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    # Private GitHub and/or GitLab token which allow proji to access private repos and benefit from things like an extended rate limiting.
    gh_token = ""
    gl_token = ""

    # Option to disable cli colors by default.
    disable_colors = false

    # Supported drivers: mysql, mssql, postgres, sqlite3
    driver = "sqlite3"
    # Connection string to the database. See for more informations.
    # Note: In case of sqlite the dsn may hold an absolute or relative path. A relative path is thought to be relative to projis root config
    # folder. So internally the example below gets interpreted as '/home/[USER]/.config/proji/db/proji.sqlite3'.
    dsn = "db/proji.sqlite3"

    # Specify a regex which will be used on directory/repository structure and collection imports. This regex is used to exclude
    # folders and files from being imported.
    # You can extend the example filter down below or pass the '-e' / '--exclude' flag when importing a package from the previously
    # named sources. If you pass a valid regex to the exclude flag it will overwrite the regex specified in your config during runtime but not
    # persistently.
    exclude = "^(.git|.env|.idea|.vscode)$"

    # Start/opening and end/closing tag for the template engine to recognize. These should be as unique but short
    # as possible; something like '-' for a tag would be pretty bad.
    start_tag = "{{!"
    end_tag = "!}}"