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# frozen_string_literal: true

# This file is part of WhatWeb and may be subject to
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the WhatWeb
# web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.

# Vesion 0.8 # Andrew
#  Added aggressive match for /administrator/. Use match now
# Version 0.7 # 2011-03-19 # Brendan Coles <>
# Added aggressive match for /administrator/
# Updated matches to remove false positives
# Version 0.6
# added seconds since epoch match from the mambo plugin
# Version 0.5
# uses :module instead of :string, changed the 3rd regexp from 75 certainty to 25.
# Version 0.4
# removed :probability & :name
WhatWeb::Plugin.define "Joomla" do
  @author = "Andrew Horton"
  @version = "0.7"
  @description = "Opensource CMS written in PHP. Aggressive version detection compares just 5 files, valid for versions 1.5.0-1.5.22 and 1.6.0-1.6.1."
  @website = ""

  # Google results as at 2011-03-19 #
  # 602 for "powered by joomla" inurl:option=com_content
  # 537 for "powered by joomla"

  # Dorks #
  @dorks = [
    '"powered by joomla" inurl:option=com_content'

  # Matches #
  @matches = [
    { version: "1.0", regexp: /<meta name="Generator" content="Joomla! - Copyright \(C\) 200[0-9] - 200[0-9] Open Source Matters. All rights reserved." \/>/ },
    { version: /<meta name="generator" content="Joomla! (\d\.\d) - Open Source Content Management" \/>/ },
    { text: 'Powered by <a href="">Joomla!</a>.' },

    { url: '/administrator/', regexp: /<div id="joomla"><img src="[^"]*\/images\/header_text.png" alt="Joomla! Logo"/, name: 'admin page' } # "

  # Passive #
  def passive(target)
    m = []

    # mosvisitor cookie # Also used by mambo
    m << { certainty: 75, name: "mosvisitor cookie" } if target.headers["set-cookie"] =~ /mosvisitor=[0-9]+/

    # P3P Privacy Headers # Also used by phpcake
    m << { name: "P3P Privacy Headers", certainty: 25 } if target.headers["p3p"] == 'CP="NOI ADM DEV PSAi COM NAV OUR OTRo STP IND DEM"'

    # HTML Comment # seconds since epoch # Also used by mambo
    if target.body =~ /<\/html>.*(\n)*<!-- [0-9]+.*-->(\n)*\z/ && target.body !~ /mambo/i
      m << { name: "seconds since epoch in html comment after </html>", certainty: 25 }

    # Module Detection # Doesn't work in SEO mode # Also used by mambo
    if /<a href="[^"]*index.php\?option=(com_[^&^"]+)/.match?(target.body)

      # Absolute URL
      m << { certainty: 75, module: target.body.scan(/<a href="https?:\/\/#{Regexp.escape(}[^"]*index.php\?option=(com_[^&^"]+)/) } if target.body =~ /<a href="https?:\/\/#{Regexp.escape(}[^"]*index.php\?option=(com_[^&^"]+)/

      # Relative URL
      m << { certainty: 75, module: target.body.scan(/<a href="[^"^:]*index.php\?option=(com_[^&^"]+)/) } if target.body =~ /<a href="[^"^:]*index.php\?option=(com_[^&^"]+)/


    # Return passive matches

  # Aggressive #
  def aggressive(target)
    m = []

    versions = Hash["1.0.0" =>
                    "1.0.1" =>
                    "1.0.2" =>
                    "1.0.3" =>
                    "1.0.4" =>
                    "1.0.5" =>
                    "1.0.6" =>
                    "1.0.7" =>
                    "1.0.8" =>
                    "1.0.9" =>
                    "1.0.10" =>
                    "1.0.11" =>
                    "1.0.12" =>
                    "1.0.13" =>
                    "1.0.14-rc1" =>
                    "1.0.14" =>
                    "1.0.15" =>

                    "1.5.0" =>
                    "1.5.1" =>
                    "1.5.2" =>
                    "1.5.3" =>
                    "1.5.4" =>
                    "1.5.5" =>
                    "1.5.6" =>
                    "1.5.7" =>
                    "1.5.8" =>
                    "1.5.9" =>
                    "1.5.10" =>
                    "1.5.11" =>
                    "1.5.12" =>
                    "1.5.13" =>
                    "1.5.14" =>
                    "1.5.15" =>
                    "1.5.16" =>
                    "1.5.17" =>
                    "1.5.18" =>
                    "1.5.19" =>
                    "1.5.20" =>
                    "1.5.21" =>
                    "1.5.22" =>
                    "1.5.23" =>
                    "1.5.24" =>
                    "1.5.25" =>
                    "1.5.26" =>

                    "1.6.0" =>
                    "1.6.1" =>
                    "1.6.2" =>
                    "1.6.3" =>
                    "1.6.4" =>
                    "1.6.5" =>
                    "1.6.6" =>

                    "1.7.0" =>
                    "1.7.1" =>
                    "1.7.2" =>
                    "1.7.3" =>
                    "1.7.4" =>
                    "1.7.5" =>

                    "2.5.0" =>
                    "2.5.1" =>
                    "2.5.2" =>
                    "2.5.3" =>
                    "2.5.4" =>
                    "2.5.5" =>
                    "2.5.6" =>
                    "2.5.7" =>
                    "2.5.8" =>
                    "2.5.9" =>
                    "2.5.10" =>
                    "2.5.11" =>

                    "3.0.0" =>
                    "3.0.1" =>
                    "3.0.2" =>
                    "3.0.3" =>
                    "3.0.4" =>

                    "3.1.0" =>
                    "3.1.1" =>

    v ="Joomla", versions, target.uri)

    version = v.matches_format

    # Return version matches from md5 hashes, if present
    unless version.empty?
      version.each { |ver|
        m << { name: "MD5 sums", version: ver }

    # Return aggressive matches