import { Injectable, inject } from '@angular/core';import { ɵPlainObject } from '@ngxs/store/internals';import { NgxsPlugin, setValue, getValue, InitState, UpdateState, actionMatcher, NgxsNextPluginFn} from '@ngxs/store/plugins';import { ɵDEFAULT_STATE_KEY, ɵALL_STATES_PERSISTED, ɵNGXS_STORAGE_PLUGIN_OPTIONS} from '@ngxs/storage-plugin/internals';import { tap } from 'rxjs'; import { getStorageKey } from './internals';import { ɵNgxsStoragePluginKeysManager } from './keys-manager'; declare const ngDevMode: boolean;declare const ngServerMode: boolean; @Injectable()export class NgxsStoragePlugin implements NgxsPlugin { private _keysManager = inject(ɵNgxsStoragePluginKeysManager); private _options = inject(ɵNGXS_STORAGE_PLUGIN_OPTIONS); private _allStatesPersisted = inject(ɵALL_STATES_PERSISTED); Function `handle` has 88 lines of code (exceeds 50 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Function `handle` has a Cognitive Complexity of 30 (exceeds 20 allowed). Consider refactoring. handle(state: any, event: any, next: NgxsNextPluginFn) { if (typeof ngServerMode !== 'undefined' && ngServerMode) { return next(state, event); } const matches = actionMatcher(event); const isInitAction = matches(InitState); const isUpdateAction = matches(UpdateState); const isInitOrUpdateAction = isInitAction || isUpdateAction; let hasMigration = false; if (isInitOrUpdateAction) { const addedStates: ɵPlainObject = isUpdateAction && event.addedStates; for (const { key, engine } of this._keysManager.getKeysWithEngines()) { // We're checking what states have been added by NGXS and if any of these states should be handled by // the storage plugin. For instance, we only want to deserialize the `auth` state, NGXS has added // the `user` state, the storage plugin will be rerun and will do redundant deserialization. // `usesDefaultStateKey` is necessary to check since `event.addedStates` never contains `@@STATE`. if (!this._allStatesPersisted && addedStates) { // We support providing keys that can be deeply nested via dot notation, for instance, // `keys: ['myState.myProperty']` is a valid key. // The state name should always go first. The below code checks if the `key` includes dot // notation and extracts the state name out of the key. // Given the `key` is `myState.myProperty`, the `addedStates` will only contain `myState`. const dotNotationIndex = key.indexOf(DOT); const stateName = dotNotationIndex > -1 ? key.slice(0, dotNotationIndex) : key; if (!addedStates.hasOwnProperty(stateName)) { continue; } } const storageKey = getStorageKey(key, this._options); let storedValue: any = engine.getItem(storageKey); Consider simplifying this complex logical expression. if (storedValue !== 'undefined' && storedValue != null) { try { const newVal = this._options.deserialize!(storedValue); storedValue = this._options.afterDeserialize!(newVal, key); } catch { typeof ngDevMode !== 'undefined' && ngDevMode && console.error( `Error ocurred while deserializing the ${storageKey} store value, falling back to empty object, the value obtained from the store: `, storedValue ); storedValue = {}; } this._options.migrations?.forEach(strategy => { const versionMatch = strategy.version === getValue(storedValue, strategy.versionKey || 'version'); const keyMatch = (!strategy.key && this._allStatesPersisted) || strategy.key === key; if (versionMatch && keyMatch) { storedValue = strategy.migrate(storedValue); hasMigration = true; } }); if (this._allStatesPersisted) { storedValue = this._hydrateSelectivelyOnUpdate(storedValue, addedStates); state = { ...state, ...storedValue }; } else { state = setValue(state, key, storedValue); } } } } return next(state, event).pipe( tap(nextState => { if (isInitOrUpdateAction && !hasMigration) { return; } for (const { key, engine } of this._keysManager.getKeysWithEngines()) { let storedValue = nextState; const storageKey = getStorageKey(key, this._options); if (key !== ɵDEFAULT_STATE_KEY) { storedValue = getValue(nextState, key); } try { const newStoredValue = this._options.beforeSerialize!(storedValue, key); engine.setItem(storageKey, this._options.serialize!(newStoredValue)); } catch (error: any) { if (typeof ngDevMode !== 'undefined' && ngDevMode) { if ( error && ( === 'QuotaExceededError' || === 'NS_ERROR_DOM_QUOTA_REACHED') ) { console.error( `The ${storageKey} store value exceeds the browser storage quota: `, storedValue ); } else { console.error( `Error ocurred while serializing the ${storageKey} store value, value not updated, the value obtained from the store: `, storedValue ); } } } } }) ); } private _hydrateSelectivelyOnUpdate(storedValue: any, addedStates: ɵPlainObject) { // The `UpdateState` action is triggered whenever a feature state is added. // The condition below is only satisfied when this action is triggered. // Let's consider two states: `counter` and `@ngxs/router-plugin` state. // When `provideStore` is called, `CounterState` is provided at the root level, // while `@ngxs/router-plugin` is provided as a feature state. Previously, the storage // plugin might have stored the value of the counter state as `10`. If `CounterState` // implements the `ngxsOnInit` hook and sets the state to `999`, the storage plugin will // reset the entire state when the `RouterState` is registered. // Consequently, the `counter` state will revert back to `10` instead of `999`. if (!storedValue || !addedStates || Object.keys(addedStates).length === 0) { // Nothing to update if `addedStates` object is empty. return storedValue; } // The `storedValue` can be the entire state when the default state key // is used. However, if `addedStates` only contains the `router` value, // we only want to merge the state with that `router` value. // Given the `storedValue` is an object: // `{ counter: 10, router: {...} }` // This will only select the `router` object from the `storedValue`, // avoiding unnecessary rehydration of the `counter` state. return Object.keys(addedStates).reduce( (accumulator, addedState) => { if (storedValue.hasOwnProperty(addedState)) { accumulator[addedState] = storedValue[addedState]; } return accumulator; }, <ɵPlainObject>{} ); }} const DOT = '.';