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package config

import (


// APIAuthentication represents the configurable and authentication related values in the main config.
type APIAuthentication struct {
    GHToken string `mapstructure:"gh_token"`
    GLToken string `mapstructure:"gl_token"`

// Core represents core settings of proji.
type Core struct {
    DisableColors bool `mapstructure:"disable_colors"`

// DatabaseConnection represents the configurable and database related values in the main config.
type DatabaseConnection struct {
    Driver string `mapstructure:"driver"`
    DSN    string `mapstructure:"dsn"`

// Import represents package import related config settings.
type Import struct {
    Exclude string `mapstructure:"exclude"`

// Template represents the configurable and database related values in the main config.
type Template struct {
    StartTag string `mapstructure:"start_tag"`
    EndTag   string `mapstructure:"end_tag"`

// Config represents proji's main config holding information about central resources the app uses.
type Config struct {
    Auth               *APIAuthentication  `mapstructure:"auth"`
    BasePath           string              `mapstructure:"-"`
    Core               *Core               `mapstructure:"core"`
    DatabaseConnection *DatabaseConnection `mapstructure:"database"`
    Import             *Import             `mapstructure:"import"`
    Template           *Template           `mapstructure:"template"`
    provider           *viper.Viper        `mapstructure:"-"`

const (
    defaultDatabaseDriver = "sqlite3"
    defaultDatabaseDSN    = "/db/proji.sqlite3"
    defaultStartTag       = "{{%"
    defaultEndTag         = "%}}"

var globalBasePath string

// Prepare determines the operating system specific base config path and stores it. This needs to be run before all other
// config methods.
func Prepare() error {
    // Load and set the config base path
    return setGlobalBasePath()

// New returns a new empty config instance which has its base path set to the given path.
func New(path string) *Config {
    // Set platform specific config path
    conf := &Config{}
    conf.BasePath = path
    return conf

// LoadValues tries to load all configuration values.
func (c *Config) LoadValues(cmdFlags *pflag.FlagSet) error {
    // Set config provider

    // Set config specifications

    // Set default config values

    // Load config values
    err := c.loadValues(cmdFlags)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Set the loaded values as config
    err = c.setFinalValues()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Handle special case for sqlite3 database
    return nil

// setProvider sets the configs provider to a new viper instance.
func (c *Config) setProvider() {
    c.provider = viper.New()

// setSpecs sets config provider specifications like the config path and env prefix.
func (c *Config) setSpecs() {
    c.provider.SetEnvKeyReplacer(strings.NewReplacer(".", "_"))

// setDefaultValues sets the main configs default values for all keys.
func (c *Config) setDefaultValues() {
    c.provider.SetDefault("auth.gh_token", "")
    c.provider.SetDefault("auth.gl_token", "")
    c.provider.SetDefault("core.disable_colors", false)
    c.provider.SetDefault("database.driver", defaultDatabaseDriver)
    c.provider.SetDefault("database.dsn", filepath.Join(c.BasePath, defaultDatabaseDSN))
    c.provider.SetDefault("import.exclude", `^(.git|.env|.idea|.vscode)$`)
    c.provider.SetDefault("template.start_tag", defaultStartTag)
    c.provider.SetDefault("template.end_tag", defaultEndTag)

// set should run after loadFile and loadEnvironmentVariables. It sets the loaded values as the final config.
func (c *Config) setFinalValues() error {
    return c.provider.Unmarshal(c)

// loadValues loads config values from file and environment variables.
func (c *Config) loadValues(cmdFlags *pflag.FlagSet) error {
    err := c.loadFile()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if cmdFlags.NFlag() > 0 {
        return c.loadFlags(cmdFlags)
    return nil

// loadConfigFile tries to load the settings relevant values from the default config file. Skips if config file not found.
func (c *Config) loadFile() error {
    err := c.provider.ReadInConfig()
    _, ok := err.(viper.ConfigFileNotFoundError)
    if ok {
        // Config file not found; ignore error and return empty settings
        return nil
    return err

// loadSettingsFromConfig tries to load the settings from the default config file. Skips if config file not found.
func (c *Config) loadEnvironmentVariables() {

func (c *Config) loadFlags(cmdFlags *pflag.FlagSet) error {
    // Flag names with their viper internal keys
    flags := map[string]string{
        "exclude":   "import.exclude",
        "no-colors": "core.disable_colors",

    for name, key := range flags {
        flag := cmdFlags.Lookup(name)
        if flag == nil {
            // Flag not found
        err := c.provider.BindPFlag(key, flag)
        if err != nil {
            return err
    return nil

func (c *Config) handleDatabaseDriverSpecialCase() {
    // Special case for sqlite.
    if c.DatabaseConnection.Driver == "sqlite3" {
        c.DatabaseConnection.DSN = RelativePathToAbsoluteConfigPath(c.BasePath, c.DatabaseConnection.DSN)

// GetBaseConfigPath returns the OS specific base path of the config folder.
func GetBaseConfigPath() string {
    return globalBasePath

// setGlobalBasePath sets the variable globalBasePath to the OS specific base path of the config folder.
func setGlobalBasePath() error {
    if globalBasePath != "" {
        return nil
    var path string
    var err error
    switch runtime.GOOS {
    case "linux":
        path, err = getLinuxConfigBasePath()
    case "darwin":
        path, err = getDarwinConfigBasePath()
    case "windows":
        path, err = getWindowsConfigBasePath()
        err = fmt.Errorf("OS %s is not supported and/or tested yet. Please create an issue at "+
            " to request the support of your OS", runtime.GOOS)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    // No errors, set the global base path
    globalBasePath = path
    return nil

// getLinuxConfigBasePath tries to read the HOME env variable. Returns proji's home path on linux systems on success.
func getLinuxConfigBasePath() (string, error) {
    home, exists := os.LookupEnv("HOME")
    if !exists {
        return "", fmt.Errorf("could not find environment variable HOME")
    return filepath.Join(home, "/.config/proji"), nil

// getDarwinConfigBasePath tries to read the HOME env variable. Returns proji's home path on darwin systems on success.
func getDarwinConfigBasePath() (string, error) {
    home, exists := os.LookupEnv("HOME")
    if !exists {
        return "", fmt.Errorf("could not find environment variable HOME")
    return filepath.Join(home, "/Library/Application Support/proji"), nil

// getWindowsConfigBasePath tries to read the APPDATA env variable. Returns proji's home path on windows systems on success.
func getWindowsConfigBasePath() (string, error) {
    appData, exists := os.LookupEnv("APPDATA")
    if !exists {
        return "", fmt.Errorf("could not find environment variable APPDATA")
    return filepath.Join(appData, "/proji"), nil

// RelativePathToAbsoluteConfigPath takes a relative path and a config folder path (usually proji's main config folder)
// and returns the absolute path of the relative path in relation to the config folder path. Returns the relative path
// unchanged if it was already an absolute path.
func RelativePathToAbsoluteConfigPath(configFolderPath, relativePath string) string {
    if filepath.IsAbs(relativePath) {
        // Either user defined path like '/my/custom/db/path' or default value was loaded
        return relativePath
    // User defined path like 'db/proji.sqlite3'. Gets prefixed with config folder path. This has to be a relative
    // path or else the above will trigger.
    return filepath.Join(configFolderPath, relativePath)

// OpenInEditor tries to open a given config file in the systems default editor. If the attempt to open the config
// in the systems default editor for the files type the function will try to open the the config file in a text editor
// that's available on the os by default - 'TextEdit' on macOS for example.
func OpenInEditor(configPath string) error {
    // Try to open in default editor for file extension
    err := open.Run(configPath)
    if err == nil {
        return nil

    // If failed to open file with native open-command, try to open in systems default text editor.
    switch runtime.GOOS {
    case "linux":
        return err // No default fallback editor under linux
    case "darwin":
        err = open.RunWith(configPath, "TextEdit") // Use TextEdit as fallback editor on macOS
    case "windows":
        err = open.RunWith(configPath, "notepad.exe") // Use notepad as fallback editor on Windows
        return fmt.Errorf("OS %s is not supported yet. Please create an issue at "+
            " to request the support of your OS", runtime.GOOS)

    // If an error occurred, make it more expressive
    if err != nil {
        err = errors.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("trying to open config with fallback editor"), err.Error())

    return err