"""Common operation on phpsploit target server pathnames.
These functions are designed for use in phpsploit plugins,
for normalizing and extracting server path components.
This module is highly inspired by `os.path` from standard library.
import re
from core import session
_WINPATH_REGEX = re.compile(r"[a-zA-Z]:\\")
def getcwd() -> str:
"""Return the current working directory"""
return session.Env.PWD
def isabs(path: str) -> bool:
"""Test whether a path is absolute"""
if path and path[0] in '/\\':
return True
if _WINPATH_REGEX.match(path):
return True
return False
def abspath(path: str) -> str:
"""Return an absolute path."""
if not isabs(path):
sep = '/'
if '/' not in path and '\\' in path:
sep = '\\'
elems = path.split(sep)
old_path = _split_path(session.Env.PWD)
path = old_path['root']
path += old_path['separator'].join(old_path['elems'] + elems)
return _sanitize_path(path)
def dirname(path: str) -> str:
"""Return the directory component of a pathname"""
return _split_path(path)['dirname']
def basename(path: str) -> str:
"""Return the final component of a pathname"""
return _split_path(path)['basename']
def separator(path: str) -> str:
"""Return the path of a pathname"""
return _split_path(path)['separator']
def splitdrive(path: str) -> tuple:
"""Split a pathname into drive and path. On Posix, drive is always
elems = _split_path(path)
drive = elems['root'][:-1]
path = path[(len(elems['root']) - 1):]
return drive, path
# Private function:
def _to_absolute_path(path: str) -> str:
"""Return the absolute version of given path string"""
if isabs(path):
return path
return abspath(path)
# Private function:
def _split_path(path: str) -> dict:
"""Split given path string into path elements"""
path = _to_absolute_path(path)
# if linux
if path.startswith('/'):
platform = 'nix'
root = '/'
sep = '/'
# if win physical path (C:\)
elif re.match(_WINPATH_REGEX, path):
platform = 'win'
root = path[:3]
sep = '\\'
# if win network path (\\
elif path.startswith('\\'):
platform = 'win'
root = '\\\\'
sep = '\\'
path = root + path.lstrip('\\')
raise ValueError("%s: Couldn't parse non-standard path" % path)
return {"platform": platform,
"root": root,
"elems": path[len(root):].split(sep),
"separator": sep,
"dirname": sep.join(path.split(sep)[:-1]) + sep,
"basename": path.split(sep)[-1]}
# Private function:
def _sanitize_path(path):
"""Remove unneeded path elements
>>> _sanitize_path('/foo/../bar/')
info = _split_path(path)
result = []
elems = info['elems']
for elem in elems:
if elem in ['.', '']:
elif elem == '..':
result = result[:-1]
elif elem == '~':
info = _split_path(session.Env.HOME)
result = info['elems']
return info['root'] + info['separator'].join(result)