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Test Coverage
// Copyright 2022 spaGO Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package mat

import (


// A Dense matrix implementation.
type Dense[T float.DType] struct {
    gradMu       sync.RWMutex
    data         []T
    grad         *Dense[T]
    shape        []int
    requiresGrad bool // default: false

// makeDense returns a Dense matrix.
func makeDense[T float.DType](array []T, shape *Dense[T] {
    if len(array) != calculateSize(shape) {
        log.Fatalf("mat: incompatible size, expected %d, actual %d", calculateSize(shape), len(array))
    return &Dense[T]{
        shape: shape,
        data:  array,

func malloc[T float.DType](size int) []T {
    return make([]T, size)

// Shape returns the size in each dimension.
func (d *Dense[_]) Shape() []int {
    return d.shape

// Dims returns the number of dimensions.
func (d *Dense[_]) Dims() int {
    return 2 // rows and columns

// The Size of the matrix (rows*columns).
func (d *Dense[_]) Size() int {
    return len(

// Data returns the underlying data of the matrix, as a raw one-dimensional
// slice of values in row-major order.
func (d *Dense[T]) Data() float.Slice {
    return float.Make(

// SetData sets the content of the matrix, copying the given raw
// data representation as one-dimensional slice.
func (d *Dense[T]) SetData(data float.Slice) {
    v := float.SliceValueOf[T](data)
    if len(v) != len( {
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("mat: incompatible data size, expected %d, actual %d", len(, len(v)))
    copy(, v)

// ZerosLike returns a new matrix with the same dimensions of the
// receiver, initialized with zeroes.
func (d *Dense[T]) ZerosLike() Matrix {
    return NewDense[T](WithShape(d.shape...))

// OnesLike returns a new matrix with the same dimensions of the
// receiver, initialized with ones.
func (d *Dense[T]) OnesLike() Matrix {
    // Note: Consider that for performance optimization, it's not necessary to initialize the underlying slice to zero.
    out := makeDense[T](malloc[T](d.Size()), d.shape...)
    data := // avoid bounds check in loop
    for i := range data {
        data[i] = 1.0
    return out

// Scalar returns the scalar value.
// It panics if the matrix does not contain exactly one element.
func (d *Dense[T]) Item() float.Float {
    if !IsScalar(d) {
        panic("mat: expected scalar but the matrix contains more elements")
    return float.Interface([0])

// Zeros sets all the values of the matrix to zero.
func (d *Dense[T]) Zeros() {
    data := // avoid bounds check in loop
    for i := range data {
        data[i] = T(0)

// SetAt sets the value m at the given indices.
// It panics if the given indices are out of range.
func (d *Dense[T]) SetAt(m Tensor, indices {
    d.set(float.ValueOf[T](m.Item()), indices...)

// At returns the value at the given indices.
// It panics if the given indices are out of range.
func (d *Dense[T]) At(i Tensor {
    return Scalar[T](

// SetScalar sets the value v at the given indices.
// It panics if the given indices are out of range.
func (d *Dense[T]) SetScalar(v float.Float, indices {
    d.set(float.ValueOf[T](v), indices...)

// ScalarAt returns the value at the given indices.
// It panics if the given indices are out of range.
func (d *Dense[T]) ScalarAt(indices float.Float {
    return float.Interface(

func (d *Dense[T]) set(v T, i {
    switch len(i) {
    case 1:
        if d.shape[0] != 1 && d.shape[1] != 1 {
            panic("Dense structure is not a 1-dimensional array")
        idx := i[0]
        if idx < 0 || idx >= len( {
            panic("Index 'i' out of range")
        }[idx] = v
    case 2:
        r, c := i[0], i[1]
        if r < 0 || r >= d.shape[0] {
            panic("Row index 'r' out of range")
        if c < 0 || c >= d.shape[1] {
            panic("Column index 'c' out of range")
        }[r*d.shape[1]+c] = v
        panic("Incorrect number of indices provided")

func (d *Dense[T]) at(i T {
    switch len(i) {
    case 1:
        if d.shape[0] != 1 && d.shape[1] != 1 {
            panic("Dense structure is not a 1-dimensional array")
        idx := i[0]
        if idx < 0 || idx >= len( {
            panic("Index 'i' out of range")
    case 2:
        r, c := i[0], i[1]
        if r < 0 || r >= d.shape[0] {
            panic("Row index 'r' out of range")
        if c < 0 || c >= d.shape[1] {
            panic("Column index 'c' out of range")
        panic("Incorrect number of indices provided")

// ExtractRow returns a copy of the i-th row of the matrix,
// as a row vector (1×cols).
func (d *Dense[T]) ExtractRow(i int) Matrix {
    if i < 0 || i >= d.shape[0] {
        panic("mat: index out of range")
    // Note: Consider that for performance optimization, it's not necessary to initialize the underlying slice to zero.
    out := makeDense[T](malloc[T](d.shape[1]), 1, d.shape[1])
    start := i * d.shape[1]
    return out

// ExtractColumn returns a copy of the i-th column of the matrix,
// as a column vector (rows×1).
func (d *Dense[T]) ExtractColumn(i int) Matrix {
    if i < 0 || i >= d.shape[1] {
        panic("mat: index out of range")
    // Note: Consider that for performance optimization, it's not necessary to initialize the underlying slice to zero.
    out := makeDense[T](malloc[T](d.shape[0]), d.shape[0], 1)
    dData :=
    outData :=
    for k := range outData {
        outData[k] = dData[k*d.shape[1]+i]
    return out

// Slice returns a new matrix obtained by slicing the receiver across the
// given positions. The parameters "fromRow" and "fromCol" are inclusive,
// while "toRow" and "toCol" are exclusive.
func (d *Dense[T]) Slice(fromRow, fromCol, toRow, toCol int) Matrix {
    dRows := d.shape[0]
    dCols := d.shape[1]
    if fromRow < 0 || fromRow >= dRows || fromCol < 0 || fromCol >= dCols ||
        toRow > dRows || toCol > dCols || toRow < fromRow || toCol < fromCol {
        panic("mat: parameters are invalid or incompatible with the matrix dimensions")

    // Note: Consider that for performance optimization, it's not necessary to initialize the underlying slice to zero.
    y := makeDense[T](malloc[T]((toRow-fromRow)*(toCol-fromCol)), toRow-fromRow, toCol-fromCol)

    if fromCol == 0 && toCol == dCols {
        return y

    dData :=
    yData :=[:0] // exploiting append in loop
    for r := fromRow; r < toRow; r++ {
        offset := r * dCols
        yData = append(yData, dData[offset+fromCol:offset+toCol]...)
    } = yData

    return y

// Reshape returns a copy of the matrix.
// It panics if the dimensions are incompatible.
func (d *Dense[T]) Reshape(shape Matrix {
    if len(shape) != 2 {
        panic("mat: reshape requires two dimensions")
    rows, cols := shape[0], shape[1]
    if rows < 0 || cols < 0 {
        panic("mat: negative values for rows and cols are not allowed")
    if rows*cols != len( {
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("mat: wrong matrix dimensions. Size (rows*cols) must be: %d", len(

    return NewDense[T](WithShape(rows, cols), WithBacking(copySlice(

func copySlice[T float.DType](src []T) []T {
    dst := make([]T, len(src))
    copy(dst, src)
    return dst

// ReshapeInPlace changes the dimensions of the matrix in place and returns the
// matrix itself.
// It panics if the dimensions are incompatible.
func (d *Dense[T]) ReshapeInPlace(shape Matrix {
    if len(shape) != 2 {
        panic("mat: reshape requires two dimensions")
    rows, cols := shape[0], shape[1]
    if rows < 0 || cols < 0 {
        panic("mat: negative values for rows and cols are not allowed")
    if rows*cols != len( {
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("mat: wrong matrix dimensions. Size (rows*cols) must be: %d", len(
    d.shape[0] = rows
    d.shape[1] = cols
    return d

// Flatten creates a new row vector (1×size) corresponding to the
// "flattened" row-major ordered representation of the initial matrix.
func (d *Dense[T]) Flatten() Matrix {
    // Note: Consider that for performance optimization, it's not necessary to initialize the underlying slice to zero.
    out := makeDense[T](malloc[T](len(, 1, len(
    return out

// FlattenInPlace transforms the matrix in place, changing its dimensions,
// obtaining a row vector (1×size) containing the "flattened" row-major
// ordered representation of the initial value.
// It returns the matrix itself.
func (d *Dense[T]) FlattenInPlace() Matrix {
    d.shape[0] = 1
    d.shape[1] = len(
    return d

// ResizeVector returns a resized copy of the vector.
// If the new size is smaller than the input vector, the remaining tail
// elements are removed. If it's bigger, the additional tail elements
// are set to zero.
func (d *Dense[T]) ResizeVector(newSize int) Matrix {
    if !(IsVector(d)) {
        panic("mat: expected vector")
    if newSize < 0 {
        panic("mat: a negative size is not allowed")
    dSize := len(
    if newSize <= dSize {
        return NewDense[T](WithBacking(copySlice([:newSize])))

    y := NewDense[T](WithShape(newSize))
    return y

// T returns the transpose of the matrix.
func (d *Dense[T]) T() Matrix {
    dRows := d.shape[0]
    dCols := d.shape[1]

    // Note: Consider that for performance optimization, it's not necessary to initialize the underlying slice to zero.
    m := makeDense[T](malloc[T](dCols*dRows), dCols, dRows)
    if IsVector(d) {
        return m
    size := len(
    index := 0
    mData :=
    for _, value := range {
        mData[index] = value
        index += dRows
        if index >= size {
            index -= size - 1
    return m

// TransposeInPlace transposes the matrix in place, and returns the
// matrix itself.
func (d *Dense[T]) TransposeInPlace() Matrix {
    d.shape[0], d.shape[1] = d.shape[1], d.shape[0]

    // Vector, scalar, or empty data
    if IsVector(d) || len( <= 1 {
        return d

    data :=

    // Square matrix
    if d.shape[0] == d.shape[1] {
        n := d.shape[0]
        n1 := n - 1
        for i := 0; i < n1; i++ {
            for j := i + 1; j < n; j++ {
                k := i*n + j
                l := j*n + i
                data[k], data[l] = data[l], data[k]
        return d

    // Rectangular matrix
    rows := d.shape[0]
    cols := d.shape[1]
    size := len(data)

    for i := 1; i < size; i++ {
        for j := i; ; {
            j = (j%cols)*rows + j/cols
            if j == i {
            if j < i {
                continue mainLoop

        vi := data[i]
        for j := i; ; {
            k := (j%cols)*rows + j/cols
            if k == i {
                data[j] = vi
            } else {
                data[j] = data[k]
            if k <= i {
            j = k

    return d

// Add returns the addition between the receiver and another matrix.
func (d *Dense[T]) Add(other Matrix) Matrix {
    if !SameDims(d, other) {
        panic("mat: matrices have incompatible dimensions")
    out := NewDense[T](WithShape(d.shape...))
    switch any(T(0)).(type) {
    case float32:
        otherData := float32Data(other)
        matfuncs.Add32(any([]float32), otherData, any([]float32))
    case float64:
        otherData := float64Data(other)
        matfuncs.Add64(any([]float64), otherData, any([]float64))
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("mat: unexpected type %T", T(0)))
    return out

// AddInPlace performs the in-place addition with the other matrix.
func (d *Dense[T]) AddInPlace(other Matrix) Matrix {
    if !SameDims(d, other) {
        panic("mat: matrices have incompatible dimensions")
    switch any(T(0)).(type) {
    case float32:
        dData := any([]float32)
        otherData := float32Data(other)
        matfuncs.Add32(dData, otherData, dData)
    case float64:
        dData := any([]float64)
        otherData := float64Data(other)
        matfuncs.Add64(dData, otherData, dData)
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("mat: unexpected type %T", T(0)))
    return d

// AddScalar performs the addition between the matrix and the given value.
func (d *Dense[T]) AddScalar(n float64) Matrix {
    // Note: Consider that for performance optimization, it's not necessary to initialize the underlying slice to zero.
    out := makeDense[T](malloc[T](d.Size()), d.shape...)
    switch any(T(0)).(type) {
    case float32:
        matfuncs.AddConst32(float32(n), any([]float32), any([]float32))
    case float64:
        matfuncs.AddConst64(n, any([]float64), any([]float64))
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("mat: unexpected type %T", T(0)))
    return out

// AddScalarInPlace adds the scalar to all values of the matrix.
func (d *Dense[T]) AddScalarInPlace(n float64) Matrix {
    switch any(T(0)).(type) {
    case float32:
        dData := any([]float32)
        matfuncs.AddConst32(float32(n), dData, dData)
    case float64:
        dData := any([]float64)
        matfuncs.AddConst64(n, dData, dData)
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("mat: unexpected type %T", T(0)))
    return d

// Sub returns the subtraction of the other matrix from the receiver.
func (d *Dense[T]) Sub(other Matrix) Matrix {
    if !SameDims(d, other) {
        panic("mat: matrices have incompatible dimensions")
    out := NewDense[T](WithShape(d.shape...))
    switch any(T(0)).(type) {
    case float32:
        otherData := float32Data(other)
        matfuncs.Sub32(any([]float32), otherData, any([]float32))
    case float64:
        otherData := float64Data(other)
        matfuncs.Sub64(any([]float64), otherData, any([]float64))
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("mat: unexpected type %T", T(0)))
    return out

// SubInPlace performs the in-place subtraction with the other matrix.
func (d *Dense[T]) SubInPlace(other Matrix) Matrix {
    if !SameDims(d, other) {
        panic("mat: matrices have incompatible dimensions")
    switch any(T(0)).(type) {
    case float32:
        otherData := float32Data(other)
        matfuncs.Sub32(any([]float32), otherData, any([]float32))
    case float64:
        otherData := float64Data(other)
        matfuncs.Sub64(any([]float64), otherData, any([]float64))
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("mat: unexpected type %T", T(0)))
    return d

// SubScalar performs a subtraction between the matrix and the given value.
func (d *Dense[T]) SubScalar(n float64) Matrix {
    // Note: Consider that for performance optimization, it's not necessary to initialize the underlying slice to zero.
    out := makeDense[T](malloc[T](d.Size()), d.shape...)
    switch any(T(0)).(type) {
    case float32:
        matfuncs.AddConst32(float32(-n), any([]float32), any([]float32))
    case float64:
        matfuncs.AddConst64(-n, any([]float64), any([]float64))
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("mat: unexpected type %T", T(0)))
    return out

// SubScalarInPlace subtracts the scalar from the receiver's values.
func (d *Dense[T]) SubScalarInPlace(n float64) Matrix {
    switch any(T(0)).(type) {
    case float32:
        dData := any([]float32)
        matfuncs.AddConst32(float32(-n), dData, dData)
    case float64:
        dData := any([]float64)
        matfuncs.AddConst64(-n, dData, dData)
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("mat: unexpected type %T", T(0)))
    return d

// Prod performs the element-wise product between the receiver and the other matrix.
func (d *Dense[T]) Prod(other Matrix) Matrix {
    if !SameDims(d, other) {
        panic("mat: matrices have incompatible dimensions")

    // Note: Consider that for performance optimization, it's not necessary to initialize the underlying slice to zero.
    out := makeDense[T](malloc[T](d.Size()), d.shape...)

    // Avoid bounds checks in loop
    dData :=
    oData := Data[T](other)
    outData :=
    lastIndex := len(oData) - 1
    if lastIndex < 0 {
        return out
    _ = outData[lastIndex]
    _ = dData[lastIndex]
    for i := lastIndex; i >= 0; i-- {
        outData[i] = dData[i] * oData[i]
    return out

// ProdInPlace performs the in-place element-wise product with the other matrix.
func (d *Dense[T]) ProdInPlace(other Matrix) Matrix {
    if !SameDims(d, other) {
        panic("mat: matrices have incompatible dimensions")
    dData :=
    if len(dData) == 0 {
        return d
    oData := Data[T](other)
    _ = dData[len(oData)-1]
    for i, val := range oData {
        dData[i] *= val
    return d

// ProdScalar returns the multiplication between the matrix and the given value.
func (d *Dense[T]) ProdScalar(n float64) Matrix {
    out := NewDense[T](WithShape(d.shape...))
    switch any(T(0)).(type) {
    case float32:
        matfuncs.MulConst32(float32(n), any([]float32), any([]float32))
    case float64:
        matfuncs.MulConst64(n, any([]float64), any([]float64))
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("mat: unexpected type %T", T(0)))
    return out

// ProdScalarInPlace performs the in-place multiplication between the
// matrix and the given value.
func (d *Dense[T]) ProdScalarInPlace(n float64) Matrix {
    switch any(T(0)).(type) {
    case float32:
        dData := any([]float32)
        matfuncs.MulConst32(float32(n), dData, dData)
    case float64:
        dData := any([]float64)
        matfuncs.MulConst64(n, dData, dData)
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("mat: unexpected type %T", T(0)))
    return d

// ProdMatrixScalarInPlace multiplies the given matrix with the value,
// storing the result in the receiver.
func (d *Dense[T]) ProdMatrixScalarInPlace(m Matrix, n float64) Matrix {
    if !SameDims(d, m) {
        panic("mat: matrices have incompatible dimensions")
    switch any(T(0)).(type) {
    case float32:
        mData := float32Data(m)
        matfuncs.MulConst32(float32(n), mData, any([]float32))
    case float64:
        mData := float64Data(m)
        matfuncs.MulConst64(n, mData, any([]float64))
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("mat: unexpected type %T", T(0)))
    return d

// Div returns the result of the element-wise division of the receiver by the other matrix.
func (d *Dense[T]) Div(other Matrix) Matrix {
    if !SameDims(d, other) {
        panic("mat: matrices have incompatible dimensions")
    out := NewDense[T](WithShape(d.shape...))
    switch any(T(0)).(type) {
    case float32:
        otherData := float32Data(other)
        matfuncs.Div32(any([]float32), otherData, any([]float32))
    case float64:
        otherData := float64Data(other)
        matfuncs.Div64(any([]float64), otherData, any([]float64))
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("mat: unexpected type %T", T(0)))
    return out

// DivInPlace performs the in-place element-wise division of the receiver by the other matrix.
func (d *Dense[T]) DivInPlace(other Matrix) Matrix {
    if !SameDims(d, other) {
        panic("mat: matrices have incompatible dimensions")
    switch any(T(0)).(type) {
    case float32:
        dData := any([]float32)
        otherData := float32Data(other)
        matfuncs.Div32(dData, otherData, dData)
    case float64:
        dData := any([]float64)
        otherData := float64Data(other)
        matfuncs.Div64(dData, otherData, dData)
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("mat: unexpected type %T", T(0)))
    return d

// Mul performs the multiplication row by column.
// If A is an i×j Matrix, and B is j×k, then the resulting Matrix
// C = AB will be i×k.
func (d *Dense[T]) Mul(other Matrix) Matrix {
    otherShape := other.Shape()
    otherRows, otherCols := otherShape[0], otherShape[1]

    if d.shape[1] != otherRows {
        panic("mat: matrices have incompatible dimensions")
    outRows := d.shape[0]
    outCols := otherCols

    switch any(T(0)).(type) {
    case float32:
        otherData := float32Data(other)
        if outCols != 1 {
            out := makeDense[float32](malloc[float32](outRows*outCols), outRows, outCols)
                d.shape[0],                // aRows
                d.shape[1],                // aCols
                otherCols,                 // bCols
                any([]float32),   // a
                otherData,                 // b
                any([]float32), // c
            return out

        // Note: Consider that for performance optimization, it's not necessary to initialize the underlying slice to zero.
        out := makeDense[float32](malloc[float32](outRows*outCols), outRows, outCols)
        dData := any([]float32)
        outData := any([]float32)

        dCols := d.shape[1]
        from := 0
        for i := range outData {
            to := from + dCols
            outData[i] = matfuncs.DotProd32(dData[from:to], otherData)
            from = to
        return out
    case float64:
        out := makeDense[float64](malloc[float64](outRows*outCols), outRows, outCols)
        otherData := float64Data(other)
        if outCols != 1 {
                d.shape[0],                // aRows
                d.shape[1],                // aCols
                otherCols,                 // bCols
                any([]float64),   // a
                otherData,                 // b
                any([]float64), // c
            return out

            uintptr(d.shape[0]),       // m
            uintptr(d.shape[1]),       // n
            1,                         // alpha
            any([]float64),   // a
            uintptr(d.shape[1]),       // lda
            otherData,                 // x
            1,                         // incX
            0,                         // beta
            any([]float64), // y
            1,                         // incY
        return out
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("mat: unexpected type %T", T(0)))

// MulT performs the matrix multiplication row by column.
// ATB = C, where AT is the transpose of A
// if A is an r x c Matrix, and B is j x k, r = j the resulting
// Matrix C will be c x k.
func (d *Dense[T]) MulT(other Matrix) Matrix {
    otherShape := other.Shape()
    otherRows, otherCols := otherShape[0], otherShape[1]

    if d.shape[0] != otherRows {
        panic("mat: matrices have incompatible dimensions")
    if otherCols != 1 {
        panic("mat: the other matrix must have exactly 1 column")

    switch any(T(0)).(type) {
    case float32:
        out := makeDense[float32](malloc[float32](d.shape[1]*otherCols), d.shape[1], otherCols)
        otherData := float32Data(other)

        dCols := d.shape[1]
        dData := any([]float32)
        outData := any([]float32)

        from := 0
        for _, otherVal := range otherData {
            to := from + dCols
            asm32.AxpyUnitaryTo(outData, otherVal, dData[from:to], outData)
            from = to
        return out
    case float64:
        out := makeDense[float64](malloc[float64](d.shape[1]*otherCols), d.shape[1], otherCols)
        otherData := float64Data(other)

        dCols := d.shape[1]
        dData := any([]float64)
        outData := any([]float64)

        from := 0
        for _, otherVal := range otherData {
            to := from + dCols
            asm64.AxpyUnitaryTo(outData, otherVal, dData[from:to], outData)
            from = to
        return out
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("mat: unexpected type %T", T(0)))

// DotUnitary returns the dot product of two vectors as a scalar Matrix.
func (d *Dense[T]) DotUnitary(other Matrix) Matrix {
    if !SameDims(d, other) {
        panic("mat: matrices have incompatible dimensions")
    switch any(T(0)).(type) {
    case float32:
        otherData := float32Data(other)
        return Scalar(matfuncs.DotProd32(any([]float32), otherData))
    case float64:
        otherData := float64Data(other)
        return Scalar(matfuncs.DotProd64(any([]float64), otherData))
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("mat: unexpected type %T", T(0)))

// ClipInPlace clips in place each value of the matrix.
func (d *Dense[T]) ClipInPlace(min, max float64) Matrix {
    if max < min {
        panic("mat: cannot clip values with max < min")

    tMin := T(min)
    tMax := T(max)

    data :=
    for i, v := range data {
        switch {
        case v < tMin:
            data[i] = tMin
        case v > tMax:
            data[i] = tMax
    return d

// Maximum returns a new matrix containing the element-wise maxima.
func (d *Dense[T]) Maximum(other Matrix) Matrix {
    if !SameDims(d, other) {
        panic("mat: matrices have incompatible dimensions")
    // Note: Consider that for performance optimization, it's not necessary to initialize the underlying slice to zero.
    out := makeDense[T](malloc[T](d.Size()), d.shape...)
    dData :=
    if len(dData) == 0 {
        return out
    otherData := Data[T](other)
    outData :=
    _ = dData[len(outData)-1]
    _ = otherData[len(outData)-1]
    for i := range outData {
        dV := dData[i]
        otherV := otherData[i]
        if dV > otherV {
            outData[i] = dV
        outData[i] = otherV
    return out

// Minimum returns a new matrix containing the element-wise minima.
func (d *Dense[T]) Minimum(other Matrix) Matrix {
    if !SameDims(d, other) {
        panic("mat: matrices have incompatible dimensions")
    // Note: Consider that for performance optimization, it's not necessary to initialize the underlying slice to zero.
    out := makeDense[T](malloc[T](d.Size()), d.shape...)
    dData :=
    if len(dData) == 0 {
        return out
    otherData := Data[T](other)
    outData :=
    _ = dData[len(outData)-1]
    _ = otherData[len(outData)-1]
    for i := range outData {
        dV := dData[i]
        otherV := otherData[i]
        if dV < otherV {
            outData[i] = dV
        outData[i] = otherV
    return out

// Abs returns a new matrix applying the absolute value function to all elements.
func (d *Dense[T]) Abs() Matrix {
    // Note: Consider that for performance optimization, it's not necessary to initialize the underlying slice to zero.
    out := makeDense[T](malloc[T](d.Size()), d.shape...)
    dData :=
    if len(dData) == 0 {
        return out
    outData :=
    _ = outData[len(dData)-1]
    for i, val := range dData {
        outData[i] = Abs(val)
    return out

// Pow returns a new matrix, applying the power function with given exponent
// to all elements of the matrix.
func (d *Dense[T]) Pow(power float64) Matrix {
    // Note: Consider that for performance optimization, it's not necessary to initialize the underlying slice to zero.
    out := makeDense[T](malloc[T](d.Size()), d.shape...)
    dData :=
    if len(dData) == 0 {
        return out
    outData :=
    _ = outData[len(dData)-1]
    for i, val := range dData {
        outData[i] = T(math.Pow(float64(val), power))
    return out

// Sqrt returns a new matrix applying the square root function to all elements.
func (d *Dense[T]) Sqrt() Matrix {
    // Note: Consider that for performance optimization, it's not necessary to initialize the underlying slice to zero.
    out := makeDense[T](malloc[T](d.Size()), d.shape...)
    inData :=
    lastIndex := len(inData) - 1
    if lastIndex < 0 {
        return out
    outData :=
    _ = outData[lastIndex]
    for i, val := range inData {
        outData[i] = Sqrt(val)
    return out

// Log returns a new matrix applying the natural logarithm function to each element.
func (d *Dense[T]) Log() Matrix {
    // Note: Consider that for performance optimization, it's not necessary to initialize the underlying slice to zero.
    out := makeDense[T](malloc[T](d.Size()), d.shape...)
    outData :=
    if len(outData) == 0 {
        return out
    inData :=
    switch any(T(0)).(type) {
    case float32:
        matfuncs.Log32(any(inData).([]float32), any(outData).([]float32))
    case float64:
        matfuncs.Log64(any(inData).([]float64), any(outData).([]float64))
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("mat: unexpected type %T", T(0)))
    return out

// Exp returns a new matrix applying the base-e exponential function to each element.
func (d *Dense[T]) Exp() Matrix {
    // Note: Consider that for performance optimization, it's not necessary to initialize the underlying slice to zero.
    out := makeDense[T](malloc[T](d.Size()), d.shape...)
    outData :=
    if len(outData) == 0 {
        return out
    inData :=
    switch any(T(0)).(type) {
    case float32:
        matfuncs.Exp32(any(inData).([]float32), any(outData).([]float32))
    case float64:
        matfuncs.Exp64(any(inData).([]float64), any(outData).([]float64))
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("mat: unexpected type %T", T(0)))
    return out

// Sigmoid returns a new matrix applying the sigmoid function to each element.
func (d *Dense[T]) Sigmoid() Matrix {
    if d.Size() == 0 {
        return d.Clone()

    out := d.ProdScalar(-1).(*Dense[T])

    switch any(T(0)).(type) {
    case float32:
        matfuncs.Exp32(any([]float32), any([]float32))
    case float64:
        matfuncs.Exp64(any([]float64), any([]float64))
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("mat: unexpected type %T", T(0)))

    outData :=
    for i, val := range outData {
        outData[i] = 1 / (1 + val)
    return out

// Sum returns the sum of all values of the matrix as a scalar Matrix.
func (d *Dense[T]) Sum() Matrix {
    return Scalar(d.sum())

func (d *Dense[T]) sum() T {
    switch any(T(0)).(type) {
    case float32:
        return T(matfuncs.Sum32(any([]float32)))
    case float64:
        return T(matfuncs.Sum64(any([]float64)))
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("mat: unexpected type %T", T(0)))

// Max returns the maximum value of the matrix as a scalar Matrix.
func (d *Dense[T]) Max() Matrix {
    return Scalar(d.max())

func (d *Dense[T]) max() T {
    if len( == 0 {
        panic("mat: cannot find the maximum value from an empty matrix")
    max :=[0]
    for _, v := range[1:] {
        if v > max {
            max = v
    return max

// Min returns the minimum value of the matrix as a scalar Matrix.
func (d *Dense[T]) Min() Matrix {
    if len( == 0 {
        panic("mat: cannot find the minimum value in an empty matrix")
    min :=[0]
    for _, v := range[1:] {
        if v < min {
            min = v
    return Scalar(min)

// ArgMax returns the index of the vector's element with the maximum value.
func (d *Dense[T]) ArgMax() int {
    if !IsVector(d) {
        panic("mat: expected vector")
    data :=
    if len(data) == 0 {
        panic("mat: cannot find arg-max from an empty vector")
    maxIndex := 0
    maxValue := data[0]
    for i, v := range data {
        if v > maxValue {
            maxIndex = i
            maxValue = v
    return maxIndex

// Softmax applies the softmax function to the vector, returning the
// result as a new column vector.
func (d *Dense[T]) Softmax() Matrix {
    if !IsVector(d) {
        panic("mat: expected vector")

    if d.Size() == 0 {
        return d.NewMatrix(WithShape(0))

    max := float64(d.max())

    out := d.SubScalar(max).(*Dense[T])
    if out.shape[1] != 1 {

    switch any(T(0)).(type) {
    case float32:
        outData := any([]float32)
        matfuncs.Exp32(outData, outData)
    case float64:
        outData := any([]float64)
        matfuncs.Exp64(outData, outData)
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("mat: unexpected type %T", T(0)))

    sum := out.sum()
    out.ProdScalarInPlace(float64(1 / sum))

    return out

// CumSum computes the cumulative sum of the vector's elements, returning
// the result as a new column vector.
func (d *Dense[T]) CumSum() Matrix {
    if !IsVector(d) {
        panic("mat: expected vector")

    // Note: Consider that for performance optimization, it's not necessary to initialize the underlying slice to zero.
    out := makeDense[T](malloc[T](len(, len(, 1)
    if len( == 0 {
        return out

    switch any(T(0)).(type) {
    case float32:
        f32.CumSum(any([]float32), any([]float32))
    case float64:
        asm64.CumSum(any([]float64), any([]float64))
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("mat: unexpected type %T", T(0)))

    return out

// Range creates a new vector initialized with data extracted from the
// matrix raw data, from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive).
func (d *Dense[T]) Range(start, end int) Matrix {
    if !IsVector(d) {
        panic("mat: expected vector")
    if end < start {
        panic("mat: cannot extract range with end < start")
    if end < 0 || start < 0 {
        panic("mat: negative values for range indices are not allowed")
    return NewDense[T](WithBacking(copySlice([start:end])))

// SplitV splits the vector in N chunks of given sizes,
// so that N[i] has size sizes[i].
func (d *Dense[T]) SplitV(sizes []Matrix {
    if !IsVector(d) {
        panic("mat: expected vector")
    if len(sizes) == 0 {
        return nil
    out := make([]Matrix, len(sizes))
    offset := 0
    for i, size := range sizes {
        if size < 0 {
            panic("mat: a negative size is not allowed")
        startIndex := offset
        offset = startIndex + size
        if startIndex >= len( && offset > startIndex {
            panic("mat: sizes out of bounds")
        out[i] = NewDense[T](WithBacking(copySlice([startIndex:offset])))
    return out

// Augment places the identity matrix at the end of the original matrix.
func (d *Dense[T]) Augment() Matrix {
    if d.shape[1] != d.shape[0] {
        panic("mat: matrix must be square")
    // TODO: rewrite for better performance
    out := NewDense[T](WithShape(d.shape[0], d.shape[1]*2))
    for i := 0; i < d.shape[0]; i++ {
        for j := 0; j < d.shape[1]; j++ {
            out.SetScalar(d.ScalarAt(i, j), i, j)
        out.set(1.0, i, i+d.shape[0])
    return out

// SwapInPlace swaps two rows of the matrix in place.
func (d *Dense[T]) SwapInPlace(r1, r2 int) Matrix {
    if r1 < 0 || r1 >= d.shape[0] {
        panic("mat: 'r1' argument out of range")
    if r2 < 0 || r2 >= d.shape[0] {
        panic("mat: 'r2' argument out of range")
    // TODO: rewrite for better performance
    for j := 0; j < d.shape[1]; j++ {
        a, b := r1*d.shape[1]+j, r2*d.shape[1]+j[a],[b] =[b],[a]
    return d

// PadRows returns a copy of the matrix with n additional tail rows.
// The additional elements are set to zero.
func (d *Dense[T]) PadRows(n int) Matrix {
    if n < 0 {
        panic("mat: negative 'n' argument is not allowed")
    cols := d.shape[1]
    dRows := d.shape[0]
    yRows := dRows + n
    y := NewDense[T](WithShape(yRows, cols))

    if cols == 0 || dRows == 0 {
        return y

    dData :=
    yData :=
    copy(yData[:len(dData)], dData)

    return y

// PadColumns returns a copy of the matrix with n additional tail columns.
// The additional elements are set to zero.
func (d *Dense[T]) PadColumns(n int) Matrix {
    if n < 0 {
        panic("mat: negative 'n' argument is not allowed")
    rows := d.shape[0]
    dCols := d.shape[1]
    yCols := dCols + n
    y := NewDense[T](WithShape(rows, yCols))

    if rows == 0 || dCols == 0 {
        return y

    dData :=
    yData :=
    for r, xi, yi := 0, 0, 0; r < rows; r, xi, yi = r+1, xi+dCols, yi+yCols {
        copy(yData[yi:yi+dCols], dData[xi:xi+dCols])

    return y

// AppendRows returns a copy of the matrix with len(vs) additional tail rows,
// being each new row filled with the values of each given vector.
// It accepts row or column vectors indifferently, virtually treating all of
// them as row vectors.
func (d *Dense[T]) AppendRows(vs ...Matrix) Matrix {
    cols := d.shape[1]
    // Note: Consider that for performance optimization, it's not necessary to initialize the underlying slice to zero.
    out := makeDense[T](malloc[T]((d.shape[0]+len(vs))*cols), d.shape[0]+len(vs), cols)
    dData :=
    outData :=
    copy(outData[:len(dData)], dData)

    offset := len(dData)
    for _, v := range vs {
        if !IsVector(v) || v.Size() != cols {
            panic("mat: expected vectors with same size of matrix columns")
        vData := Data[T](v)
        end := offset + cols
        copy(outData[offset:end], vData)
        offset = end

    return out

// Norm returns the vector's norm. Use pow = 2.0 to compute the Euclidean norm.
// The result is a scalar Matrix.
func (d *Dense[T]) Norm(pow float64) Matrix {
    return Scalar(T(d.norm(pow)))

func (d *Dense[T]) norm(pow float64) float64 {
    if !IsVector(d) {
        panic("mat: expected vector")
    var s float64
    for _, x := range {
        s += math.Pow(float64(x), pow)
    return math.Pow(s, 1/pow)

// Normalize2 normalizes an array with the Euclidean norm.
func (d *Dense[T]) Normalize2() Matrix {
    norm2 := d.norm(2)
    if norm2 == 0 {
        return d.Clone()
    return d.ProdScalar(1 / norm2)

// Apply creates a new matrix executing the unary function fn.
func (d *Dense[T]) Apply(fn func(r, c int, v float64) float64) Matrix {
    // Note: Consider that for performance optimization, it's not necessary to initialize the underlying slice to zero.
    out := makeDense[T](malloc[T](d.Size()), d.shape...)
    if len( == 0 {
        return out

    dData :=
    outData :=
    _ = outData[len(dData)-1]

    r := 0
    c := 0
    for i, v := range dData {
        outData[i] = T(fn(r, c, float64(v)))
        if c == d.shape[1] {
            c = 0

    return out

// ApplyInPlace executes the unary function fn over the matrix `a`,
// and stores the result in the receiver, returning the receiver itself.
func (d *Dense[T]) ApplyInPlace(fn func(r, c int, v float64) float64, a Matrix) Matrix {
    if !SameDims(d, a) {
        panic("mat: incompatible matrix dimensions")
    aData := Data[T](a)
    lastIndex := len(aData) - 1
    if lastIndex < 0 {
        return d
    r := 0
    c := 0
    dData :=
    _ = dData[lastIndex]
    for i, val := range aData {
        dData[i] = T(fn(r, c, float64(val)))
        if c == d.shape[1] {
            c = 0
    return d

// ApplyWithAlpha creates a new matrix executing the unary function fn,
// taking additional alpha.
func (d *Dense[T]) ApplyWithAlpha(fn func(r, c int, v float64, alpha ...float64) float64, alpha ...float64) Matrix {
    // Note: Consider that for performance optimization, it's not necessary to initialize the underlying slice to zero.
    out := makeDense[T](malloc[T](d.Size()), d.shape...)
    if len( == 0 {
        return out

    dData :=
    outData :=
    _ = outData[len(dData)-1]

    r := 0
    c := 0
    for i, v := range dData {
        outData[i] = T(fn(r, c, float64(v), alpha...))
        if c == d.shape[1] {
            c = 0

    return out

// ApplyWithAlphaInPlace executes the unary function fn over the matrix `a`,
// taking additional parameters alpha, and stores the result in the
// receiver, returning the receiver itself.
func (d *Dense[T]) ApplyWithAlphaInPlace(fn func(r, c int, v float64, alpha ...float64) float64, a Matrix, alpha ...float64) Matrix {
    if !SameDims(d, a) {
        panic("mat: incompatible matrix dimensions")
    // TODO: rewrite for better performance
    for r := 0; r < d.shape[0]; r++ {
        for c := 0; c < d.shape[1]; c++ {
  [r*d.shape[1]+c] = T(fn(r, c, a.ScalarAt(r, c).F64(), alpha...))
    return d

// DoNonZero calls a function for each non-zero element of the matrix.
// The parameters of the function are the element's indices and value.
func (d *Dense[T]) DoNonZero(fn func(r, c int, v float64)) {
    for r, di := 0, 0; r < d.shape[0]; r++ {
        for c := 0; c < d.shape[1]; c, di = c+1, di+1 {
            v :=[di]
            if v == 0 {
            fn(r, c, float64(v))

// DoVecNonZero calls a function for each non-zero element of the vector.
// The parameters of the function are the element's index and value.
func (d *Dense[T]) DoVecNonZero(fn func(i int, v float64)) {
    if !IsVector(d) {
        panic("mat: expected vector")
    for i, v := range {
        if v == 0 {
        fn(i, float64(v))

// Clone returns a new matrix, copying all its values from the receiver.
func (d *Dense[T]) Clone() Matrix {
    // Note: Consider that for performance optimization, it's not necessary to initialize the underlying slice to zero.
    out := makeDense[T](malloc[T](d.Size()), d.shape...)
    return out

// Copy copies the data from the other matrix to the receiver.
// It panics if the matrices have different dimensions.
func (d *Dense[T]) Copy(other Matrix) {
    if !SameDims(d, other) {
        panic("mat: incompatible matrix dimensions")
    copy(, Data[T](other))

// String returns a string representation of the matrix.
func (d *Dense[T]) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("Matrix|Dense[%T](%d×%d)%v", T(0), d.shape[0], d.shape[1],

// NewMatrix creates a new matrix, of the same type of the receiver, of
// size rows×cols, initialized with a copy of raw data.
// Rows and columns MUST not be negative, and the length of data MUST be
// equal to rows*cols, otherwise the method panics.
func (d *Dense[T]) NewMatrix(opts ...OptionsFunc) Matrix {
    return NewDense[T](opts...)

func (d *Dense[T]) NewScalar(v float64, opts ...OptionsFunc) Matrix {
    return Scalar[T](T(v), opts...)

// NewConcatV creates a new column vector, of the same type of the receiver,
// concatenating two or more vectors "vertically"
// It accepts row or column vectors indifferently, virtually
// treating all of them as column vectors.
func (d *Dense[T]) NewConcatV(vs ...Matrix) Matrix {
    return ConcatV[T](vs...)

// NewStack creates a new matrix, of the same type of the receiver, stacking
// two or more vectors of the same size on top of each other; the result is
// a new matrix where each row contains the data of each input vector.
// It accepts row or column vectors indifferently, virtually treating all of
// them as row vectors.
func (d *Dense[T]) NewStack(vs ...Matrix) Matrix {
    return Stack[T](vs...)