshot> { static readonly type = '[Router] RouterRequest'; constructor( public routerState: T, public event: NavigationStart, public trigger: RouterTrigger = 'none' ) {}} /** * An action dispatched when the router navigates. */Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring.export class RouterNavigation<T = RouterStateSnapshot> { static readonly type = '[Router] RouterNavigation'; constructor( public routerState: T, public event: RoutesRecognized, public trigger: RouterTrigger = 'none' ) {}} /** * An action dispatched when the router cancel navigation. */Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.export class RouterCancel<T, V = RouterStateSnapshot> { static readonly type = '[Router] RouterCancel'; constructor( public routerState: V, public storeState: T, public event: NavigationCancel, public trigger: RouterTrigger = 'none' ) {}} /** * An action dispatched when the router errors. */Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.export class RouterError<T, V = RouterStateSnapshot> { static readonly type = '[Router] RouterError'; constructor( public routerState: V, public storeState: T, public event: NavigationError, public trigger: RouterTrigger = 'none' ) {}} /** * An action dispatched when the `ResolveEnd` event is triggered. */Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring.export class RouterDataResolved<T = RouterStateSnapshot> { static readonly type = '[Router] RouterDataResolved'; constructor( public routerState: T, public event: ResolveEnd, public trigger: RouterTrigger = 'none' ) {}} /** * An action dispatched when the router navigation has been finished successfully. */Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring.export class RouterNavigated<T = RouterStateSnapshot> { static readonly type = '[Router] RouterNavigated'; constructor( public routerState: T, public event: NavigationEnd, public trigger: RouterTrigger = 'none' ) {}} /** * An union type of router actions. */export type RouterAction<T, V = RouterStateSnapshot> = | RouterRequest<V> | RouterNavigation<V> | RouterCancel<T, V> | RouterError<T, V> | RouterDataResolved<V> | RouterNavigated<V>;