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Test Coverage
# Iter 3-2

User stories implemented:
* As a user, So that I am motivated/inspired to donate, I want a more engaging UI
* As a user, I want to see a list of all dedications, So I can easily see what causes people are donating to
* As a user, I want to be able to sign up for an account  So I can edit my dedications
* As a donor, I want to be able to contact the admin, So I can edit my dedication/relay any concerns

User stories not implemented:
* As a user, I want to see the most up to date information, So I know the exact status of each hospital
* As an admin, I want to be able to make an edit on the web app, So that it is also edited in Denari

The reason for not implementing these stories is that the Denari API is not RESTful, and is instead a C# library. 
Since this will be more time consuming, we pushed it to iter4. 

Donor login and publish completed dedications:

New UI and Email admin form: