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Test Coverage
 * WAMS - An API for Multi-Surface Environments
 * Author: Michael van der Kamp
 *  |-> Date: July/August 2018
 * Original author: Jesse Rolheiser
 * Other revisions and supervision: Scott Bateman

'use strict';

const {
} = require('../shared.js');
const { Interactable, Locker } = require('../mixins.js');

const STAMPER = new IdStamper();

 * The ServerView provides operations for the server to locate, move, and
 * rescale views.
 * @memberof module:server
 * @extends module:shared.View
 * @mixes module:mixins.Interactable
 * @mixes module:mixins.Locker
 * @param {Namespace} socket - socket for publishing changes.
 * @param {Object} [ values ] - Object with user supplied values describing the
 * view.
class ServerView extends Locker(Interactable(View)) {
  constructor(socket, index, values = {}) {

     * socket for publishing changes.
     * @type {Socket}
    this.socket = socket;

     * The index is an integer identifying the ServerView,
     * coming from its ServerController.
     * @type {number}
    this.index = index;

     * A place for user to store view state.
    this.state = {};

     * Id to make the views uniquely identifiable.
     * @name id
     * @type {number}
     * @constant
     * @instance
     * @memberof module:server.ServerView

   * Get the position of the bottom left corner of this view.
   * @type {module:shared.Point2D}
  get bottomLeft() { return this.transformPoint(0, this.height); }

   * Get the position of the bottom right corner of this view.
   * @type {module:shared.Point2D}
  get bottomRight() { return this.transformPoint(this.width, this.height); }

   * Get the position of the top left corner of this view.
   * @type {module:shared.Point2D}
  get topLeft() { return this.transformPoint(0, 0); }

   * Get the position of the top right corner of this view.
   * @type {module:shared.Point2D}
  get topRight() { return this.transformPoint(this.width, 0); }

   * Publish the view, bringing subscribers up to date.
   * @override
  emitPublication() {
    new Message(Message.UD_SHADOW, this).emitWith(this.socket.broadcast);
    new Message(Message.UD_VIEW,   this).emitWith(this.socket);

   * Send Message to clients to dispatch custom Client event.
   * @param {string} event name of the user-defined event.
   * @param {object} payload argument to pass to the event handler.
  dispatch(action, payload) {
    const dreport = new DataReporter({
      data: { action, payload },
    new Message(Message.DISPATCH, dreport).emitWith(this.socket);

   * Move by the given amount.
   * @override
  moveBy(dx = 0, dy = 0) {
    super.moveBy(dx, dy);

   * Rotate the view by the given amount.
   * @override
  rotateBy(radians = 0, px, py) {
    super.rotateBy(radians, px, py);

   * Scale the view by the given amount.
   * @override
  scaleBy(ds = 1, mx, my) {
    super.scaleBy(ds, mx, my, 'divideBy');

module.exports = ServerView;