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Handoff is a platform for next generation care coordination. Using Handoff,
providers can collaboratively annotate electronic medical records to ensure
efficient and continuous care. Handoff is meant to free care providers from the
phone calls, texts, and other forms of informal communication that are
currently used to facilitate care coordination.

This is application a prototype and not meant for production use.


Handoff pulls patient records from your existing system via FHIR API.
Configure the API endpoint and tweak its interaction in `app/models/api.rb`.
This is required for demoing, because the default endpoint is firewall-protected.


Initial Setup

1. Install rvm, following the instructions on the front page of
   If gpg is not a command on your system, ignore that step.

1. Open a new terminal, so the rvm script loads.

1. Install ruby:

        rvm install ruby

1. Clone the git repository, if you haven't already:

        git clone

   Note that this https URL requires you to enter your github credentials each
   time you authenticate. If you want to use passwordless SSH key based
   authentication isntead, follow GitHub's instructions here:

1. cd into the handoff git repository

        cd handoff

1. Install ruby gems

        bundle install

1. Drop old instances of the database

        bin/rake db:drop

1. Initialize the database

        bin/rake db:setup

1. Seed the database

        bin/rake db:seed

Running the application

1. `cd` into the project directory

1. Start the rails server

        bin/rails server

1. Visit http://localhost:3000

Deploying as a WAR file

1. (once) Install JRuby ~> 1.7.19 and bundler

   First install a Java JDK. Then:

        rvm install jruby-1.7.19
        rvm use jruby-1.7.19
        gem install bundler

1. Generate the war file handoff.war:

        rvm use jruby-1.7.19


        rvm use jruby-1.7.19                        # use JRuby and its gems for packaging
        bundle install --deployment                 # prepare gems for deployment
        RAILS_ENV=production rake assets:precompile # compile assets (js, css)
        bundle exec warble                          # generate the war file
        bundle install --no-deployment              # allow gems to be modified
        rvm use default                             # use standard Ruby for development

1. Deploy to a Tomcat app server:

    * `cd` into the tomcat directory (download and extract Tomcat 8 from

    * (once) Make the catalina startup script executable

            chmod +x bin/

    * Remove any old version of the app

            rm -rf webapps/handoff

    * Start the Tomcat app server

            bin/ start

    * Copy or symlink the handoff.war file into the `tomcat/webapps/` directory
    * Visit http://localhost:8080/handoff/