Reporting a new bug:
If you discover any bug on the PhpSploit framework, you are invited to submit
it in the project's bugtracker, at:
Please ensure previously that the bug has not already been reported in the
issues list. In case you are using an older version of the software, consider
cloning the latest version from Git, if the bug has been noticed in the past,
it can solve your ploblem.
Contributing to the core:
If you plan to share your amendements to the framework's core, the first
requirement is to take care of the PhpSploit coding style. Even if some old
libraries stand ugly and poorly commented, the new or reviewed ones obey to
the following syntax:
- Any class/function has a docstring that summarizes their use.
- Esoteric portions of code are provided with explicit comments.
- The maximum line length is limited to 80 characters.
- PHP code portions MUST be compatible with at least php 4.3.0.
Finally, your contribution must be submited by a pull request on github.
Writing PhpSploit plugins:
To get your plugin(s) included to the next PhpSploit release, in addition to
the coding style conditions listed in the previous section, you must take care
to write a clear and detailed help for it.
The help must be provided as a python docString in the main file (,
and comply with the syntax of the built-in plugins. Help lines must not exceed
64 characters, to maintain good readability.
To submit your plugin, a compressed archive can be sent to the main developper
by E-Mail, or by a pull-request on github
Enhancing documentation:
If you found an error, or have an enhancement idea on any command/plugin help
string, please consider creating an "enhancement" issue:
If you are masochist and want to write, complement or review the (poor?)
PhpSploit documentation, you are very welcome and invited to share your
contribution by E-Mail or pull request.
#NOTE: If you want to bring manpage contribution, consider editing it's source
file at "man/manual-page.txt2tags", which uses txt2tags syntax and must be used
instead of "man/manual-page.1" to generate the manpage (see man/README).