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// Copyright 2022, NLP Odyssey Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package gomaddness

import "math"

// Hash is the data structure for MADDNESS hash function.
// It holds the learned balanced binary regression tree and the prototype
// vectors.
type Hash[F Float] struct {
    TreeLevels []*HashingTreeLevel[F]
    Prototypes Vectors[F]

// HashingTreeLevel is one level of the binary tree from a Hash.
type HashingTreeLevel[F Float] struct {
    SplitIndex      int
    SplitThresholds Vector[F]

// TrainHash runs the learning process for MADDNESS hash function parameters,
// and return a new trained Hash.
func TrainHash[F Float](examples Vectors[F]) *Hash[F] {
    buckets := Buckets[F]{
            Level:     -1,
            NodeIndex: 0,
            Vectors:   examples,

    levels := make([]*HashingTreeLevel[F], 4)
    for i := range levels {
        buckets, levels[i] = nextHashingTreeLevel(buckets)

    return &Hash[F]{
        TreeLevels: levels,
        Prototypes: buckets.Prototypes(),

// Hash maps the given vector to an index, applying MADDNESS hash function.
func (h *Hash[F]) Hash(v Vector[F]) uint8 {
    var i uint8 = 1
    for _, level := range h.TreeLevels {
        threshold := level.SplitThresholds[i-1]
        i = 2 * i
        if v[level.SplitIndex] < threshold {
    return i - 1

func nextHashingTreeLevel[F Float](buckets Buckets[F]) (Buckets[F], *HashingTreeLevel[F]) {
    indices := buckets.HeuristicSelectIndices()

    bestLoss := F(math.Inf(+1))
    bestSplitIndex := -1
    var bestSplitThresholds Vector[F]

    for _, splitIndex := range indices {
        var loss F
        splitThresholds := make(Vector[F], len(buckets))
        for j, bucket := range buckets {
            t, l := bucket.Vectors.OptimalSplitThreshold(splitIndex)
            splitThresholds[j] = t
            loss += l
        if loss < bestLoss {
            bestLoss = loss
            bestSplitIndex = splitIndex
            bestSplitThresholds = splitThresholds

    newBuckets := make(Buckets[F], 0, len(buckets)*2)
    for j, bucket := range buckets {
        lt, gte := bucket.Vectors.SplitByThreshold(bestSplitIndex, bestSplitThresholds[j])

        // TODO: check corner cases when lt or gte are empty
        if len(lt) == 0 {
            v := gte.Copy().SortByColumn(bestSplitIndex)[0].Copy()
            v[bestSplitIndex] = F(math.Nextafter32(float32(v[bestSplitIndex]), float32(math.Inf(-1))))
            lt = Vectors[F]{v}
        if len(gte) == 0 {
            v := lt.Copy().SortByColumn(bestSplitIndex)[len(lt)-1].Copy()
            v[bestSplitIndex] = F(math.Nextafter32(float32(v[bestSplitIndex]), float32(math.Inf(+1))))
            gte = Vectors[F]{v}

        newBuckets = append(newBuckets, &Bucket[F]{
            Level:     bucket.Level + 1,
            NodeIndex: j * 2,
            Vectors:   lt,
        newBuckets = append(newBuckets, &Bucket[F]{
            Level:     bucket.Level + 1,
            NodeIndex: j*2 + 1,
            Vectors:   gte,

    nextLevel := &HashingTreeLevel[F]{
        SplitIndex:      bestSplitIndex,
        SplitThresholds: bestSplitThresholds,
    return newBuckets, nextLevel