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Unicorn Remote is a web based remote control for the Unicorn HAT LED matrix. It allows you to control light grid programs from a desktop or mobile browser and a web API.

Supports both the new Unicorn HAT HD 16x16 and original Unicorn HAT 8x8. It comes with a built-in set of programs for both, and allows you add your own.

The [Unicorn HAT](https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/unicorn-hat) and [HAT HD](https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/unicorn-hat-hd) are available from Pimoroni.

*If this software has been useful to you, please **star the repository** to show your interest.*

![Web UI screenshot](media/webui_screenshot.png) ![Demo animation](media/demo_animation.gif)

## Setup

1. Follow first time setup for [Unicorn HAT](https://github.com/pimoroni/unicorn-hat) or [Unicorn HAT HD](https://github.com/pimoroni/unicorn-hat-hd)

2. Clone or download the repository:

git clone https://github.com/njbbaer/unicorn-remote.git
cd unicorn-remote

<!-- 3. Install the Python packaging tool [Pipenv](https://docs.pipenv.org/):

sudo pip3 install pipenv

4. Install dependencies with Pipenv:

sudo pipenv install

5. Start Unicorn Remote:

sudo pipenv run python run.py
``` -->

3. Create a virtual environment (recommended)

virtualenv venv

4. Either enter the virtual environment with `source venv/bin/activate` or prefix commands with `venv/bin/`.

5. Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

6. Start Unicorn Remote

python run.py

#### Optional Arguments

`-o` `--original` use original 8x8 unicorn hat  
`-d` `--debug` enable Flask debugging mode  
`-p` `--port` `<port>` set port number (default 5000)

## Web Interface

Visit the web interface by directing a browser to the server's address.


* Choose a program from the dropdown list.
* Select the desired brightness and display rotation.
* Press `Run` to start the program, and `Stop` to end it.

## Custom Programs

To add your own custom program, simply copy it into one of the follow directories:

`app/programs/hd` for 32x32 programs  
`app/programs/original` for original 16x16 programs

**No additional configuration required!**


Start a program by placing a PUT request:

PUT /api/program/<program_name>

* All programs also accept optional query parameters for `brightness` and `rotation`.

Stop the currently running program:

PUT /api/stop

## Testing

Run the test suite. Enjoy the light show.

python -m unittest

## Contribute

* **Star the repository** to show your interest in this project.
* Give feedback, report bugs, and request features as GitHub issues.
* Improve the repository and submit a pull request.