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# linerstream

Split a readable stream by newline characters


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# Installation
npm install -S linerstream

# Usage

Create an instance of linestream and pipe a readable stream into that instance

var Linerstream = require('linerstream')
// splitter is an instance of require('stream').Transform
var opts = {
  highWaterMark: 2
var splitter = new Linerstream(opts) // opts is optional

var readStream = fs.createReadStream('/file/with/line/breaks.txt')
var lineByLineStream = readStream.pipe(splitter)
lineByLineStream.on('data', function(chunk) {
  console.dir(chunk)  // no line breaks here :)

## Override EOL

If you don't want to use the OS default `EOL` character, you can ovverride it when creating the stream

var stream2 = new LinerStream({EOL: '\n'})
//force windows EOL
var stream3 = new LinerStream({EOL: '\r\n'})