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3 hrs
Test Coverage
package gitlab

import (

    gl ""

const defaultTimeout = time.Second * 10

// Service struct holds important data about a gitlab util.
type Service struct {
    isAuthenticated bool
    client          *gl.Client

// New creates a new gitlab remote instance.
func New(authToken string) (*Service, error) {
    s := &Service{}
    var err error
    httpClient := &http.Client{Timeout: defaultTimeout}

    if len(strings.TrimSpace(authToken)) > 0 {
        s.client, err = gl.NewOAuthClient(
        s.isAuthenticated = true
    } else {
        s.client, err = gl.NewClient(
        s.isAuthenticated = false

    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "gitlab client")
    return s, nil

func (s Service) getRepository(url *url.URL) (*repo, error) {
    if url.Hostname() != "" {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid host %s", url.Hostname())

    // Parse URL
    // Examples:
    //  - /[inkscape]/[inkscape]                     -> extracts owner and remote name; no branch name
    //  - /[inkscape]/[inkscape]/-/tree/[master]    -> extracts owner, remote and branch name
    regex := regexp.MustCompile(`/([^/]+)/([^/]+)(?:/(?:tree|blob)/([^/]+))?`)
    specs := regex.FindStringSubmatch(url.Path)

    if specs == nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not parse url path")

    owner := specs[1]
    repoName := specs[2]
    branch := specs[3]

    if owner == "" || repoName == "" {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not extract user and/or repository name. Please check the URL")

    // Default to master if no branch was defined
    if branch == "" {
        branch = "master"

    return &repo{
        url:    url,
        name:   repoName,
        owner:  owner,
        branch: branch,
        client: s.client,
    }, nil

func (s Service) GetTreeEntriesAsTemplates(url *url.URL, exclude *regexp.Regexp) ([]*domain.Template, error) {
    repo, err := s.getRepository(url)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "gitlab service")

    treeEntries, err := repo.getTreeEntries()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "gitlab repository")
    templates := make([]*domain.Template, 0)

    for _, entry := range treeEntries {
        // Check if exclude matches the path
        doesMatch := exclude.MatchString(entry.Path)
        if doesMatch {

        // Parse to template
        isFile := false
        if entry.Type == "blob" {
            isFile = true
        templates = append(templates, &domain.Template{
            IsFile:      isFile,
            Path:        "",
            Destination: entry.Path,
    return templates, nil

func (s Service) GetPackageConfig(url *url.URL) (string, error) {
    repo, err := s.getRepository(url)
    if err != nil {
        return "", errors.Wrap(err, "github service")

    configPath := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "proji/configs")
    configPath, err = repo.downloadPackageConfig(configPath, url)
    if err != nil {
        return "", errors.Wrap(err, "download package config")
    return configPath, nil

func (s Service) GetCollectionConfigs(url *url.URL, exclude *regexp.Regexp) ([]string, error) {
    // Setup repo
    repo, err := s.getRepository(url)
    if err != nil {
        return []string{}, errors.Wrap(err, "github service")

    // Get tree entries from repo
    treeEntries, err := repo.getTreeEntries()
    if err != nil {
        return []string{}, errors.Wrap(err, "repo tree entries")

    // Filter out only files under configs/ path
    return repo.downloadCollectionConfigs(treeEntries, exclude)

// downloadPackageConfig downloads the config file from the given url to the given destination. Returns an error if not
// a valid download source and returns the full path of the downloaded file on success.
func (r repo) downloadPackageConfig(destination string, source *url.URL) (string, error) {
    // Extract file name
    fileName := filepath.Base(source.Path)

    // download file to temporary directory
    destination = filepath.Join(destination, fileName)

    // get raw file url ready for download
    rawSource := r.getRawFileURL(filepath.Join("configs", fileName))
    err := util.DownloadFileIfNotExists(destination, rawSource)
    if err != nil {
        return "", errors.Wrap(err, "download config file")
    return destination, nil

func (r repo) downloadCollectionConfigs(treeEntries []*gl.TreeNode, exclude *regexp.Regexp) ([]string, error) {
    configPaths := make([]string, 0)
    configsBasePath := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "proji/configs")
    for _, entry := range treeEntries {
        // Check if exclude matches the path
        doesMatch := exclude.MatchString(entry.Path)
        if doesMatch {

        // Parse package url from base url
        packageURL := r.url
        packageURL.Path = filepath.Join(packageURL.Path, entry.Path)

        // Download config
        configPath, err := r.downloadPackageConfig(configsBasePath, packageURL)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        // Add config path to list
        configPaths = append(configPaths, configPath)
    return configPaths, nil

// GetBaseURI returns the base URI of the remote
// You can pass the relative path to a file of that remote to receive the complete raw url for said file.
// Or you pass an empty string resulting in the base of the raw url for files of this util.
func (r repo) getRawFileURL(filePath string) string {
    filePath = strings.TrimPrefix(filePath, "/")
    return fmt.Sprintf("", r.owner,, r.branch, filePath)