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// Copyright 2019 spaGO Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package convolution

import (

// Conv1D performs a 1D convolution.
func Conv1D(w, x mat.Tensor, stride int) mat.Tensor {
    var dim int
    wr, wc := w.Value().Shape()[0], w.Value().Shape()[1]
    xr, xc := x.Value().Shape()[0], x.Value().Shape()[1]
    if (xc-wc)%stride != 0 {
        panic("Incompatible stride value for columns")
    if xr != wr {
        panic("Incompatible stride value for rows")
    dim = (xc-wc)/stride + 1
    ys := make([]mat.Tensor, dim)
    for i := 0; i < dim; i++ {
        fromCol := i * stride
        ys[i] = ag.Dot(ag.Slice(x, 0, fromCol, wr, fromCol+wc), w)
    return ag.Concat(ys...)

// Conv2D performs a 2D convolution.
func Conv2D(w, x mat.Tensor, xStride, yStride int) mat.Tensor {
    var dimx, dimy int
    if (x.Value().Shape()[0]-w.Value().Shape()[0])%xStride != 0 {
        panic("Incompatible stride value for rows")
    if (x.Value().Shape()[1]-w.Value().Shape()[1])%yStride != 0 {
        panic("Incompatible stride value for columns")
    dimx = (x.Value().Shape()[0]-w.Value().Shape()[0])/xStride + 1
    dimy = (x.Value().Shape()[1]-w.Value().Shape()[1])/yStride + 1

    shape := w.Value().Shape()
    wRows, wCols := shape[0], shape[1]

    var outList []mat.Tensor
    for i := 0; i < dimx; i++ {
        for j := 0; j < dimy; j++ {
            fromRow := i * xStride
            fromCol := j * yStride
            var view = ag.Slice(x, fromRow, fromCol, fromRow+wRows, fromCol+wCols)
            var dotProduct = ag.Dot(view, w)
            outList = append(outList, dotProduct)

    return ag.Reshape(ag.Concat(outList...), dimx, dimy)