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Test Coverage
// Copyright 2022, NLP Odyssey Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package gomaddness

import (

// Maddness is the primary structure that holds parameters and implements
// methods of the whole MADDNESS algorithm.
type Maddness[F Float] struct {
    NumSubspaces  int
    VectorSize    int
    SubVectorSize int
    Hashes        []*Hash[F]
    LookupTables  []*LookupTable[F]

// TrainMaddness runs the learning process for MADDNESS product quantization and
// hash functions parameters, returning a new trained Maddness object.
func TrainMaddness[F Float](dataExamples, queryVectors Vectors[F], numSubspaces int) *Maddness[F] {
    log.Printf("maddness: training starts.")

    if len(dataExamples) == 0 {
        panic("maddness: invalid empty dataExamples")
    if len(queryVectors) == 0 {
        panic("maddness: invalid empty queryVectors")

    vecSize := len(dataExamples[0])
    if vecSize == 0 {
        panic("maddness: invalid zero vector size")

    if numSubspaces < 0 || numSubspaces > vecSize || vecSize%numSubspaces != 0 {
        panic("maddness: invalid numSubspaces (it must be a positive factor of vectors' length)")

    m := &Maddness[F]{
        NumSubspaces:  numSubspaces,
        VectorSize:    vecSize,
        SubVectorSize: vecSize / numSubspaces,


    return m

// Quantize splits the given vector into subspaces and returns a slice
// of hash indices, one for each subspace.
func (m *Maddness[F]) Quantize(v Vector[F]) []uint8 {
    hashes := m.Hashes
    subVectorSize := m.SubVectorSize

    q := make([]uint8, len(hashes))
    for i, hash := range hashes {
        offset := i * subVectorSize
        subVector := v[offset : offset+subVectorSize]
        q[i] = hash.Hash(subVector)
    return q

// LookupTableIndices transforms a list of hash indices, as returned from
// Quantize, into a corresponding list of lookup-table indices,
// for accessing LookupTable.Data.
func (m *Maddness[F]) LookupTableIndices(q []uint8) []uint16 {
    lutCols := len(m.Hashes[0].Prototypes)
    indices := make([]uint16, len(q))
    for subspaceIndex, protoIndex := range q {
        indices[subspaceIndex] = uint16(subspaceIndex*lutCols) + uint16(protoIndex)
    return indices

// DotProduct computes the approximated dot product between a data vector,
// identified by the lookup-table indices obtained from the vector's
// quantization, and the query vector represented by queryVectorIndex.
func (m *Maddness[F]) DotProduct(lutIndices []uint16, queryVectorIndex int) F {
    lut := m.LookupTables[queryVectorIndex]
    lutData := lut.Data

    var sum uint16
    for _, lutIndex := range lutIndices {
        ldi := lutData[lutIndex]
        sum += uint16(ldi)

    return F(sum)/lut.Scale + lut.Bias

// Reconstruct builds a vector from a list of hash indices, reconstructed
// using the learned prototypes for each subspace.
func (m *Maddness[F]) Reconstruct(q []uint8) Vector[F] {
    v := make(Vector[F], 0, m.VectorSize)
    for i, hash := range m.Hashes {
        v = append(v, hash.Prototypes[q[i]]...)
    return v

func (m *Maddness[F]) trainAllHashes(examples Vectors[F]) {
    log.Printf("maddness: training %d subspaces with %d examples...", m.NumSubspaces, len(examples))

    // Use a channel to limit concurrency.
    concurrency := runtime.NumCPU()
    ch := make(chan struct{}, concurrency)

    m.Hashes = make([]*Hash[F], m.NumSubspaces)
    for i := range m.Hashes {
        ch <- struct{}{} // reserve one working slot, or wait for a free one
        go func(subIndex int) {
            m.trainSubspaceHash(subIndex, examples)
            <-ch // free the slot

    // Wait until all work is done
    for i := 0; i < concurrency; i++ {
        ch <- struct{}{}
    log.Print("maddness: subspaces training completed.")

func (m *Maddness[F]) trainSubspaceHash(subIndex int, allExamples Vectors[F]) {
    log.Printf("maddness: training subspace %d of %d...", subIndex+1, m.NumSubspaces)

    subExamples := m.subspaceExamples(subIndex, allExamples)
    m.Hashes[subIndex] = TrainHash(subExamples)

func (m *Maddness[F]) makeLookupTables(queryVectors Vectors[F]) {
    log.Printf("maddness: creating lookup tables with %d query vectors...", len(queryVectors))

    m.LookupTables = make([]*LookupTable[F], len(queryVectors))
    for i, qv := range queryVectors {
        m.LookupTables[i] = m.makeLookupTable(qv)

    log.Print("maddness: lookup tables created.")

func (m *Maddness[F]) makeLookupTable(queryVector Vector[F]) *LookupTable[F] {
    floatData, min, scale := m.precomputeDotProducts(queryVector)

    rows := len(floatData)
    cols := len(floatData[0])

    data := make([]uint8, 0, rows*cols)
    for _, fdRow := range floatData {
        for _, v := range fdRow {
            data = append(data, uint8((v-min)*scale))

    return &LookupTable[F]{
        Bias:  min * F(m.NumSubspaces),
        Scale: scale,
        Data:  data,

func (m *Maddness[F]) precomputeDotProducts(vec Vector[F]) (data Vectors[F], min, scale F) {
    data = make(Vectors[F], m.NumSubspaces)
    min = F(math.Inf(1))
    max := F(math.Inf(-1))

    for i := range data {
        subOffset := i * m.SubVectorSize
        subVec := vec[subOffset : subOffset+m.SubVectorSize]

        protos := m.Hashes[i].Prototypes
        dataRow := make(Vector[F], len(protos))
        for j, proto := range protos {
            v := subVec.DotProduct(proto)
            dataRow[j] = v
            if v < min {
                min = v
            if v > max {
                max = v
        data[i] = dataRow
    scale = math.MaxUint8 / (max - min)

func (m *Maddness[F]) subspaceExamples(subIndex int, allExamples Vectors[F]) Vectors[F] {
    offset := subIndex * m.SubVectorSize
    end := offset + m.SubVectorSize

    subExamples := make(Vectors[F], len(allExamples))
    for i, ex := range allExamples {
        subExamples[i] = ex[offset:end]

    return subExamples