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Test Coverage
// Copyright 2022, NLP Odyssey Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package gomaddness

import (

// Vectors is a collection of Vector objects.
// All Vector objects MUST be of the same size.
// Given a collection of N vectors, each of size M, this can also be seen as a
// matrix with dimensions N×M (N rows, M columns).
type Vectors[F Float] []Vector[F]

// ColumnWiseVariance returns a new Vector containing the column-wise variance
// computed across all vectors.
func (vs Vectors[F]) ColumnWiseVariance() Vector[F] {
    vecSize := len(vs[0])
    sum := make(Vector[F], vecSize)
    sumOfSquares := make(Vector[F], vecSize)

    for _, v := range vs {

    n := F(len(vs))
    mean := sum.DivScalar(n)
    squareMean := mean.Square()
    return sumOfSquares.DivScalar(n).Sub(squareMean)

// SplitByThreshold splits the collection of vectors by a threshold value,
// compared with the elements at the given index.
// Two new collections are returned:
//   - lt: vectors whose value at "index" is lower than "threshold"
//   - gte: vectors whose value at "index" is greater than or equal to "threshold"
func (vs Vectors[F]) SplitByThreshold(index int, threshold F) (lt, gte Vectors[F]) {
    lt = make(Vectors[F], 0)
    gte = make(Vectors[F], 0)
    for _, v := range vs {
        if v[index] < threshold {
            lt = append(lt, v)
        gte = append(gte, v)

// Copy returns a shallow copy of the collection.
func (vs Vectors[F]) Copy() Vectors[F] {
    c := make(Vectors[F], len(vs))
    copy(c, vs)
    return c

// SortByColumn sorts vs in place, according to the value at each vector's
// index (column), in ascending order.
// It returns vs.
func (vs Vectors[F]) SortByColumn(index int) Vectors[F] {
    sort.SliceStable(vs, func(i, j int) bool {
        return vs[i][index] < vs[j][index]
    return vs

// Reverse reverses vs in place.
// It returns vs.
func (vs Vectors[F]) Reverse() Vectors[F] {
    for l, r := 0, len(vs)-1; l < r; l, r = l+1, r-1 {
        vs[l], vs[r] = vs[r], vs[l]
    return vs

// CumulativeSSE returns a new Vector, computing the error sum of squares
// (SSE) over the set of Vectors.
func (vs Vectors[F]) CumulativeSSE() Vector[F] {
    n := len(vs)
    d := len(vs[0])

    out := make(Vector[F], n) // all values are zero by default
    sum := make(Vector[F], d)
    sumOfSquares := make(Vector[F], d)

    _ = sum[len(vs[0])-1]
    for j, x := range vs[0] {
        sum[j] = x
        sumOfSquares[j] = x * x

    for i := 1; i < n; i++ {
        _ = sum[len(vs[i])-1]
        for j, x := range vs[i] {
            sum[j] += x
            sumOfSquares[j] += x * x
            out[i] += sumOfSquares[j] - (sum[j] * sum[j] / F(i+1))

    return out

// OptimalSplitThreshold finds the optimal split threshold within the vectors,
// computed over values at the given split-index column.
func (vs Vectors[F]) OptimalSplitThreshold(splitIndex int) (threshold, loss F) {
    sorted := vs.Copy().SortByColumn(splitIndex)
    if len(sorted) == 1 {
        // TODO: check this corner case
        sorted = append(sorted, sorted[0])

    losses := sorted.CumulativeSSE() // head
    tail := sorted.Copy().Reverse().CumulativeSSE().Reverse()


    n := losses.ArgMin()
    if n < len(sorted)-1 {
        threshold = (sorted[n][splitIndex] + sorted[n+1][splitIndex]) / 2
    } else {
        // TODO: check this corner case
        threshold = F(math.Nextafter32(float32(sorted[n][splitIndex]), float32(math.Inf(+1))))
    return threshold, losses[n]

// Mean calculates and returns the mean vector.
func (vs Vectors[F]) Mean() Vector[F] {
    sum := vs[0].Copy()
    for _, v := range vs[1:] {
    return sum.DivScalar(F(len(vs)))