namespace Laiz\Func;
class Loader
public static function load($name = null)
static $loaded;
if ($loaded)
if ($name === null || $name === 'classes'){
foreach (['functions', 'Functor', 'Applicative', 'Monad',
'MonadPlus', 'MonadZero', 'Monoid', 'Alternative',
'Maybe', 'Either', 'Writer'] as $file)
require_once __DIR__ . "/$file.php";
if ($name !== 'all'){
require_once __DIR__ . "$name.php";
foreach (glob(__DIR__ .'/*.php') as $file){
require_once $file;
$loaded = true;
public static function callInstance($class, $method, ...$args)
assert(method_exists($class, $method),
"Method [$class#$method] not exists.");
$method = [$class, $method];
return $method(...$args);
// If register new utility function then call setMethod.
// Can use method call "$monad->($monadFunc)"
// instead of "bind($monad, $monadFunc)".
// definitions of global function
// used in Any and CallTrait
private static $funcMap = [
'compose' => 'Laiz\Func',
'fmap' => 'Laiz\Func\Functor',
'pure' => 'Laiz\Func\Applicative',
'ap' => 'Laiz\Func\Applicative',
'const1' => 'Laiz\Func\Applicative',
'const2' => 'Laiz\Func\Applicative',
'aor' => 'Laiz\Func\Alternative',
'aempty' => 'Laiz\Func\Alternative',
'ret' => 'Laiz\Func\Monad',
'bind' => 'Laiz\Func\Monad',
'mempty' => 'Laiz\Func\Monoid',
'mappend' => 'Laiz\Func\Monoid',
'mzero' => 'Laiz\Func\MonadZero',
'mplus' => 'Laiz\Func\MonadPlus'
public static function callFunction($name, ...$args)
$namespace = self::$funcMap[$name];
$f = $namespace . '\\' . $name;
return $f(...$args);
public static function setFunction($func, $namespace)
self::$funcMap[$func] = $namespace;
// If register new type-class then call setMethod.
// resolv a instance class of type-class
private static $methodMap = [
'fmap' => 'Functor',
'pure' => 'Applicative',
'ap' => 'Applicative',
'aor' => 'Alternative',
'aempty' => 'Alternative',
'ret' => 'Monad',
'bind' => 'Monad',
'mempty' => 'Monoid',
'mappend' => 'Monoid',
'mzero' => 'MonadZero',
'mplus' => 'MonadPlus'
public static function methodToClass($method){
return self::$methodMap[$method];
private static $namespaceMap = [];
public static function setMethod($method, $class, $namespace){
self::$methodMap[$method] = $class;
self::$namespaceMap[$method] = $namespace;
public static function methodToNamespace($method){
if (isset(self::$namespaceMap[$method]))
return self::$namespaceMap[$method];
return 'Laiz\\Func';
public static function classToInstance($type, $method)
static $cache;
if ($cache === null)
$cache = [];
if (isset($cache[$type][$method]))
return $cache[$type][$method];
$prefix = self::methodToClass($method);
$class = preg_replace('/^(.*?)(\\\\[[:alnum:]_]+)$/',
'\\1\\' . $prefix . '\\2', $type);
if (!class_exists($class)){
$old = $class;
$oldType = $type;
$type = preg_replace('/\\\\[[:alnum:]_]+$/', '', $type);
$class = preg_replace('/^(.*?)(\\\\[[:alnum:]_]+)$/',
'\\1\\' . $prefix . '\\2', $type);
"Class [$old] and [$class] not exists.");
$cache[$oldType][$method] = $class;
$cache[$type][$method] = $class;
return $class;
public static function callInstanceMethod($a, $method, ...$args)
if (!is_object($a)){
$a = gettype($a);
$a = ucfirst(strtolower($a));
$prefix = self::methodToClass($method);
$namespace = self::methodToNamespace($method);
$a = $namespace . '\\' . $prefix . '\\Type' . $a;
$a = self::classToInstance(get_class($a), $method);
return self::callInstance($a, $method, ...$args);
public static function callInstanceMethodString($type, $method, ...$args)
return self::callInstance(
self::classToInstance($type, $method), $method, ...$args);