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package nimona

import (



// SessionManager manages the dialing and accepting of connections.
// It maintains a cache of the last 100 connections.
type SessionManager struct {
    connCache  *simplelru.LRU[connCacheKey, *Session]
    dialer     Dialer
    listener   Listener
    handlers   map[string]RequestHandlerFunc
    publicKey  PublicKey
    privateKey PrivateKey

    resolver   Resolver
    aliases    xsync.Map[IdentityAlias, *IdentityInfo]
    providers  xsync.Map[IdentityAlias, *IdentityInfo]
    identities xsync.Map[KeygraphID, *IdentityInfo]

type RequestHandlerFunc func(context.Context, *Request) error

type connCacheKey struct {
    publicKeyInHex string

func NewSessionManager(
    dialer Dialer,
    listener Listener,
    publicKey PublicKey,
    privateKey PrivateKey,
) (*SessionManager, error) {
    connCache, err := simplelru.NewLRU(100, func(_ connCacheKey, ses *Session) {
        err := ses.Close()
        if err != nil {
            // TODO: log error
            fmt.Println("error closing connection on eviction:", err)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating connection cache: %w", err)

    c := &SessionManager{
        connCache:  connCache,
        dialer:     dialer,
        listener:   listener,
        publicKey:  publicKey,
        privateKey: privateKey,
        handlers:   map[string]RequestHandlerFunc{},
        resolver:   &ResolverHTTP{},

    if listener != nil {
        go func() {
            // nolint:errcheck // TODO: handle error

    return c, nil

// Dial dials the given address and returns a connection if successful. If the
// address is already in the cache, the cached connection is returned.
func (cm *SessionManager) Dial(
    ctx context.Context,
    addr PeerAddr,
) (*Session, error) {
    // check the cache
    existingConn, ok := cm.connCache.Get(cm.connCacheKey(addr.PublicKey))
    if ok {
        return existingConn, nil

    // dial the address if it is not in the cache.
    conn, err := cm.dialer.Dial(ctx, addr)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error dialing %s: %w", addr, err)

    // wrap the connection in a chunked connection
    ses := NewSession(conn, &addr)
    err = ses.DoServer(cm.publicKey, cm.privateKey)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error performing handshake: %w", err)

    // if we have been given a public key for the remote peer, check it
    if addr.PublicKey != nil {
        if !ses.PublicKey().Equal(addr.PublicKey) {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("public key mismatch")

    // start handling messages
    go func() {

    // add ses to cache
    cm.connCache.Add(cm.connCacheKey(ses.PublicKey()), ses)

    return ses, nil

func (cm *SessionManager) connCacheKey(k PublicKey) connCacheKey {
    return connCacheKey{
        publicKeyInHex: fmt.Sprintf("%x", k),

type RequestRecipientFn func(*requestRecipient)

type requestRecipient struct {
    Alias      *IdentityAlias
    KeygraphID KeygraphID
    PeerAddr   *PeerAddr

func FromAlias(alias IdentityAlias) RequestRecipientFn {
    return func(r *requestRecipient) {
        r.Alias = &alias

func FromIdentity(id KeygraphID) RequestRecipientFn {
    return func(r *requestRecipient) {
        r.KeygraphID = id

func FromPeerAddr(peerAddr PeerAddr) RequestRecipientFn {
    return func(r *requestRecipient) {
        r.PeerAddr = &peerAddr

func (cm *SessionManager) Request(
    ctx context.Context,
    req *Document,
    rfn RequestRecipientFn,
) (*Response, error) {
    rec := &requestRecipient{}

    switch {
    case rec.Alias != nil:
        return cm.requestFromAlias(ctx, *rec.Alias, req)
    case !rec.KeygraphID.IsEmpty():
        return cm.requestFromIdentity(ctx, rec.KeygraphID, req)
    case rec.PeerAddr != nil:
        return cm.requestFromPeerAddr(ctx, *rec.PeerAddr, req)
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("no recipient specified")

func (cm *SessionManager) requestFromAlias(
    ctx context.Context,
    alias IdentityAlias,
    req *Document,
) (*Response, error) {
    // resolve the alias
    info, err := cm.LookupAlias(alias)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error looking up alias %s: %w", alias, err)

    return cm.requestFromIdentity(ctx, info.KeygraphID, req)

func (cm *SessionManager) requestFromIdentity(
    ctx context.Context,
    id KeygraphID,
    req *Document,
) (*Response, error) {
    // resolve the identity
    info, err := cm.LookupIdentity(id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error looking up identity %s: %w", id, err)

    return cm.requestFromPeerAddr(ctx, info.PeerAddresses[0], req)

func (cm *SessionManager) requestFromPeerAddr(
    ctx context.Context,
    addr PeerAddr,
    req *Document,
) (*Response, error) {
    ses, err := cm.Dial(ctx, addr)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error dialing %s: %w", addr, err)

    return ses.Request(ctx, req)

func (cm *SessionManager) handleConnections() error {
    errCh := make(chan error)
    // accept inbound connections.
    // if a connection with the same remote address already exists in the cache,
    // it is closed and removed before the new connection is added.
    go func() {
        for {
            conn, err := cm.listener.Accept()
            if err != nil {
                errCh <- fmt.Errorf("error accepting connection: %w", err)

            // start a new session, and perform the server side of the handshake
            // this will also perform the key exchange so after this we should
            // know the public key of the remote peer
            ses := NewSession(conn, nil)
            err = ses.DoServer(cm.publicKey, cm.privateKey)
            if err != nil {
                // TODO: log error

            // check if a connection with the same remote address already exists
            // in the cache.
            connCacheKey := cm.connCacheKey(ses.PublicKey())
            _, connectionExists := cm.connCache.Get(connCacheKey)
            if connectionExists {
                // remove the existing connection from the cache; this will
                // trigger the eviction callback which will close the connection

            // start handling messages
            go func() {

            // add ses to cache
            cm.connCache.Add(connCacheKey, ses)

    return <-errCh

func (cm *SessionManager) handleSession(ses *Session) {
    for {
        req, err := ses.Read()
        if err != nil {
            // TODO log error
            fmt.Println("error reading message:", err)
            ses.Close() // TODO handle error

        // get the handler for the message type
        handler, ok := cm.handlers[req.Type]
        if !ok {
            // TODO log error
            fmt.Println("no handler for message type:", req.Type)

        // handle the message
        err = handler(context.Background(), req)
        if err != nil {
            // TODO log error
            fmt.Println("error handling message:", err)

func (cm *SessionManager) RegisterHandler(
    msgType string,
    handler RequestHandlerFunc,
) {
    cm.handlers[msgType] = handler

func (cm *SessionManager) PeerAddr() PeerAddr {
    return PeerAddr{
        Transport: cm.listener.PeerAddr().Transport,
        Address:   cm.listener.PeerAddr().Address,
        PublicKey: cm.publicKey,

// Close closes all connections in the connection cache.
func (cm *SessionManager) Close() error {
    // purge will close all connections in the cache
    return nil

func (cm *SessionManager) LookupAlias(alias IdentityAlias) (*IdentityInfo, error) {
    if info, ok := cm.aliases.Load(alias); ok {
        return info, nil

    identityInfo, err := cm.resolver.ResolveIdentityAlias(alias)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to resolve provider alias: %w", err)

    cm.aliases.Store(alias, identityInfo)
    cm.identities.Store(identityInfo.KeygraphID, identityInfo)

    // TODO add recursive lookup for user identities
    // TODO(geoah): fix "use"
    // if identityInfo.KeygraphID.Use == "provider" {
    //     cm.providers.Store(alias, identityInfo)
    // }

    return identityInfo, nil

func (cm *SessionManager) LookupIdentity(id KeygraphID) (*IdentityInfo, error) {
    if info, ok := cm.identities.Load(id); ok {
        return info, nil

    var identityInfo *IdentityInfo
    cm.providers.Range(func(key IdentityAlias, providerInfo *IdentityInfo) bool {
        ctx, cf := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
        defer cf()

        for _, addr := range providerInfo.PeerAddresses {
            rctx := &RequestContext{}
            doc, err := RequestDocument(ctx, rctx, cm, id.DocumentID(), FromPeerAddr(addr))
            if err != nil {

            err = identityInfo.FromDocument(doc)
            if err != nil {

            return false

        return true

    if identityInfo == nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to resolve identity %s", id)

    cm.identities.Store(id, identityInfo)

    // TODO verify the alias is indeed correct before storing or returning it
    if identityInfo.Alias.Hostname != "" {
        cm.aliases.Store(identityInfo.Alias, identityInfo)

    // TODO(geoah): fix "use"
    // if identityInfo.KeygraphID.Use == "provider" {
    //     cm.providers.Store(identityInfo.Alias, identityInfo)
    // }

    return identityInfo, nil