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Test Coverage
 * minibase-create-plugin <>
 * Copyright (c) Charlike Mike Reagent <@tunnckoCore> (
 * Released under the MIT license.

'use strict'

var mixinDeep = require('mixin-deep')
var betterUse = require('dush-better-use')

 * > A helper function for creating Base/MiniBase plugins. These
 * plugins will be protected by `.isRegistered` too, so plugin
 * will be called only once. If plugin fail, it will emit `error`
 * event, because this utility uses [dush-better-use][] under the hood.
 * The plugin options are not merged with the `app.options`.
 * **Example**
 * ```js
 * var createPlugin = require('minibase-create-plugin')
 * var dush = require('dush')
 * var app = dush()
 * var called = 0
 * var plugin = createPlugin('zazzy', function (app, options) {
 *   console.log(app.options) // => undefined
 *   console.log(options) // => { foo: 'bar', aaa: 123 }
 *   called++
 * })
 * var fn = plugin({ foo: 'bar' })
 * app.use(fn, { aaa: 123 })
 * app.use(fn)
 * app.use(fn, { zz: 'zz' })
 * // called only once
 * console.log(called) // => 1
 * // included at app registered cache
 * console.log(app.registered) // => { zazzy: true }
 * ```
 * @param  {String|Function} `[name]` optional, name of the plugin; or `fn` plugin
 * @param  {Function} `fn` a plugin function, called with `(app, options)` signature,
 *                         where `options` is the passed object to the returned function
 * @return {Function} a function that accepts optional `options` object and returns a function
 *                    that should be passed to `.use` method. Options are also merged
 *                    with the options passed to the second/third argument of `.use` method,
 *                    but not with the `app.options` - they are separate things and that's up to you
 * @api public

module.exports = function minibaseCreatePlugin (name, fn) {
  return function _generatedPlugin (options) {
    return function _generatedPlugin (app, opts, pluginOptionsOfBaseApps) {
      // when your app is based on Base,
      // plugin options are passed as 3rd argument
      if (app.isBase) {
        opts = pluginOptionsOfBaseApps

      // when `base-plugins` is registered
      // we don't need to add `dush-better-use`
      if (!app.isBase || (app.isRegistered && !app.isRegistered('base-plugins'))) {

      // merge options passed to .use method
      // and the options passed to the plugin function
      // e.g. app.use('foobar', plugin({ foo: 1 }), { bar: 2 })
      opts = mixinDeep({}, options, opts)

      // partial fix
      // @see
      fn = app.isBase && !fn ? opts : fn

      app.use(name, fn, opts)
      return app