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// Copyright 2020 spaGO Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package gradfn

import (


// SparseMax function implementation, based on
type SparseMax[O mat.Tensor] struct {
    x O
    y mat.Matrix // initialized during the forward pass, required by the backward pass

// NewSparseMax returns a new SparseMax Function.
func NewSparseMax[O mat.Tensor](x O) *SparseMax[O] {
    return &SparseMax[O]{
        x: x,

// Operands returns the list of operands.
func (r *SparseMax[O]) Operands() []mat.Tensor {
    return []mat.Tensor{r.x}

// Forward computes the output of the function.
func (r *SparseMax[O]) Forward() (mat.Tensor, error) {
    x := r.x.Value().(mat.Matrix)
    xMax := x.Max().Item().F64()

    // translate the input by max for numerical stability
    v := x.SubScalar(xMax)

    _, _, _, tau := sparseMaxCommon(v)

    v.SubScalarInPlace(tau).ClipInPlace(0, xMax)

    r.y = v
    return v, nil

// Backward computes the backward pass.
func (r *SparseMax[O]) Backward(gy mat.Tensor) error {
    if r.x.RequiresGrad() {
        var nzSum float64
        var nzCount float64
        r.y.DoVecNonZero(func(i int, _ float64) {
            nzSum += gy.(mat.Matrix).ScalarAt(i).F64()
        nzSum = nzSum / nzCount

        gx := r.x.Value().(mat.Matrix).ZerosLike()
        r.y.DoVecNonZero(func(i int, _ float64) {
            gyi := gy.(mat.Matrix).ScalarAt(i).F64()
            gx.SetScalar(float.Interface(gyi-nzSum), i)

    return nil

func sparseMaxCommon(v mat.Matrix) (zs, cumSumInput mat.Matrix, bounds []float64, tau float64) {
    // FIXME: avoid casting to specific type
    zsData := make([]float64, v.Size())
    copy(zsData, v.Data().F64())

    // Sort zs in descending order.
    sort.Slice(zsData, func(i, j int) bool {
        return zsData[i] > zsData[j]

    zs = mat.NewDense[float64](mat.WithBacking(zsData))

    bounds = make([]float64, len(zsData))
    for i := range bounds {
        bounds[i] = 1 + float64(i+1)*zsData[i]

    cumSumInput = zs.CumSum()
    cumSumInputData := cumSumInput.Data().F64()

    k := -1
    tau = 0.0
    for i := range zsData {
        if bounds[i] > cumSumInputData[i] {
            if k < (i + 1) {
                k = i + 1
            tau += zsData[i]
    tau = (tau - 1) / float64(k)

    return zs, cumSumInput, bounds, tau