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Test Coverage
// Copyright ©2016 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// +build !noasm,!gccgo,!safe

#include "textflag.h"

// func LinfDist(s, t []float64) float64
TEXT ·LinfDist(SB), NOSPLIT, $0
    MOVQ    s_base+0(FP), DI  // DI = &s
    MOVQ    t_base+24(FP), SI // SI = &t
    MOVQ    s_len+8(FP), CX   // CX = len(s)
    CMPQ    t_len+32(FP), CX  // CX = max( CX, len(t) )
    CMOVQLE t_len+32(FP), CX
    PXOR    X3, X3            // norm = 0
    CMPQ    CX, $0            // if CX == 0 { return 0 }
    JE      l1_end
    XORQ    AX, AX            // i = 0
    MOVQ    CX, BX
    ANDQ    $1, BX            // BX = CX % 2
    SHRQ    $1, CX            // CX = floor( CX / 2 )
    JZ      l1_tail_start     // if CX == 0 { return 0 }

l1_loop: // Loop unrolled 2x  do {
    MOVUPS (SI)(AX*8), X0 // X0 = t[i:i+1]
    MOVUPS (DI)(AX*8), X1 // X1 = s[i:i+1]
    MOVAPS X0, X2
    SUBPD  X1, X0
    SUBPD  X2, X1
    MAXPD  X1, X0         // X0 = max( X0 - X1, X1 - X0 )
    MAXPD  X0, X3         // norm = max( norm, X0 )
    ADDQ   $2, AX         // i += 2
    LOOP   l1_loop        // } while --CX > 0
    CMPQ   BX, $0         // if BX == 0 { return }
    JE     l1_end

l1_tail_start: // Reset loop registers
    MOVQ BX, CX // Loop counter: CX = BX
    PXOR X0, X0 // reset X0, X1 to break dependencies
    PXOR X1, X1

    MOVSD  (SI)(AX*8), X0 // X0 = t[i]
    MOVSD  (DI)(AX*8), X1 // X1 = s[i]
    MOVAPD X0, X2
    SUBSD  X1, X0
    SUBSD  X2, X1
    MAXSD  X1, X0         // X0 = max( X0 - X1, X1 - X0 )
    MAXSD  X0, X3         // norm = max( norm, X0 )

    MOVAPS X3, X2
    SHUFPD $1, X2, X2
    MAXSD  X3, X2         // X2 = max( X3[1], X3[0] )
    MOVSD  X2, ret+48(FP) // return X2