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package domain

import (

// Package represents a proji package; the central item of proji's project creation mechanism. It holds tags for gorm and
// toml defining its storage and export/import behaviour.
type Package struct {
    ID          uint        `gorm:"primarykey" toml:"-"`
    CreatedAt   time.Time   `toml:"-"`
    UpdatedAt   time.Time   `toml:"-"`
    Name        string      `gorm:"not null;size:64" toml:"name"`
    Label       string      `gorm:"index:idx_unq_package_label,unique;not null;size:16" toml:"label"`
    Description string      `gorm:"size:255" toml:"description"`
    Templates   []*Template `gorm:"many2many:package_templates;" toml:"template"`
    Plugins     []*Plugin   `gorm:"many2many:package_plugins;" toml:"plugin"`

func NewPackage(name, label string) *Package {
    return &Package{
        Name:  name,
        Label: label,

type PackageStore interface {
    StorePackage(p *Package) error

    LoadPackage(loadDependencies bool, label string) (*Package, error)
    LoadPackageList(loadDependencies bool, labels ...string) ([]*Package, error)

    RemovePackage(label string) error

type PackageService interface {
    StorePackage(p *Package) error
    LoadPackage(loadDependencies bool, label string) (*Package, error)
    LoadPackageList(loadDependencies bool, labels ...string) ([]*Package, error)
    RemovePackage(label string) error

    ImportPackageFromConfig(path string) (*Package, error)
    ImportPackageFromDirectoryStructure(path string, exclude *regexp.Regexp) (*Package, error)
    ImportPackageFromRepositoryStructure(url *url.URL, exclude *regexp.Regexp) (*Package, error)
    ImportPackageFromRemote(url *url.URL) (*Package, error)
    ImportPackagesFromCollection(url *url.URL, exclude *regexp.Regexp) ([]*Package, error)

    ExportPackageToConfig(pkg Package, destination string) (string, error)
    ExportPackageToTemporaryConfig(pkg Package) (string, error)