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package message

import (


const (
    symbolInfo    = "• "
    symbolSuccess = "🗸 "
    symbolWarning = "⚡"
    symbolError   = "✗ "

var (
    defaultColorNone    = color.FgDefault.Render
    defaultColorInfo    = color.FgBlue.Render
    defaultColorSuccess = color.FgGreen.Render
    defaultColorWarning = color.FgYellow.Render
    defaultColorError   = color.FgRed.Render

    colorInfo    = defaultColorInfo
    colorSuccess = defaultColorSuccess
    colorWarning = defaultColorWarning
    colorError   = defaultColorError

    prefixInfo    = colorInfo(symbolInfo)
    prefixSuccess = colorSuccess(symbolSuccess)
    prefixWarning = colorWarning(symbolWarning)
    prefixError   = colorError(symbolError)

// DisableColors disables colorful text output.
func DisableColors() {

func setNoColors() {
    colorInfo = defaultColorNone
    colorSuccess = defaultColorNone
    colorWarning = defaultColorNone
    colorError = defaultColorNone

func renderPrefixes() {
    prefixInfo = colorInfo(symbolInfo)
    prefixSuccess = colorSuccess(symbolSuccess)
    prefixWarning = colorWarning(symbolWarning)
    prefixError = colorError(symbolError)

// Infof prints a formatted information message.
func Infof(format string, args ...interface{}) {
    printPrefixedMessagef(os.Stdout, prefixInfo, format, args...)

// Sinfof prints a formatted information message.
func Sinfof(format string, args ...interface{}) string {
    return getPrefixedMessagef(prefixInfo, format, args...)

// Successf prints a formatted success message.
func Successf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
    printPrefixedMessagef(os.Stdout, prefixSuccess, format, args...)

// Ssuccessf prints a formatted success message.
func Ssuccessf(format string, args ...interface{}) string {
    return getPrefixedMessagef(prefixSuccess, format, args...)

// Warningf prints a formatted warning message.
func Warningf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
    printPrefixedMessagef(os.Stdout, prefixWarning, format, args...)

// Swarningf prints a formatted warning message.
func Swarningf(format string, args ...interface{}) string {
    return getPrefixedMessagef(prefixWarning, format, args...)

// Errorf prints a formatted error message.
func Errorf(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) {
    format = formatErrorMessage(format, err)
    printPrefixedMessagef(os.Stderr, prefixError, format, args...)

// Serrorf prints a formatted error message.
func Serrorf(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) string {
    format = formatErrorMessage(format, err)
    return getPrefixedMessagef(prefixError, format, args...)

func formatErrorMessage(format string, err error) string {
    errorString := colorError("error") + "=" + err.Error()
    format = strings.TrimSpace(format)
    if len(format) < 1 {
        return errorString
    return format + " " + errorString

func printPrefixedMessagef(out io.Writer, prefix, format string, args ...interface{}) {
    _, err := fmt.Fprintf(out, prefix+format+"\n", args...)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("failed to print message to %v.\n", out)

func getPrefixedMessagef(prefix, format string, args ...interface{}) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf(prefix+format, args...)