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# Mongoid Scribe

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Mongoid Scribe is a Rails Engine that provides a DSL for setting up simple admin interfaces to edit MongoDB documents.  No configuration is required in order to get a basic form, however you can override any form you want to provide a more custom and usable interface.

### Generator
To generate an initializer:  

`bundle exec rails generate mongoid_scribe:install`

### Configuration

Mongoid::Scribe.configure do

  authenticate_with :admin_required
  mount_at "/admin/documents"
  resources exclude: [:user_roles]

  form_configuration_for User do
      field :first_name
    field :last_name
    field :favorite_color, values: User::COLORS
    field :email, type: :email
    field :home_city_id
    field :visitied_city_ids: values: ->(user) { user.visited_cities }, label: :name, value: :id

  index_configuration_for User do
    column :first_name
    column :last_Name
    column :email
    column :city, value: ->(user) { }


### Usage
In your application visit: **/documents**

### Options
`authenticate_with`: Provide a controller filter for granting / denying access  
`form_configuration_for Class`: Allows you to specify the fields that you want on the form for the specified class  
`index_configuration_for Class`: Allows you to specify the columns that are displayed on the index page
`mount_at`: Endpoint where editor is mounted (default is **/documents**)  
`resources`: Include or exclude specific models from the editor interface

### Notes
In development mode set `preload_models: true`

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