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function [fpath_h5] = twoears2hdf5(fpath, dir_dst, ...
                                   featureNames, numClasses)
% TWOEARS2HDF  load twoears training data and reformat into caffe-friendly HDF5
%   TWOEARS2HDF(fpath, dir_dst) loads data from .mat file designated by fpath
%     and writes them to hdf5 files under directory dir_dst
%   Assumes:
%       rows are examples, labels are features/class columns
%       label states are -1, 0, 1 for inactive, undefined, active
%       respectively
%   The general class is only present in the scalar representation of the
%   ground truth. It is equivalent to an all-zero ground truth vector.
load(fpath, 'x', 'y');

dir_src = fileparts(fpath);
if isempty(phase)
    [~, phase] = fileparts(dir_src); % test or train from directory name
    assert( strcmp(phase, 'test') | strcmp(phase, 'train') | strcmp(phase, 'val'), ...
        'Unable to determine phase (test vs. train).' );

[x_feat, feature_type_names] = twoears2Blob(x, featureNames);

% merge all features and ground truth into same hdf5
prefix_h5 = 'twoears_data';
fname_h5 = sprintf('%s_%s.h5', prefix_h5, phase);
fpath_h5 = fullfile(dir_dst, fname_h5);
for ii = 1 : numel(feature_type_names)
    % save formatted features to file
    if ii > 1
        write_mode = 'append';
        write_mode = 'overwrite'; % first entry only
    hdf5write( fpath_h5, ...
        strcat('/', feature_type_names{ii}), x_feat{ii}, ...
        'WriteMode', write_mode);
% append ground truth to hdf5

% reshape multi-label ground truth vectors to 4-D Blob
y_id_loc = y(:,1:end-1);
y_id_loc = reshape(y_id_loc, length(y), numClasses, 1, []);
y_id_loc = permute(y_id_loc, [4, 3, 2, 1]);
hdf5write( fpath_h5, ...
    '/label_id_loc', y_id_loc, ...
    'WriteMode', 'append');
hdf5write( fpath_h5, ...
    '/label_id_void', y_id_loc(end,:,:,:), ...
    'WriteMode', 'append');
y_nSrcs = y(:, end);
y_nSrcs = reshape( y_nSrcs, 1, [], 1, length( y ) );
hdf5write( fpath_h5, ...
    '/label_nSrcs', y_nSrcs, ...
    'WriteMode', 'append');