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// Copyright 2019 spaGO Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package lstm

import (


var _ nn.Model = &Model{}

// Model contains the serializable parameters.
type Model struct {
    UseRefinedGates bool

    // Input gate
    WIn    *nn.Param
    WInRec *nn.Param
    BIn    *nn.Param

    // Output gate
    WOut    *nn.Param
    WOutRec *nn.Param
    BOut    *nn.Param

    // Forget gate
    WFor    *nn.Param
    WForRec *nn.Param
    BFor    *nn.Param

    // Candiate gate
    WCand    *nn.Param
    WCandRec *nn.Param
    BCand    *nn.Param

// State represent a state of the LSTM recurrent network.
type State struct {
    InG  mat.Tensor
    OutG mat.Tensor
    ForG mat.Tensor
    Cand mat.Tensor
    Cell mat.Tensor
    Y    mat.Tensor

// Option allows to configure a new Model with your specific needs.
type Option func(*Model)

func init() {

// New returns a new model with parameters initialized to zeros.
func New[T float.DType](in, out int) *Model {
    return &Model{
        UseRefinedGates: false,

        // Input gate
        WIn:    nn.NewParam(mat.NewDense[T](mat.WithShape(out, in))),
        WInRec: nn.NewParam(mat.NewDense[T](mat.WithShape(out, out))),
        BIn:    nn.NewParam(mat.NewDense[T](mat.WithShape(out))),

        // Output gate
        WOut:    nn.NewParam(mat.NewDense[T](mat.WithShape(out, in))),
        WOutRec: nn.NewParam(mat.NewDense[T](mat.WithShape(out, out))),
        BOut:    nn.NewParam(mat.NewDense[T](mat.WithShape(out))),

        // Forget gate
        WFor:    nn.NewParam(mat.NewDense[T](mat.WithShape(out, in))),
        WForRec: nn.NewParam(mat.NewDense[T](mat.WithShape(out, out))),
        BFor:    nn.NewParam(mat.NewDense[T](mat.WithShape(out))),

        // Candiate gate
        WCand:    nn.NewParam(mat.NewDense[T](mat.WithShape(out, in))),
        WCandRec: nn.NewParam(mat.NewDense[T](mat.WithShape(out, out))),
        BCand:    nn.NewParam(mat.NewDense[T](mat.WithShape(out))),

// WithRefinedGates sets whether to use refined gates.
// Refined Gate: A Simple and Effective Gating Mechanism for Recurrent Units
// (
// Refined gates setting requires input size and output size be the same.
func (m *Model) WithRefinedGates(value bool) *Model {
    m.UseRefinedGates = value
    return m

// Init initializes the parameters using Xavier uniform randomization.
// It follows the LSTM bias hack setting the Forget gate to 1 (
func (m *Model) Init(rndGen *rand.LockedRand) *Model {
    nn.ForEachParam(m, func(param *nn.Param) {
        initializers.XavierUniform(param.Value().(mat.Matrix), 1, rndGen)
    initializers.Constant(m.BFor.Value().(mat.Matrix), 1.0)
    return m

// Forward performs the forward step for each input node and returns the result.
func (m *Model) Forward(xs ...mat.Tensor) []mat.Tensor {
    ys := make([]mat.Tensor, len(xs))
    var s *State = nil
    for i, x := range xs {
        s = m.Next(s, x)
        ys[i] = s.Y
    return ys

// Next performs a single forward step, producing a new state.
// It computes the results with the following equations:
// inG = sigmoid(wIn (dot) x + bIn + wInRec (dot) yPrev)
// outG = sigmoid(wOut (dot) x + bOut + wOutRec (dot) yPrev)
// forG = sigmoid(wFor (dot) x + bFor + wForRec (dot) yPrev)
// cand = f(wCand (dot) x + bC + wCandRec (dot) yPrev)
// cell = inG * cand + forG * cellPrev
// y = outG * f(cell)
func (m *Model) Next(state *State, x mat.Tensor) (s *State) {
    s = new(State)

    var yPrev, cellPrev mat.Tensor = nil, nil
    if state != nil {
        yPrev, cellPrev = state.Y, state.Cell

    s.InG = ag.Sigmoid(ag.Affine(m.BIn, m.WIn, x, m.WInRec, yPrev))
    s.OutG = ag.Sigmoid(ag.Affine(m.BOut, m.WOut, x, m.WOutRec, yPrev))
    s.ForG = ag.Sigmoid(ag.Affine(m.BFor, m.WFor, x, m.WForRec, yPrev))
    s.Cand = ag.Tanh(ag.Affine(m.BCand, m.WCand, x, m.WCandRec, yPrev))

    if m.UseRefinedGates {
        s.InG = ag.Prod(s.InG, x)
        s.OutG = ag.Prod(s.OutG, x)

    if cellPrev != nil {
        s.Cell = ag.Add(ag.Prod(s.InG, s.Cand), ag.Prod(s.ForG, cellPrev))
    } else {
        s.Cell = ag.Prod(s.InG, s.Cand)
    s.Y = ag.Prod(s.OutG, ag.Tanh(s.Cell))