import { Injectable, NgZone, inject, DestroyRef } from '@angular/core';import { takeUntilDestroyed } from '@angular/core/rxjs-interop';import { Actions, Store, ofActionDispatched } from '@ngxs/store';import { getValue } from '@ngxs/store/plugins';import { Subject, fromEvent, takeUntil } from 'rxjs'; import { ConnectWebSocket, DisconnectWebSocket, SendWebSocketMessage, NGXS_WEBSOCKET_OPTIONS, NgxsWebSocketPluginOptions, WebSocketMessageError, WebSocketDisconnected, TypeKeyPropertyMissingError, WebSocketConnectionUpdated, WebSocketConnected} from './symbols'; @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })export class WebSocketHandler { private _store = inject(Store); private _ngZone = inject(NgZone); private _actions$ = inject(Actions); private _options = inject(NGXS_WEBSOCKET_OPTIONS); private _socket: WebSocket | null = null; private readonly _socketClosed$ = new Subject<void>(); private readonly _typeKey = this._options.typeKey!; private readonly _destroyRef = inject(DestroyRef); constructor() { this._setupActionsListeners(); this._destroyRef.onDestroy(() => this._closeConnection(/* forcelyCloseSocket */ true)); } private _setupActionsListeners(): void {Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring. this._actions$ .pipe(ofActionDispatched(ConnectWebSocket), takeUntilDestroyed(this._destroyRef)) .subscribe(({ payload }) => { this.connect(payload); }); this._actions$ .pipe(ofActionDispatched(DisconnectWebSocket), takeUntilDestroyed(this._destroyRef)) .subscribe(() => { this._disconnect(/* forcelyCloseSocket */ true); }); Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring. this._actions$ .pipe(ofActionDispatched(SendWebSocketMessage), takeUntilDestroyed(this._destroyRef)) .subscribe(({ payload }) => { this.send(payload); }); } private connect(options?: NgxsWebSocketPluginOptions): void { if (this._socket) { this._closeConnection(/* forcelyCloseSocket */ true); this._store.dispatch(new WebSocketConnectionUpdated()); } // TODO(arturovt): we should not override default config values because this breaks support for having multiple socket connections. if (options) { if (options.serializer) { this._options.serializer = options.serializer; } if (options.deserializer) { this._options.deserializer = options.deserializer; } } this._ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => { // We either use options provided in the `ConnectWebSocket` action // or fallback to default config values. const url = options?.url || this._options.url!; const protocol = options?.protocol || this._options.protocol; const binaryType = options?.binaryType || this._options.binaryType; const socket = (this._socket = protocol ? new WebSocket(url, protocol) : new WebSocket(url)); if (binaryType) { socket.binaryType = binaryType; } fromEvent(socket, 'open') .pipe(takeUntil(this._socketClosed$)) .subscribe(() => this._store.dispatch(new WebSocketConnected())); fromEvent<MessageEvent>(socket, 'message') .pipe(takeUntil(this._socketClosed$)) .subscribe(event => { const message = this._options.deserializer!(event); const type = getValue(message, this._typeKey); if (!type) { throw new TypeKeyPropertyMissingError(this._typeKey); } this._store.dispatch({ ...message, type }); }); fromEvent(socket, 'error') .pipe(takeUntil(this._socketClosed$)) .subscribe(error => { // The error event indicates that an error has occurred during the // WebSocket communication, and it is often appropriate to close the // WebSocket connection when such an error occurs. // We need to call `_disconnect()` after the error event has been fired. // This ensures that the WebSocket connection is properly closed to prevent // potential resource leaks. this._disconnect(/* forcelyCloseSocket */ true); this._store.dispatch(new WebSocketMessageError(error)); }); fromEvent<CloseEvent>(socket, 'close') .pipe(takeUntil(this._socketClosed$)) .subscribe(event => { if (event.wasClean) { // It is not necessary to call `socket.close()` after the `close` event // has been fired. In fact, calling `socket.close()` within the `close` // event handler or immediately after the event has been fired can lead // to unexpected behavior. this._disconnect(/* forcelyCloseSocket */ false); } else { // If the WebSocket `close` event has been fired and its `wasClean` // property is falsy, it indicates that the WebSocket connection was // closed in an unexpected or abnormal manner. // We should call `socket.close()` in this scenario, we can ensure that // the WebSocket connection is properly closed. this._disconnect(/* forcelyCloseSocket */ true); this._store.dispatch(new WebSocketMessageError(event)); } }); }); } private _disconnect(forcelyCloseSocket: boolean): void { if (this._socket) { this._closeConnection(forcelyCloseSocket); this._store.dispatch(new WebSocketDisconnected()); } } private send(data: any): void { if (!this._socket) { throw new Error('You must connect to the socket before sending any data'); } try { this._socket.send(this._options.serializer!(data)); } catch (error) { this._store.dispatch(new WebSocketMessageError(error)); } } private _closeConnection(forcelyCloseSocket: boolean): void { if (forcelyCloseSocket) { this._socket?.close(); } this._socket = null; this._socketClosed$.next(); }}