# NetboxClientRuby
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This is a gem to pragmatically access your [Netbox instance](
via it's API from Ruby. This gem is currently only compatible with Netbox v2.4 or newer.
## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'netbox-client-ruby'
If your application already uses Faraday 0.x or 1.x and you cannot otherwise upgrade to Faraday 2, you must also add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'faraday_middleware' # remove when upgrading to Faraday 2+
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it manually:
$ gem install netbox-client-ruby
## Usage
### Configuration
Put this somewhere, where it runs, before any call to anything else of Netbox.
If you are using Rails, then this would probably be somewhere underneath /config.
require 'netbox-client-ruby'
NetboxClientRuby.configure do |config|
config.netbox.auth.token = 'YOUR_API_TOKEN'
config.netbox.api_base_url = 'http://netbox.local/api/'
# these are optional:
config.netbox.auth.rsa_private_key.path = '~/.ssh/netbox_rsa'
config.netbox.auth.rsa_private_key.password = ''
config.netbox.pagination.default_limit = 50
config.faraday.adapter = Faraday.default_adapter
config.faraday.request_options = { open_timeout: 1, timeout: 5 }
config.faraday.logger = :logger # built-in options: :logger, :detailed_logger; default: nil
### Structure
The methods are aligned with the API as it is defined in Netbox.
You can explore the API endpoints in your browser by opening the API endpoint. Usually that's `http://YOUR_NETBOX/api/`.
So if the URL is `/api/dcim/sites.json`, then the corresponding Ruby code would be `NetboxClientRuby.dcim.sites`.
### Examples
# configuration
NetboxClientRuby.configure do |c|
c.netbox.auth.token = '2e35594ec8710e9922d14365a1ea66f27ea69450'
c.netbox.api_base_url = 'http://netbox.local/api/'
c.netbox.auth.rsa_private_key.path = '~/.ssh/netbox_rsa'
# get all sites
sites = NetboxClientRuby.dcim.sites
puts "There are #{} sites in your Netbox instance."
# get the first site of the result set
first_site = sites.first
puts "The first site is called #{}."
# filter devices by site
# Note that Netbox filters by *slug*
devices_of_site = NetboxClientRuby.dcim.devices.filter(site: first_site.slug)
puts "#{} devices belong to the site. #{devices_of_site}.length devices have been fetched."
# Finds a specific device
NetboxClientRuby.dcim.devices.find_by(name: 'my-device', other_field: 'other-value')
# Finds a specific device with a certain custom field
NetboxClientRuby.dcim.devices.find_by(cf_custom_url: '')
# Or a mix of regular and custom fields
NetboxClientRuby.dcim.devices.find_by(name: 'my-device', cf_custom_field: 'custom-value')
# get a site by id
s =
# update a site
s.update(name: 'Zurich', slug: 'zrh')
# update a site (alternative) = 'Amsterdam'
s.slug = 'ams'
# create a site
new_s = = 'Berlin'
new_s.slug = 'ber'
# create a site (alternative)
new_s = NetboxClientRuby::DCIM::Site
.new(name: 'Berlin', slug: 'ber')
# delete a site
s =
# working with secrets
secrets = NetboxClientRuby.secrets.secrets
puts "#{} secrets are in your Netbox."
secrets[0].plaintext # => nil, because you have not yet defined a session_key
NetboxClientRuby.secrets.get_session_key # now get a session_key
secrets = NetboxClientRuby.secrets.secrets # you must reload the data from the server
secrets[0].plaintext # => 'super secret password'
# optionally, you can persist the session_key:
session_key = NetboxClientRuby.secrets.get_session_key.session_key
FILE_NAME = File.expand_path('~/.netbox_session_key').freeze
File.write(FILE_NAME, session_key)
# later on, you can restore the persisted session_key:
persisted_session_key =
NetboxClientRuby.secrets.session_key = persisted_session_key
## Available Objects
Not all objects which the Netbox API exposes are currently implemented. Implementing new objects
[is trivial](, though.
* Circuits:
* Circuits: `NetboxClientRuby.circuits.circuits`
* Circuit Types: `NetboxClientRuby.circuits.circuit_types`
* Circuit Terminations: `NetboxClientRuby.circuits.circuit_terminations`
* Providers: `NetboxClientRuby.circuits.providers`
* Console Connections: `NetboxClientRuby.dcim.console_connections`
* Console Ports: `NetboxClientRuby.dcim.console_ports`
* Console Server Ports: `NetboxClientRuby.dcim.console_server_ports`
* Devices: `NetboxClientRuby.dcim.devices`
* Device Roles: `NetboxClientRuby.dcim.device_roles`
* Device Types: `NetboxClientRuby.dcim.device_types`
* Interfaces: `NetboxClientRuby.dcim.interfaces`
* Interface Connections: `NetboxClientRuby.dcim.interface_connections`
* Manufacturers: `NetboxClientRuby.dcim.manufacturers`
* Platforms: `NetboxClientRuby.dcim.platforms`
* Power Connections: `NetboxClientRuby.dcim.power_connections`
* Power Outlets: `NetboxClientRuby.dcim.power_outlets`
* Power Ports: `NetboxClientRuby.dcim.power_ports`
* Racks: `NetboxClientRuby.dcim.racks`
* Rack Groups: `NetboxClientRuby.dcim.rack_groups`
* Rack Roles: `NetboxClientRuby.dcim.rack_roles`
* Rack Reservations: `NetboxClientRuby.dcim.rack_reservations`
* Regions: `NetboxClientRuby.dcim.regions`
* Sites: `NetboxClientRuby.dcim.sites`
* Virtual Chassis: `NetboxClientRuby.dcim.virtual_chassis_list`
(⚠️ Exception: The access is different and the class is called `VirtualChassisList` because the plural and singular
names are the same and this poses a conflict.)
* Extras:
* Config Contexts: `NetboxClientRuby.extras.config_contexts`
* Journal Entries: `NetboxClientRuby.extras.journal_entries`
* Tags: `NetboxClientRuby.extras.tags`
* Aggregates: `NetboxClientRuby.ipam.aggregates`
* IP Addresses: `NetboxClientRuby.ipam.ip_addresses`
* IP Ranges: `NetboxClientRuby.ipam.ip_ranges`
* Prefixes: `NetboxClientRuby.ipam.prefixes`
* RIRs: `NetboxClientRuby.ipam.rirs`
* Roles: `NetboxClientRuby.ipam.roles`
* Services: ``
* VLANs: `NetboxClientRuby.ipam.vlans`
* VLAN Groups: `NetboxClientRuby.ipam.vlan_groups`
* VRFs: `NetboxClientRuby.ipam.vrfs`
* Secrets:
* Secrets: `NetboxClientRuby.secrets.secrets`
* Secret Roles: `NetboxClientRuby.secrets.secret_roles`
* generate-rsa-key-pair: `NetboxClientRuby.secrets.generate_rsa_key_pair`
* get-session-key: `NetboxClientRuby.secrets.get_session_key`
* Tenancy:
* Tenant: `NetboxClientRuby.tenancy.tenants`
* Tenant Groups: `NetboxClientRuby.tenancy.tenant_groups`
* Virtualization:
* Cluster Types: `NetboxClientRuby.virtualization.cluster_types`
* Cluster Groups: `NetboxClientRuby.virtualization.cluster_groups`
* Clusters: `NetboxClientRuby.virtualization.clusters`
* Virtual Machines: `NetboxClientRuby.virtualization.virtual_machines`
* Interfaces: `NetboxClientRuby.virtualization.interfaces`
If you can't find the object you need, also check
[the source code](
if it was added in the meantime without the list above having been updated.
## Development
After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies.
Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`.
To experiment interactively, fire up the Netbox Docker container by running `docker-compose up -d`.
Then, run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment against your local Netbox.
### Load Development Data
To simplify development, e.g. via the `bin/console` described above, there is a very complete sample set of Netbox data readily available.
You can use it to query almost every object and relation in Netbox.
docker exec -i netbox-client-ruby_postgres_1 psql -U postgres < dump.sql
### Dump Development from Database
Should you want to export the current set of data, use the command below.
docker-compose exec postgres pg_dump -U netbox --exclude-table-data=extras_objectchange -Cc netbox > dump.sql
(Remove `--exclude-table-data=extras_objectchange` from the command if you want to retain the history!)
## Contributing
Bug reports and pull requests are very welcome [on GitHub](
Before opening a PR, please
* extend the existing specs
* run rspec
* run rubocop and fix your warnings
* check if this file needs adjustments
## License
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](
## About
This gem is currently maintained and funded by [nine](
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